Computer Controlled Teaching Unit for the Study of Digital Signal Processing[25 Nov. 2008, 2:41:27]
1 TDS. Unit:
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution that the elements in the real unit.
Steel box.
Front Panel:
2 Function generators modules, that can generate 3 different signals: sinusoidal, square and triangular.
Each function generator includes:
Wave forms selector (sinusoidal, square and triangular).
Frequency selector.
Amplitude selector.
Duty cycle selector.
Signal output (BNC connector).
Noise generator module, that can generate two noises type. Including:
2 noise outputs: one for white noise and other for pink noise.
Attenuator selector per each noise type.
Microphone pre-amplifier module, including:
Input (microphone)(jack connector 1/4ââ).
Outputs (2 connectors, one jack connector 1/8ââ and the other BNC connector).
Power amplifier module, including:
Inputs (2 connectors, one jack connector 1/8ââ and the other RCA connector).
Output (BNC connector).
Volume selector.
Speaker module.
PC input/output module, including:
2 inputs (BNC connectors).
2 outputs (BNC connectors).
Power On/Off switch.
Lateral panel:
SCSI connector for connecting with the data acquisition board (DAB) to be placed in the computer PC.
Back panel:
Power supply connector.
Safety fuse.
Power supply.
2 Signal generation boards (PBC).
White and pink noise generation board (PBC).
Power amplifier board (PBC).
Pre-amplifier board (PBC).
Control interface.
Possibility of working simultaneously with two external signals, thanks to its inputs, facilitating operations that required more than one signal.
Moreover it is possible to generate signals directly by the software and send them to the unit outputs and then visualizing by an external oscilloscope or listening by
the speaker.
2 DAB. Data Acquisition Board:
PCI Data acquisition board (National Instruments) to be placed in a computer slot.
Bus PCI.
Analog input:
Number of channels= 16 single-ended or 8 differential.
Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536.
Max. Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s (Kilo samples per second).
Input range (V)= ±10V.
Data transfers=DMA, interrupts, programmed I/0.
Number of DMA channels=6.
Analog output:
Number of channels=2.
Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536.
Maximum output rate up to: 833 KS/s.
Output range(V)= ±10.
Data transfers=DMA, interrupts, programmed I/0.
Digital Input/Output:
Number of channels=24 inputs/outputs.
D0 or DI Sample Clock frequency: 0 to 1 MHz.
Counter/timers: 32 bits.
3 TDS/CCSOF. Computer Control+Data Acquisition+Data Management Software:
Compatible with actual Windows operating systems. Graphic and intuitive simulation of the process in screen. Compatible with the industry standards.
Registration and visualization of signals in an automatic and simultaneously way. 2 signals can be visualized simultaneously.
Flexible open and multicontrol software, developed with actual windows graphic systems, acting simultaneously on all process parameters.
Management, processing and comparison of data.
Sampling velocity up to 250,000 data per second.
Comparative analysis of the obtained data, after to the process and modification of the conditions during the process.
4 Cables and Accessories.
5 Manuals:
This unit is supplied with 8 manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Interface and Control Software, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance, Calibration & Practices Manuals.
*References 1 to 5: TDS + DAB + TDS/CCSOF + Cables and Accessories + Manuals are included in the minimum supply, enabling a normal operation.
Complementary items to the standard supply
Simulation Software:
6 TDS/SOF. Digital Signal Processing Simulation Software Package.
Practical Possibilities of the unit:
1.- Continuous wave form generation, with the possibility of varying the frequency and amplitude of signals, besides of duty cycle.
2.- Characterization of signals. To analyze the nature of the signals: sinusoidal, square, triangular and sawtooth.
3.- Possibility of working simultaneously with two external signals.
4.- Possibility of generating signals directly by the software and send them to the unit outputs and then visualizing or listening by the speaker or an
external oscilloscope.
5.- Signal digitalization, permitting the most suitable sampling time, avoiding âaliasingâ.
6.- Digitalization of signals with the possibility of adjusting the sampling frequency.
7.- Fast Fourier Transforms (Power Spectrum).
8.- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, convolution and auto-convolution of signals.
9.- Study of âaliasingâ.
10.- Application of the frequency convolution theorem.
11.- Study of different noise types:
-White Uniform noise.
-White Gaussian noise.
-1/f noise.
-Poisson noise.
-Random noise.
-Gamma noise.
12.- Representation of the Bode diagram and Nyquist diagram of any transfer function, and phase information.
13.- Study and use of filters:
-Possibility of filtration of any signal.
-Reconstructions of signals through the application of filters.
-Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters.
-Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters.
-Possibility to use Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Kaiser, Parzen, etc. windows for applying on the signal.
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