Anggota Gratis
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
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Digital Theodolite Topcon DT 209L.
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
JumlahReady Stock
Kemas & PengirimanPack
Negara AsalJepang
Digital topcon dt 209L
- Pembacaan : 9 "
- Ketelitian : 9 "
- Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
- Display : 2 Muka

* Longer battery powering duration
Longer battery powering durations using alkaline batteries. Continuous angle measurement for 150 hours ( DT-213) . Laser continuous angle measurement for 45 hours.
* Absolute encoder is used
Detection of 0ï ¿ ½ position is no longer needed. Stable, high-accuracy measurement.
* Laser pointer
The laser pointer is injected in collimation direction by simply operating one switch. Workers can perform work without guidance by observation personnel.
* Excellent waterproof structure
The theodolite body is guarded against a sudden torrential rain and dirt. The theodolite can be used reliably at work sites under severe conditions.
JIS C 0920 protection class IP66 ( Dustproof and waterproof types

What' s in the Box:

* Theodolit Topcon DT 209L
* Rambu ukur / leveling staff
* Allumunium tripod