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Total Station Topcon GPT-7505[24 Sep. 2010, 3:53:23]
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Total Station Topcon GPT-7505

The long range non-prism measurement of the GPT-7000L
series has been improved in the GPT-7500, from 1, 200m to
2, 000m, offering unequalled measurement performance to all
measurement surfaces and objects. This high performance
measurement is now standard in the Topcon mid range
conventional total station series.

- 2, 000m non prism measurement in Long Range mode.
- Slimed down design. 8% smaller than previous model.
- Back lighted keyboard and larger keys.
- Increased RAM size to 128MB.
- Full USB interface support. ( for memory stick etc)
The GPT-7500 Series Features;
- Windows CE.NET operating system running advanced Topcon TopSURV on-board
- 3, 000m prism measurement range.
- + / -2mm+ 2ppm prism measurement accuracy.
- Large colour LCD graphic display.
- Multiple data interface; CF card, Mini USB and USB.
- Three models available with 1â , 3â or 5â angle measurement accuracy.
- Laser measurement with Class 1 safe laser.
The GPT-7500 is the surveyorsâ mobile office on site, with familiar Windows user interface and full
data handling capabilities supporting USB and Bluetooth. Now the extended measurement
capabilities and improved keyboard interface make the GPT-7500 the surveyorsâ first choice for
advanced survey and engineering applications.

Sudut meansurement
Accuracy: 5 "
Min. Membaca: 1 " / 5"
Compersation: Dual Axis
Compersation Range: ± 6 '
Perbesaran ( x) : 30x
Min. Fokus Jarak: 1, 3 juta

1 prisma: 3, 000m
3 prisma: 4, 000m
9 prisma: 5, 000m
Prisma mini: 1, 000m
Accuracy: ± ( 2mm + 2ppmxD * ) m.s.e

Range ( Kodak Putih / NORMAL MODE) : 1.5m - 250M
Baik NORMAL MODE: ± ( 5mm)
Baik LONG MODE: ± ( 10mm + 10ppmxD * )
Kasar NORMAL MODE: ± ( 10mm)
LONG kasar MODE: ± ( 20mm + 10ppmxD * )
Pelacakan NORMAL MODE: ± ( 10mm)
Pelacakan LONG MODE: ± ( 100mm)

For More information about the product please contact our Sales:
Reno Yasin
Mobile : 08111877111 / 085880047929
Telpon: 021-71399316
Faks: 021-53674454
Email : geosurvey01@