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    Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics (3rd Edition)

    Rp 1.175.000      
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    Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics (3rd Edition)
    oleh Glyn James
    Rp 1.175.000      
    Building on the foundations laid in the companion text Modern Engineering Mathematics 3e, this book gives an extensive treatment of some of the advanced areas of mathematics that have applications in ...  

    A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization (Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics)
    oleh Jon Lee
    Rp 618.000      
    Jon Lee focuses on key mathema
    A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SASfor Univariate and Multivariate Statistics
    oleh Norm O'Rourke, Larry Hatcher, Edward J. Stepanski, Inc. SAS Institute
    Rp 1.450.000      
    One in a series of books co-published with SAS, this book provides a user-friendly introduction to both the SAS system and elementary statistical procedures for researchers and students in the Social ... 

    ACT Assessment Math Flash 2002 (Act Assessment Math Flash)
    oleh Peterson's
    Rp 255.000      
    Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics (3rd Edition)
    oleh Glyn James
    Rp 1.175.000      
    Building on the foundations laid in the companion text Modern Engineering Mathematics 3e, this book gives an extensive treatment of some of the advanced areas of mathematics that have applications in ...  

    Algebra Demystified : A Self Teaching Guide (Demystified)
    oleh Rhonda Huettenmueller
    Rp 327.000      

    * Explains how to understand algebra without having a mathematical background
    * Uses practical examples and real data
    * Includes an entire section devoted to word problems and fractions  

    An Elementary Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Options and other Topics
    oleh Sheldon M. Ross
    Rp 725.000      
    This original text on the basics of option pricing is accessible to readers with limited mathematical training. It is for both professional traders and undergraduates studying the basics of finance.

    An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms for Scientists and Engineers
    oleh David A. Coley
    Rp 610.000      

    An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis
    oleh James F. Epperson
    Rp 325.00      
    Emphasis on "cause and effect" in numerical mathematics.
    * Flexibility with computing languages--the book is not specific to any one computing language.  

    An Introduction to Numerical Methods: A MATLAB Approach
    oleh Abdelwahab Kharab, Ronald B. Guenther
    Rp 1.217.000      
    Numerical methods are a mainstay of researchers and professionals across the many mathematics, scientific, and engineering disciplines. The importance of these methods combined with the power and ... 

    An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB (Chapman & Hall/Crc Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Science)
    oleh Matthew P. Coleman
    Rp 1.177.000     
    An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB exposes the basic ideas critical to the study of PDEs-- characteristics, integral transforms, Green's functions, and, most importantly, ... 

    An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis
    oleh R. Lyman Ott, Micheal T. Longnecker
    Rp 480.000      
    Statistics is a thought process. In this comprehensive introduction to statistical methods and data analysis, the process is presented utilizing a four-step approach: 1) gathering data, 2)

    An Introduction to the Bootstrap (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)
    oleh Bradley Efron, R.J. Tibshirani
    Rp 1.756.000      
    Statistics is a subject of many uses and surprisingly few effective practitioners. The traditional road to statistical knowledge is blocked, for most, by a formidable wall of mathematics. The

    An R and S-Plus Companion to Multivariate Analysis (Springer Texts in Statistics)
    oleh Brian S. Everitt
    Rp 1.424.000      

    Most data sets collected by researchers are multivariate, and in the majority of cases the variables need to be examined simultaneously to get the most informative results. This requires

    Analysis of Survival Data (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)
    oleh D.R. Cox, David Oakes
    Rp 1.756.000     

    Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics and the Social Sciences
    oleh Frank S. Budnick
    Rp 306.000      

    Rp 440.000      

    This market-leading book offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations. Its overarching goal is to provide readers with the knowledge necessary to

    Asymptotic Analysis and the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
    oleh Kaper
    Rp 2.622.000      
    Integrates two fields generally held to be incompatible, if not downright antithetical, in 16 lectures from a February 1990 workshop at the Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois. The topics, of ... 

    Basic Mathematics for College Students, Updated Media Edition (with CD-ROM and MathNOW, iLrn Tutorial Printed Access Card) (Tussy and Gustafson)
    oleh Alan S. Tussy, R. David Gustafson
    Rp 1.661.000      
    The fundamental goal in Tussy and Gustafson's BASIC MATHEMATICS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS, Third Edition is to teach students to read, write, and think about mathematics through building a conceptual ... 

