1) Inputs: 8
2) Input Commons: 1.
3) Output: 6.
4) Output type: Relay 2A/ pt Max 4.5A/ common.
5) Output commons: 4.
6) Cassette Expansion: 2
7) Execution time: 0.32us on basic instruction sets. Super fast for high level instruction sets, including Floating point math.
8) Prog. mem. type: Flash ROM built-in ( no battery backup required) .
9) Program memory: 16KW.
10) Data memory: 12, 285.
11) Document memory: 64KW and IEC1131 source code) .
12) Retentive data: All registers with optional battery ( AFPX-BATT) .
13) Timer/ Counter: 1024.
14) Bit memory: 4096.
15) Dimension ( w, h, d) : 60 x 90 x 79mm.
16) High Speed Counter: Single phase: 8ch, total 80KHz ( max. 10KHz / channel) . Counter range: -2, 147, 483, 648 to + 2, 147, 483, 647 ( each) .
17) Interrupt: 8 input interrupt X0 to X7.Constant time interrupt ( 0.5ms to 30sec) . Interrupt subroutine jump time: 10 micro sec .
18) PID: PID algorithm ( with auto tuning) . I-PD algorithm ( with auto tuning) .10ms cycle to 100s cycle.
19) Prog port: MEWTOCOL. Default 9600bps, software configurable to 115.2Kbps. Modem communication support ( Slave mode only) .Master slave MEWTOCOL communication ( up to 99 station) .
20) Secondary port/ third port: Requires optional cassette. Master to master communication ( Floating master) , up to 16 stations. MEWTOCOL, ASCII mode, Binary mode software selectable. 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps, 38.4Kbps, 57.6Kbps. 115.2Kbps. Modem communication support ( Slave mode and dial out) .
21) Floating point: Trigonometric, log, root, and more instructions.
22) Others: Step ladder: 1000 steps. Subroutine: 100 subroutines. Jumps/ Loops: 256 labels. Master Control Relay: 256 points. Index: 14 pointers ( I0 to, ID) .
23) Battery Back up: 55 word can be backed up without battery. Optional battery.
24) Volume pots: 2 points.
25) Calendar time clock: Optional.
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