Keterangan :
Density Meter DM40
LiquiPhysics Instruments and Modules
Density Compact - DM Density Meters
DM density meters determine the density and/ or specific gravity of liquids quickly and accurately.
The results are automatically converted into one or several pre- or user-defined units such as Brix, API degrees or alcohol concentrations etc. Automatic error detection, entire temperature range adjustments and built-in algorithms shorten measurement times required by up to 75% � DM and DX are doubtlessly the state-of-theart pinnacle for digital density measurement.
Density meter : DM40
Measuring range              [ g/ cm3] : 0.0000 � 3.000
Rrepeatability ( S.D. n= 10) [ g/ cm3] : 0, 0005
Limit of error                     [ g/ cm3] : 0, 0001
Brix [ % w/ w] : 0, 03
Ethanol [ % w/ v] : 0, 1
Temperature range          [ ° C] : 0.0 � 91.0
Limit of error                     [ ° C] : 0.05 ( 10 � 30° C)
: 0.10 ( 0 � 91° C)
1)       in the range 0.70000 ... 1.00000 g/ cm3 / 15.00 � 20.00° C