    Basic Multivariable Calculus
    oleh Jerrold E. Marsden, Alan Weinstein, Anthony Tromba
    Rp 1.550.000      

    Bob Miller's High School Calc for the Clueless - Honors and AP Calculus AB & BC (Bob Miller's Clueless)
    oleh Bob Miller
    Rp 281.000      
    With Bob Miller at your side, you never have to be clueless about math again!
    Algebra and calculus are tough on high school students like you. Professor Bob Miller, with more than ... 

    Business Calculus Demystified
    oleh Rhonda Huettenmueller
    Rp 327.000      

    Learn calculus for the real world
    This bestselling author of math titles uses practical business and mathematical examples to help you relate to essential concepts in calculus.

    oleh Robert T. Smith, Roland B. Minton
    Rp 444.000      

    Calculus - Multivariable with MathZone
    oleh Robert T. Smith, Roland B. Minton
    Rp 400.000      

    College Algebra Demystified
    oleh Rhonda Huettenmueller
    Rp 349.000      
    Say goodbye to dry presentations, grueling formulas, and abstract theories that would put Einstein to sleep -- now there's an easier way to master the disciplines you really need to know.

    Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them)
    oleh Phillip I. Good, James W. Hardin
    Rp 1.309.000      
    Praise for the First Edition of Common Errors in Statistics

    " . . . let me recommend Common Errors to all those who interact with statistics, whatever their level of statistical ...  

    Complex Variables and Applications
    oleh James Ward Brown, Ruel V. Churchill
    Rp 332.000      
    This text is part of the International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. It is designed for junior, senior, and first-year graduate students in mathematics and engineering. This edition

    Conbinatorial Designs and Applications (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
    oleh W.D. Wallis
    Rp 2.762.000      
    An advanced reference containing 21 selected or consolidated papers presented at an international conference in April 1988 at Tunxi (now Hunangshan), China. Contains recent, previously unavailable ... 

    Difference Equations with Applications to Queues (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
    oleh David L. Jagerman
    Rp 2.625.000      
    "Presents a theory of difference and functional equations with continuous argument based on a generalization of the Riemann integral introduced by N.E. Norlund, allowing differentation with respect ...

    A First Course in Optimization Theory
    oleh Rangarajan K. Sundaram
    Rp 622.000      
    This book introduces students to optimization theory and its use in economics and allied disciplines. The first of its three parts examines the existence of solutions to optimization problems in Rn, ...

    A Numerical Library in Java for Scientists and Engineers
    oleh Hang T. Lau
    Rp 2.125.000      
    At last researchers have an inexpensive library of Java-based numeric procedures for use in scientific computation. The first and only book of its kind, A Numeric Library in Java for Scientists and ...

    A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (9th Edition)
    oleh Rick Billstein, Shlomo Libeskind, Johnny W. Lott
    Rp 1.975.000      

    Setting the Standard for Tomorrow's Teachers: This best-selling text continues as a comprehensive, skills-based resource for future teachers. In this edition, students will ...  

    Difference Equations with Applications to Queues (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
    oleh David L. Jagerman
    Rp 2.625.000      
    "Presents a theory of difference and functional equations with continuous argument based on a generalization of the Riemann integral introduced by N.E. Norlund, allowing differentation with respect ... 
    Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles, Patterns, and Games
    oleh Douglas E. Ensley, J. Winston Crawley
    Rp 371.000      
    Did you know that games and puzzles have given birth to many of today's deepest mathematical subjects? Now, with Douglas Ensley and Winston Crawley's Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, you can ... 

    Rp 2.350.000      

    Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity (Great Discoveries)
    oleh David Foster Wallace
    Rp 398.000      
    Before discussing the merits of David Foster Wallace's Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity, it is essential to define what the book is not. This volume in the "Great

    Experiences in Math for Young Children
    oleh Rosalind Charlesworth
    Rp 1.100.000      
    Experiences in Math for Young Children focuses on the integration of mathematics with other content areas in accordance with the guidelines and standards of NCTM and NAEYC. Developed specifically for ...  

    General Topology and Applications (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
    oleh Andima
    Rp 3.125.000      

    Geometry for Enjoyment & Challenge
    oleh George Milauskas, Robert Whipple
    Rp 1.867.000      

    How Solve Word Problems in Arithmetic
    oleh Phyllis Pullman
    Rp 155.000      
    Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of math students more than word problems. In How to Solve Word Problems in Arithmetic, noted math teacher Phyllis Pullman defangs the dreaded word problem for 5th ... 

