The Multiple Analysis Cement System ( MACS IIĀ ® ) instrument performs static gel strength tests on cement slurry samples. The MACS II instrument conducts these tests under simulated down-hole....
SINERGI, synergize your business! We deliver repair, maintenance, and calibration of Drilling Fluid and Cementing Testing Equipment. Ready supplying Testing Equipment, Supplies, and Consumables to....
ASTM D6910 / D6910M Standard Test Method for Marsh Funnel Viscosity of Clay Construction Slurries The Marsh Funnel is a simple device for indicating viscosity on a routine basis. When used with a....
The Fann Model 140 Mud Balance provides a simple, practical method for accurate determination of fluid density. It is one of the most sensitive and accurate field instruments available for....
DESCRIPTION The Series 300 LPLT Filter Press is the most effective means of determining filtration properties of drilling fluids and cement slurries. All LPLT Filter Press assemblies consist of....
Widely known as the Standard of the Industry for drilling fluid viscosity measurements Fann produces a range of true Couette coaxial cylinder rotational viscometers. The Model 35 Viscometer is the....
FannĀ ® Model 704ET and Model 705ET Roller Ovens are primarily designed for laboratory use. These roller ovens provide and excellent method of aging fluid samples. High-temperature Aging Cells....
DESCRIPTION: The Fann RheoVADRĀ ® Variable Automated Digital Rheometer measures rheological properties of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and records this data directly to a USB flash drive ....
The TRU-WATE Model 141 Mud Balance is an instrument for measuring the absolute density of a fluid sample. With the TRU-WATE Balance, the density of a fluid sample, such as cement slurry, can be....
The Fann Constant Speed Mixer Model 686CS is designed to mix cements to comply with American Petroleum Institute ( API) Spec 10A, Cements and Materials for Well Cementing and Recommended Practice 10B....
DESCRIPTION: Resistivity Meters are electronic meters used to measure the resistivity of fluids, slurries or semi-solids. These instruments feature solid state electronics, and are designed to meet....
Gel strength measurements are read directly from the deflection scale. When making gel-strength measurements, force is applied manually by turning the gel knob and observing the maximum reading on....
The SlurryTest Kit Model 833 is a portable kit that contains materials and equipment for measuring slurry properties.This kit allows laboratory-quality measurements of viscosity, specific gravity, ....
PENJELASAN: Resistivity Meter model 88C mengukur nilai tahanan dari cairan, slurry, dan semi padatan; misalnya dari hasil cetakan filtrasi atau padatan lumpur. Pembacaan digitalnya memberikan tiga....
API Recommended Practice 13B-1, ANSI/ API 13B-1/ ISO 10414 The concentration of soluble sulfides or soluble carbonates in a drilling fluid can be determined by the Garrett Gas Train method. The....
API Recommended Practice 13B-1, ANSI/ API 13B-1/ ISO 10414-1, API Recommended Practice 13B-2, & API Specification 13A The Differential Sticking Tester was designed to determine how likely a....