The Biodiesel is a fuel, substitute of the gas-oil for diesel motors, which may be produced from agricultural raw materials ( vegetable oils and/ or animal fats) and
methanol ( which can also be produced from agricultural wastes) .
The Biodiesel has the same properties of the diesel fuel used as fuel for cars, lorries and buses, and can be mixed in any proportion with the diesel, obtained from the
petroleum refining.
It is not necessary to make any modification in the motors to be able to use this fuel.
The Biodiesel, from the point of view of the inflammability and toxicity, is safer than the gas-oil that comes from the petroleum; it is not dangerous for the environment
and it is biodegradable.
The Biodiesel is not harmful for the human health, for the vegetation, for the animal life and does not damage monuments or buildings. Therefore, its use is
advantageous compared to the diesel fuel, especially for public transport at the big cities. It is safe and easy to transport because of its biodegradability; besides, it
has an ignition point higher than the diesel fuel.
From the energy point of view, it does not exhaust the natural resources.
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