    How to Solve Word Problems in Geometry (How to Solve Word Problems (McGraw-Hill))
    oleh Dawn B. Sova
    Rp 223.000      
    The easiest way to solve the hardest problems! Geometry's extensive use of figures and visual calculations make its word problems especially difficult to solve. This book picks up where most ... 

    Hybrid and Incompatible Finite Element Methods (Modern Mechanics and Mathematics)
    oleh Theodore H.H. Pian, Chang-Chun Wu
    Rp 1.932.000      
    While the theory and application of finite elements methods can be extended to incompatible, hybrid, and mixed element methods, important issues, such as determining the reliability of the solution ... 

    Introduction to Probability and Statistics (with InfoTrac and CD-ROM)
    oleh William Mendenhall, Robert J. Beaver, Barbara M. Beaver
    Rp 381.000      
    INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS is one of the first texts published by Duxbury and has been blending innovation with tradition for over thirty years. It was the first statistics text to ...

    Introduction to Real Analysis, 3rd Edition
    oleh Robert G. Bartle, Donald R. Sherbert
    Rp 1.981.000      
    In recent years, mathematics has become valuable in many areas, including economics and management science as well as the physical sciences, engineering and computer science. Therefore, this book ... 

    Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and R/S-PLUS
    oleh Phillip I. Good
    Rp 1.308.000      
    Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and R/S-PLUS(r) aspires to introduce statistical methodology to a wide audience, simply, intuitively, and efficiently, through resampling from ... 

    Introductory Algebraic Number Theory
    oleh Saban Alaca, Kenneth S. Williams
    Rp 725.000      
    Suitable for senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics, this book is an introduction to algebraic number theory at an elementary level. Prerequisites are kept to a minimum, ...  

    Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications
    oleh Erwin Kreyszig
    Rp 1.512.000      
    Provides avenues for applying functional analysis to the practical study of natural sciences as well as mathematics. Contains worked problems on Hilbert space theory and on Banach spaces and ... 

    Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics: Teachers' Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics in China and the United States (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning.)
    oleh Liping Ma
    Rp 365.000      
    Chinese students typically outperform U.S. students on international comparisons of mathematics competency. Paradoxically, Chinese teachers receive far less education than U.S. teachers--11 to 12 ... 

    Linear Algebra and Its Applications (3rd Edition)
    oleh David C. Lay
    Rp 352.000      

    Linear Algebra: An Interactive Approach (with CD-ROM)
    oleh Surender K. Jain, Ananda D. Gunawardena
    Rp 344.000      
    Utilizing technology to enrich the learning experience, S.K. Jain and A.D. Gunawardena provide an exciting introduction to linear algebra. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the entire contents of the ...  

    Master Math: Basic Math and Pre-Algebra (Master Math Series)
    oleh Debra Anne Ross
    Rp 265.000      
    Master Math: Basic Math and Pre-Algebra teaches the reader in a very user-friendly and accessible manner the principles and formulas for establishing a solid math foundation. This book covers topics ...  

    Master Math: Solving Word Problems (Master Math Series)
    oleh Brita Immergut
    Rp 317.000      
    Students throughout the world fear and dread solving word problems. As students' reading skills have declined, so have their abilities to solve word problems. This book offers solutions to the most ... 

    Math Games: 180 Reproducible Activities to Motivate, Excite, and Challenge Students, Grades 6-12
    oleh Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla
    Rp 668.000      
    Math Games offers a dynamic collection of 180 reproducible activity sheets to stimulate and challenge your students in all areas of math - from whole numbers to data analysis - while

    Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation
    oleh Daniel P. Maki, Maynard Thompson
    Rp 1.418.000     
    Learn to build and use mathematical models with MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTER SIMULATION! Through the description of mathematical and computer models in a variety of situations, this mathematics ... 

    Mathematical Modeling In Energy Systems (International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer Series)
    oleh Kemal Hanjalic
    Rp 8.995.000      

    Mathematics and Mechanics of Granular Materials
    Rp 3.181.000      
    Granular or particulate materials arise in almost every aspect of our lives, including many familiar materials such as tea, coffee, sugar, sand, cement and powders. At some stage almost every

    Mathematics As A Constructive Activity: Learners Generating Examples (Studiees in Mathematical Thinking and Learning)
    oleh Anne Watson, John H. Mason
    Rp 1.375.000      
    This book explains and demonstrates the teaching strategy of asking learners to construct their own examples of mathematical objects. The authors show that the creation of examples can involve ... 

