Attending today's technology requires knowledge that is required from POWER ELECTRONICS and in most areas.
There are many areas such as: Avionics, Autotronics, Domotics, Agrotronics, Physics, Chemistry Processes, Health Services, etc., which have employed
components or even entire systems based on the Electronics and Electrical. Thus, there is an increasing number of professional specialists associated with
areas that are in need of adequate knowledge and training.
This preoccupation has been calculated EDIBON developed in Basic Electronics and Electricity Integrated laboratory, capable of covering
different levels of difficulty. This is based on a series of self-taught modules, each of which refers to a specific area of Electrical and Electronics, for
analog and digital electronics and electricity. This is a flexible and modular system for electronic based learning basic theory and circuits.
The advantage is that students determine the level of his own work, so no need to keep the level of rendering the entire class.
Varying the mode of work, study areas and the number of posts to work is possible to select the desired configuration.
Being a modular and open system, very economical and can be enlarged depending on the needs required; all systems previously acquired are
fully compatible and continue to be used.
What are the parts included in the lab?
EBC-100. (Optional)
This unit is self-complete, has the hardware, power supply and connections necessary for the provision of electricity and allocate
The available modules.
Windows based software, simple and easy to use, specifically developed for withM1to using M17 module.
They consist of a number of modules / boards that allow students to conduct training / practice according to the subject being treated.
On board is a circuit that will be designed is serigraphed. Real components appear to familiarize students with them. There is
a lot of points where action can be taken (voltage, current intensity, resistance, etc.).
There is also the possibility of error simulation circuits and electronic components.
Power supply + Module + Manual. (Each module needs power supply).
See the last page.
Power supply:
Base Unit:
Manuals and Accessories:
Minimum supply:
- Working possibilities
Using a system of training and practice can be done in the traditional way. This is the most common power supply is used.
2.1) and the INS / SOF.Classroom Management Software Package (Master software). Only one packet is needed per class.
2.2) M. / SOF.Computer Aided Instruction Software Package (. Student / Software Module). Each of? M? modules have their own package.
3.1) Hardware: DAIB. Data acquisition interface box + DAB. Data acquisition board.
3.2) Software: EDAS / SOF.Data acquisition software.
This software allows the computer to be within a few instruments.
By using multiple switches in the module we can simulate a few mistakes.
There's manual for each module. (8 manuals usually given).
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Kontak Person:Safi'i / Zul ( 0811 893 101 / 0815 614 1954 ).
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B.
Telp. +62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax : +62-21-8611 207.
EMAIL :sales@alatperagateknik.com
Website :www.alatperagateknik.com
Kontak Person:Safi'i / Zul ( 0811 893 101 / 0815 614 1954 ).
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B.
Telp. +62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax : +62-21-8611 207.
EMAIL :sales@alatperagateknik.com
Website :www.alatperagateknik.com