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    MARTEL 3001 Bench Standard Calibrator

    MARTEL 3001 Bench Standard Calibrator

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    The Model 3001 precision calibrator combines the power and features of the M2001 ( voltage, current, TC, RTD and pressure) with a second completely isolated measurement channel for a single laboratory calibration instrument unmatched in versatility, performance, and value. As with every Martel calibrator, the 3001' s world-class performance and features are accessed through a very simple-to-use, intuitive user interface. The Martel 3001 is truly a " process calibration laboratory in a box."

    This unit includes Instruction Manual, and NIST Calibration Certificate

    General Features:
    Superior calibration accuracy to 0.0025% of reading
    Direct keyboard entry or cursor entry with decade control
    Source/ Read thermocouple ( 13) , RTD ( 9) , Voltage, Current, Pressure ( read only)
    Custom RTD and SPRT profiles
    Nine setpoints for each output range and type
    Beryllium-Copper binding posts reduce thermal EMFs
    RS232, USB and IEEE-488 remote control
    Isolated measurement channel
    Two voltage ranges: 10V and 100 V DC
    MilliAmp range 0 to 52 mA
    MilliAmp range with simultaneous 24 VDC power
    Selectable 250 Ohm HART resistor
    Accuracy of 0.005% of rading n voltage ranges

    Voltage Mode
    The 3001 offers four precision voltage output ranges ( 100mV, 1V, 10V, and 100V) all with 0.003% ( 30ppm) accuracy. These ranges are ideal for calibrating a broad range of DC voltage instrumentation. Additionally all voltage outputs settle to full specification in less than 200ms making the 3001 ideal for automated calibrations systems.

    Current Mode
    The 3001features a precision current output range ( 100mA) that offers 0.01% ( 100ppm) accuracy, which is ideal for calibrating process instrumentation especially 4 to 20mA equipment. With a full 12 volts of compliance at 100mA virtually an precision DC current measuring device can be calibrated using the 3001. Like the voltage ranges the current range offers quick settling time and an operate/ standy by mode.

    Thermocouple Mode
    The Martel 3001 can read and source any of of 11 types of thermocouples. It' s T/ C input and output is Cold Junction Compensated, using an ultra-stable PT-100 sensor.

    RTD Mode
    The 3001 can read and source 9 RTD types as well as YSI-400 and Ohms for non-standard curves. Probe coefficients ( A, B, C, and R0) can be entered directly, with storage for up to five custom curves and one SPRT curve. The performance of the 3001 in the RTD mode compares to dedicated RTD measurement instruments. Unlike low-cost, less accurate RTD instruments, the display in the 3001 is always active, reading to three decimal places using polynomial averageing to extract a high accuracy signal. The result is a very quiet, high accuracy reading.

    Pressure Mode
    The 3001 operates with all Martel Betaport series pressure modules using the BPPA module adapter and covers pressure ranges from 0 to 10" H20 to 10, 000 psi. Pressure can be displayed in a wide range of engineering units with up to 0.025% Full Scale accuracy.

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