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    Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition

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    Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition
    No. ISBN 9780470524596
    Penulis T. W. Graham Solomons, Univ. of South Florida & Craig Fryhle, Pacific Lutheran Univ.
    Penerbit John Wiley & Sons
    Tanggal Terbit Januari 2011
    Jumlah Halaman 1280
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    Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition

    The Tenth Edition of Organic Chemistry continues Solomons~ Fryhleý s tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in the organic classroom and beyond.

    A central theme of the authorsý approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity. To accomplish this, the text is organized in a way that combines the most useful features of the traditional functional group approach with one largely based on reaction mechanisms.

    The authorsý philosophy is to emphasize mechanisms and their common aspects as often as possible, and at the same time to use the unifying features of functional groups as the basis for most chapters. The structural aspects of the authorsý approach show students what organic chemistry is. Mechanistic aspects of their approach show students how it works. And wherever an opportunity arises, the authorsý show students what it does in living systems and the physical world around us.

    In the 10th edition, virtually every aspect of the teaching and learning solution has been revisited and redesigned to assist students in comprehending the fundamentals of organic chemistry. The authorsý thoroughly explain and illustrate each new idea when it is first introduced and then reinforce the new idea or concept by having students work related problems. New to This Edition:

    * A focus on the essential. We have made a fundamental revision of our presentation of information to help students focus on what is essential in Organic Chemistry. Key ideas are indicated by bullet points throughout the text to help students focus on the most important aspects of Organic Chemistry.
    * New ý How Toý sections within the chapters give step-by-step instructions to guide students in performing important tasks such as determining formal charges, writing Lewis structures, interpreting 13C spectra and using 1H NMR to determine structure.
    * More than 200 new in-chapter solved problems to allow students to check their understanding of each new idea as they encounter it.
    * Over 300 new end-of-chapter exercises, many of which are based on bond-line structural formulas instead of chemical names. The end of chapter problems have been grouped and labeled according to their content and function.
    * New, streamlined chapter openers introduce students to the topics and concepts to be covered in the chapter, and include applications from everyday life that will serve to pique student interest. These applications are revisited later in the chapter.
    * Addition of a new web-based introduction to 13C NMR spectroscopy to accompany chapter 4. This can be accessed at
    * Completely revised and updated test bank.
    * Rich online teaching and learning solution delivered through WileyPLUS w/ Catalyst.

    New to This Edition
    Detailed Contents
    1 The Basics: Bonding And Molecular Structure.

    2 Families Of Carbon Compounds: Functional Groups, Intermolecular Forces, And Infrared ( Ir) Spectroscopy.

    3 An Introduction To Organic Reactions And Their Mechanisms: Acids And Bases.

    4 Nomenclature And Conformations Of Alkanes And Cycloalkanes.

    5 Stereochemistry: Chiral Molecules.

    6 Ionic Reactions: Nucleophilic Substitution And Elimination Reactions Of Alkyl Halides.

    7 Alkenes And Alkynes I: Properties And Synthesis. Elimination Reactions Of Alkyl Halides.

    8 Alkenes And Alkynes Ii: Addition Reactions.

    9 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance And Mass Spectrometry: Tools For Structure Determination.

    10 Radical Reactions.

    11 Alcohols And Ethers.

    12 Alcohols From Carbonyl Compounds: Oxidationý Reduction And Organometallic Compounds.

    Answers To Selected Problems.


    Photo Credits.

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    T. W. Graham Solomons, Univ. of South Florida & Craig Fryhle, Pacific Lutheran Univ.
    John Wiley & Sons
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