Transformers ETT. Three-phase and Single-phase Transformers Unit[28 Nov. 2008, 4:36:23]
The transformer is a very practical unit for getting any supply conditions as
220V. or 127V. or 380V. or anyother in the range between the 3 values. So
different electrical supply can be simulated.
The Three-phase and Single-phase Transformers Equipment (ETT)
includes a single-phase transformer of 500 VA with a transformation ratio
of 400/230 V and three-phase core-type transformer of 1000 VA and
380V / 3 x 127V.
6) Three-phase and Single-phase Transformers Equipment (ETT)
1.- Transformation relation measurement.
2.- Test without load of a single-phase transformer.
3.- Single-phase transformer short circuit test.
4.- On load transformer test.
5.- Test without load of a three-phase transformer.
6.- Three-phase transformer short-circuit test.
7.- Autotransformer tests.
8.- Connections types test.
9.- Transformation relation test.
The single-phase transformer has an input at 400 V and other input at 230 V in the primary coil. It has two secondary coils with an output
voltage of 115 V in each one. The nominal power is 500 VA and the maximum current of the primary coil is 1.5 A for a voltage of 400 V and 3A
for a voltage of 230 V.
The three-phase transformer has a nominal power of 1000 VA and it consists on a primary take of 380 V with an intermediate take of 220 V. In
the secondary coil there are 9 windings, three for each one of the phases, with a voltage of 127 V each one.
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