    Mathematics for Economics and Business (5th Edition)
    oleh Ian Jacques
    Rp 437.000      

    Mathematics for Economics and Finance: Methods and Modelling
    oleh Martin Anthony, Norman Biggs
    Rp 316.00      
    Without expecting any particular background of the reader, this book covers graphs and relations, sequences and limits, partial derivatives, optimization, vectors, and matrix algebra. Throughout, the ...  

    Mathematics for Machine Technology 5e
    oleh Robert D. Smith
    Rp 1.274.000     
    Occupations like those of machinists, tool and die makers, pattern makers, drafters, and designers require a fundamental knowledge of general math as well as of more advanced topics like oblique ...

    Mathematics Methods and Modeling for Today's Mathematics Classroom: A Contemporary Approach to Teaching Grades 7-12
    oleh John A. Dossey, Frank Giordano, Sharon McCrone, Maurice D. Weir, COMAP
    Rp 1.860.000      
    Written by a team of nationally known mathematics educators and mathematicians who have experience in teaching at the public school and university levels, this book builds on the recommendations of ... 

    MathTivities! Classroom Activities for Grades One Through Six
    oleh Creative Publications
    Rp 635.000    
    This math activities book is intended to provide hands on material for in classroom teachers. The book provides six different kinds of activities for each grade level from 1 - 6. The activities draw ... 

    Matrices and Vector Spaces (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
    oleh William Brown
    Rp 1.550.000      
    A textbook for a one-semester course in linear algebra for graduate or upper-level undergraduate students of mathematics and engineering. Employs a matrix perspective, and emphasizes training in ...  

    Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model (Statistics for Biology and Health)
    oleh Terry M. Therneau, Patricia M. Grambsch
    Rp 1.831.000      
    This is a book for statistical practitioners, particularly those who design and analyze studies for survival and event history data. Its goal is to extend the toolkit beyond the basic triad provided

    Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Education: The 14th ICMI Study (New ICMI Study Series)
    Rp 2.671.000      

    The overall goal of Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Education is to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in the field of modelling and applications in

    Modes of Parametric Statistical Inference (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
    oleh Seymour Geisser, Wesley M. Johnson
    Rp 1.684.000      
    A fascinating investigation into the foundations of statistical inference

    This publication examines the distinct philosophical foundations of different statistical modes of parametric ...  

    Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models: Extensions and Applications (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences)
    oleh Matthias von Davier, Claus H. Carstensen
    Rp 1.475.      

    This volume covers extensions of the Rasch model, one of the most researched and applied models in educational research and social science. This collection contains 22 chapters by some of the most ... 

    Nonparametric Statistics for Behavioural Science
    oleh Sidney Siegel
    Rp 300.000      

    Numerical Methods
    oleh J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
    Rp 1.417.000      
    This book emphasizes the intelligent application of approximation techniques to the type of problems that commonly occur in engineering and the physical sciences. Readers learn why the numerical ...  

    Numerical Methods for Engineers
    oleh Steven C. Chapra, Raymond P. Canale
    Rp 368.000      
    *Retaining its comprehensive yet accessible and user-friendly style, this edition incorporates new examples and techniques *Includes excellent applications sections with a variety of engineering ... 

    On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics (Dover Phoenix Editions)
    oleh Augustus De Morgan
    Rp 975.000      

    One of the twentieth century's great expositors of science offers insights into some of the more neglected aspects of mathematics, particularly among arithmetical notion and its elementary

    Panel Data: Theory and Applications (Studies in Empirical Economics)
    Rp 1.575.000      

    The present book is a collection of panel data papers, both theoretical and applied. Theoretical topics include methodology papers on panel data probit models, treatment models, error component ...  

    Parameter Estimation in Reliability and Life Span Models (Statistics: a Series of Textbooks and Monogrphs)
    oleh Cohen
    Rp 2.225.000      
    Offers an applications-oriented treatment of parameter estimation from both complete and censored samples; contains notations, simplified formats for estimates, graphical techniques, and numerous ... 

    Parametric and Nonparametric Inference from Record-breaking Data
    oleh Sneh Gulati, William J. Padgett
    Rp 925.000      
    This book provides a comprehensive look at statistical inference from record-breaking data in both parametric and nonparametric settings, including Bayesian inference. A unique feature is that it ... 

