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PT.GIS GLOBAL | Total Station nikon, Total Station, Nikon Total Station Nivo 2.C, Nikon Total Station Nivo 3.C, Nikon Total Station Nivo 5.C, Nikon Total Station DTM 322, Jual Total Station, Total station Sokkia, Total Station Topcon, Total Station South

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Automatic Level AE-7/ AE-7C AE-7 Automatic Level
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Automatic Level AE-7/ AE-7C AE-7 Automatic Level
waterpass Level AE-7/ AE-7C AE-7 Waterpass

AE-7/ AE7C waterproof telescopes reduce minimum focusing distance down to 0.3m ( 0.98ft)

These waterproof telescopes with reduced minimum focusing distance of 0.3m ( 0.98ft) feature endless horizontal drive for smooth precise pointing and angular measurement, and they can be attached to either flat- or spherical- head tripods. In addition, a pentaprism mirror enables the viewing of a circular bubble as an erect image. They come with optional, high- and low-power eyepiece lenses, and attachable diagonal eyepiece lens for use in confined spaces. Another useful feature is clampless horizontal alignment.

Other features:
• Accuracy of ± 1.0mm in 1km double-run leveling, or ± 0.45mm when an optical micrometer is used
• Automatic compensator with wide working range of ± 16’
• 30xz, ø 40mm-dia. telescope.

Note: AE-7 is identical to AE-7 except the AE-7 includes horizontal circle reading

Specifications for AE-7C Automatic Level :

Magnification: 30x
Resolution power: 3"
Field of view: 1° 30' ( 2.6m/ 2.6ft.)
Minimum focusing distance: 0.3m/ 0.98 ft.
Stadia ratio: 1: 100
Standard deviation in 1km double run leveling: Without micrometer ± 1.0mm; With micrometer ± 0.45mm
Built-in automatic compensator: Type- Wire-hung, air; Compensation range- damper ; Setting accuracy- ± 16' , ± 0.35"
Weight: Instrument - 1.7kg/ 3.7 lbs.; Carrying case 1.80kg/ 4.0 lbs.
Horizontal Circle ( AE-7C only) : Diameter of circle 118m/ 4.6in; minimum increment - 1/ lg


* Main Unit Digital Theodolite
* Allumunium Tripod
* Rambu ukur / Levelling Staff
* Tool Kit
* Plumb Bob
* Hard Carry Case
* Cleaning Cloth
* User Manual

Jl.Pejuangan Mawar III No.15.A
Jakarta Barat 11530, Indonesia
Hubungi :
Telp : 021-71399316 / 021-53670757
Fax : 021-53670757
SMS/ MMS: + 62-8111877111/ 085880047929
Email : info@
YM : geosurvey01@
HotLine : 08111877111