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Distributor & Servis: Spectrum Analyzer,  Fusion Splicer Fujikura 60s & 18r,  Site Master Anritsu S331E & S332E,  OTDR Yokogawa AQ 7275,  Sunset SDH,  Gigebit Ethernet ( IP Tester) ,  Power Meter Bird 5000 XT& 5012,  Ber Test Sunlite E1,  Repeater Motorola.
Distributor & Servis: Spectrum Analyzer, Fusion Splicer Fujikura 60s & 18r, Site Master Anritsu S331E & S332E, OTDR Yokogawa AQ 7275, Sunset SDH, Gigebit Ethernet ( IP Tester) , Power Meter Bird 5000 XT& 5012, Ber Test Sunlite E1, Repeater Motorola.
Distributor & Servis: Spectrum Analyzer,  Fusion Splicer Fujikura 60s & 18r,  Site Master Anritsu S331E & S332E,  OTDR Yokogawa AQ 7275,  Sunset SDH,  Gigebit Ethernet ( IP Tester) ,  Power Meter Bird 5000 XT& 5012,  Ber Test Sunlite E1,  Repeater Motorola.
Informasi Kontak
Tn. Andhika Prasetyo.ST
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Windows Live: andhika_gps99 andhika_gps99
Google Talk:  andhika.gps99  andhika.gps99
Y!: andhika_gps99 
Nomor Telpon:
Nomor telpon Tn. Andhika Prasetyo.ST di Jakarta Selatan
Nomor Ponsel:
Nomor ponsel Tn. Andhika Prasetyo.ST di Jakarta Selatan
Jl. Raya Ciledug, Taman Shangrilla Indah Unit 1 No. 94 Petukangan Selatan
Jakarta Selatan 12270, Jakarta
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OTDR Anritsu MT9083A[31 Dec. 2010, 1:47:14]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanPack
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Until now, installing and maintaining optical networks required technicians to carry a variety of equipment which was not only cumbersome, but also expensive. Hearing this common complaint, Anritsu engineers have developed their new line of MT9083 ACCESS Master OTDRs. The MT9083A test sets are designed to make your measurement experience simple and error-free with true one-button fault location, pass/ fail classification, automated file saving and naming and even a macrobend detection feature for identifying installation issues. They feature multiple wavelengths and options to satisfy any network testing requirement: access or metro, FTTx or LAN...all without straining your budget.

For customers installing and maintaining metro area or core networks, the ACCESS Master offers an automated fiber construction application and multiple wavelengths including specialty applications such as 1383 nm for certifying legacy fibers for CWDM upgrades.

For FTTx networks, the MT9083 series provides both optical testing for optical splits up to a 1x128, plus quality of service ( QoS) verification via the IP testing option. With the IP option, continuity, download speed, throughput and frame loss of Gigabit Ethernet links can be verified up to full line rate. It also features a unique way to troubleshoot live PON based, FTTx networks without additional costly and complicated external filters.

Additional features include an integrated light source and power meter plus options to customize the unit including higher range power meters, visual fault locator ( VFL) and connector inspection microscope to ensure complete network evaluation with a single tool.


* Ready to test in less than 15 seconds… and all day without recharging
* Enhanced outdoor display option for excellent visibility – even in direct sunlight
* Specialized testing modes simplify operation
* High resolution and high dynamic range ensure thorough and complete fiber evaluation
* Intelligent analysis software identifies problem splices, connectors and even macrobends
* Rugged, sealed design provides years of service in the most challenging environments
* IP testing option verifies throughput, frame loss and point-to-point connectivity
* Test up to four wavelengths with a single unit – single mode, multimode or both
* Unique in-service testing without the need for external filters
* Verify connector quality with optional connector inspection microscope.


* 850/ 1300 nm for MMF
* 780/ 1310/ 1383/ 1490/ 1550/ 1625/ 1650 nm for SMF
* Ready to test in less than 15 seconds… and all day without recharging
* Specialized testing modes simplify operation
* High resolution and high dynamic range ensure thorough and complete fiber evaluation
* Intelligent analysis software identifies problem splices, connectors and even macrobends
* Rugged, sealed design provides years of service in the most challenging environments
* IP testing option verifies throughput, frame loss and point-to-point connectivity
* Test up to four wavelengths with a single unit – single mode, multimode or both
* Optional VSL
* Automated fiber construction application and multiple wavelengths including specialty applications such as 1383 nm for certifying legacy fibers for CWDM upgrades.
* Standard Light Source and Power Meter Built in, Optional High Power Optical Power Meter Available
* Unique in-service testing without the need for external filters
* There are two types of 6.5-inch, TFT, color LCD-the Standard type ( MT9083A/ B/ C) , offering easy viewing for working indoors, and the Enhanced type ( MT9083A1/ B1/ C1) , offering easy viewing for working both indoors and outdoors.
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