    Partial Differential Equations III (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
    Rp 1.634.000      
    Two general questions regarding partial differential equations are explored in detail in this volume of the Encyclopaedia. The first is the Cauchy problem, and its attendant question of

    Partial Differential Equations VI: Elliptic and Parabolic Operators (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
    Rp 1.693.000      
    This volume of the EMS contains three contributions covering topics in the field of partial differential equations: Elliptic operators on closed manifolds, degenerating elliptic equations and

    Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
    oleh Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying Ye
    Rp 355.000      

    This classic book provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference that is motivated by interesting, relevant applications. It assumes readers have a

    Rp 312.000      

    This classic book provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference that is motivated by interesting, relevant applications. It assumes readers have a

    Probability Games and Other Activities
    oleh Ivan Moscovich
    Rp 258.000      
    Think outside the box!

    Card Shark, Marble Madness, Sock It to Me! & Dizzy Walk

    In the beginning there's "Jewels of Xanadu" on the cover�where the chances of unlocking the ... 
    Random Sums and Branching Stochastic Processes (Lecture Notes in Statistics)
    oleh Ibrahim Rahimov
    Rp 677.000      
    The aim of this monograph is to show how random sums (that is, the summation of a random number of dependent random variables) may be used to analyse the behaviour of branching stochastic processes. ... 

    Research Projects in Statistics
    oleh Joseph Kincaid
    Rp 330.000      

    S Programming
    oleh William Venables, B.D. Ripley
    Rp 1.287.000      
    S is a high-level language for manipulating, analysing and displaying data. It forms the basis of two highly acclaimed and widely used data analysis software systems, the commercial S-PLUS(R) and the ...  

    Statics for Engineers and Scientists (International Edition)
    oleh William C. Navidi
    Rp 400.000      

    Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-PLUS, R, and SAS (Springer Texts in Statistics)
    oleh Richard M. Heiberger, Burt Holland
    Rp 1.831.000      

    This contemporary presentation of statistical methods features extensive use of graphical displays for exploring data and for displaying the analysis. The authors demonstrate how to analyze

    Statistics (8th Edition)
    oleh James T. McClave, Terry Sincich, William Mendenhall
    Rp 362.000      
    This introduction to statistics presents balanced coverage of both the theory and application of statistics and at the same time helps learners develop and enhance their critical thinking

    Statistics Demystified
    oleh Stan Gibilisco
    Rp 327.000      
    Now anyone with an interest in mastering statistics can do so -- without formal training, unlimited time, or a private tutor. In Statistics Demystified, best-selling science and math writer Stan

    Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
    oleh William C. Navidi
    Rp 400.000      

    Statistics Plain and Simple
    oleh Sherri L. Jackson
    Rp 362.000      
    Build your confidence in understanding, calculating, and interpreting statistics with STATISTICS: PLAIN AND SIMPLE. This straightforward, conversational introduction to statistics presents just what ... 

    Stochastic Differential and Difference Equations (Progress in Systems and Control Theory)
    oleh Imre Csiszar, Gy. Michaletzky
    Rp 2.544.000     

    Surveying Fundamentals and Practices (5th Edition)
    oleh Jerry A. Nathanson, Michael Lanzafama, Philip Kissam
    Rp 1.657.000      

    The Art and Craft of Problem Solving
    oleh Paul Zeitz
    Rp 865.000      
    The newly revisedSecond Edtion of this distinctive text uniquely blends interesting problems with strategies, tools, and techniques to develop mathematical skill and intuition necessary for

    The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (Addison-Wesley Series in Computer Science and Information Processing)
    oleh Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman
    Rp 512.000      

    the Mathematics of Behavior
    oleh Earl Hunt
    Rp 1.450.000      
    Mathematical thinking provides a clear, crisp way of defining problems. Our whole technology is based on it. What is less appreciated is that mathematical thinking can also be applied to problems in ...  

    Trigonometry: Text
    oleh Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler
    Rp 2.165.000      

    This market-leading text continues to provide students and instructors with sound, consistently structured explanations of the mathematical concepts. Designed for a one-term course that prepares ...  

    Undergraduate Commutative Algebra (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
    oleh Miles Reid
    Rp 475.000      
    In this well-written introduction to commutative algebra, the author shows the link between commutative ring theory and algebraic geometry. In addition to standard material, the book contrasts the ...  

    Understanding Uncertainty
    oleh Dennis V. Lindley
    Rp 1.215.000      
    A lively and informal introduction to the role of uncertainty and probability in people's lives from an everyday perspective
    From television game shows and gambling techniques to ... 

    Using Multivariate Statistics
    oleh Linda S Fidell
    Rp 418.000      

    This book takes a practical approach to multivariate data analysis, with an introduction to the most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques. Using ...  

    WIE ASE Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers
    oleh Douglas C. Montgomery
    Rp 400.000      

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