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  2. CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA Anggota Prioritas  [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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Hasil Cari 106-120 dari 167
Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
Digital Pinch Gauge ( Cap. 22.5 Kg) , 081212265508/ 0812 1226 5507, Distributor alat2 Instruments, ....  21 Aug. 2015, 9:12:14

Specification : easy-to-read LCD display Push-button console includes button to zero last reading stored and two toggle buttons used to accurately store up to 99 readings ....

Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    JUAL 3M QUEST SoundPro DL Datalogging, Agent Alat2 Instruments, , Alat2 Kesehatan, Lingkungan, Alat2....  21 Aug. 2015, 9:11:24

    Specification : 3M QUEST SoundPro DL Datalogging Type : SP-DL-1 Product : Quest ( USA) Specifications : - Measures SPL, Max, Min, Peak, Ln, Leq, Lavg, Sel, TWA, Taktm, Dose, PDose, Ldn, ....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    JUAL : Lux Meter / FC Light Meter DL 204 , READY-STOCK, Best Price, HUB: 081212265508, 081212265507....  21 Aug. 2015, 9:08:44

    Keterangan * Lux meter / FC Light Meter. Fungsi: Untuk Mengukur intensitas cahaya lampu. Type : BI DL-204. * Specifications: 200, 2000, 20000, 200000 Lux. Range: 20, 200, 2000, 20000....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof

    PROVING RING PENETROMETER Widely use in analyzing soil surface Consist of : Penetration Rod and Chamber Steel pipe, 65 cm length with hydraulic chamber. Consist of : 1. Penetration Rod, ....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    Jual Alat ukur suhu dengan infrared Portable Infrared thermometer Kiray-100 kimo Prancis. Ready....  21 Aug. 2015, 8:27:05

    Keterangan: Respon spektral .................. 8-14 m Optical ..................................... DS: 20: 1 ( 13 mm pada 260 mm) Kisaran suhu ................. Dari -50 sampai + 800 C ....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    Hand Hydraulic Dynamometer ( 90 Kg) , Agen alkes Hand Hydraulic Dynamometer USA, Ready for Stock, ....  20 Aug. 2015, 11:04:22

    ~ hydraulic dynamometer gives accurate and repeatable grip strength readings ~ adjustable 5-position handle ~ maximum strength indicator remains until reset ~ reads lbs. and kgs. ~ Complete....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    JUAL GAS DETECTOR, H2S Gas Detector Portable Single Gas Detector , Alat untuk mendeteksi Gas H2S....  20 Aug. 2015, 11:04:02

    Range : 0-100 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide, H2S Alarm : 0 and 15 ppm instant; TWA: 10 ppm, STEL: 15 ppm Size : 2.4 x 3.9 x 1.3 in ( 60 x 100 x 33 mm) . Ingress Protection : IP 65 Approval : Designed to....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    JUAL COMBUSTIBLE GAS DETECTOR EZ-40, EZ-40, Distributor Alat2 Instruments, Alat2 Lab Lingkungan....  20 Aug. 2015, 11:03:51

    Applications: Natural Gas Methane Ethane Propane Butane LPG Function Pump driven field calibration range : 10ppm Sensor Type : Solid State Alarm : Visible and Audible @ 10% LEL for....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    Jual PERSONAL HEAT STRESS MONITOR QT-32 3M USA, Ready Stock Herry Jaya Utama, Call / SMS : ....  20 Aug. 2015, 11:03:09

    Personal Heat Stress Monitor QT-II adalah alat ukur beban panas yang diterima tubuh ( iklim kerja) . alat ini dilengkapi dengan sensor dan sensor tersebut dapat diletakkan di telinga, ketiak, atau di....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof

    Portable Microbiological Analysis Type : FMA-02. Spesifikasi : Portable Bacteriological Analysis Berat alat : 2, 5 kg Ukuran : ( L X W X H) : 3 0cmX 20cm X 10 cm ....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    JUAL SOUND LEVEL METER DB100 KIMO, READY-STOCK, DB-100 KIMO, 081212265508 / 07, 082180879777, SOUND....  20 Aug. 2015, 11:01:43

    Sound Level Meter DB100 kimo, Jual Sound Level Meter Indonesia, ALAT UKUR KEBISINGAN, Sole Agent product kimo Instruments Indonesia, Distributor Product kimo instruments Indonesia. Specification: ....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    JUAL : INFRARED THERMOMETER, Portable Infrared thermometer Kiray-200 Kimo, , Ready Stock....  20 Aug. 2015, 10:52:57

    ole Agent Product Kimo Instruments, Distributor Product Kimo Instruments Indonesia, Agent Resmi Product Kimo Specification : Spectral response.......................8 -14 m Optical......

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    JUAL : SOUND LEVEL METER, Integrating Sound Level Meter 6230 ACO JEPANG, JUAL ALAT UKUR KEBISINGAN, ....  20 Aug. 2015, 10:52:23

    Specification : A. Sound Level Meter Range : 30 ~ 130 dB Measurement : SPL : Leq : Lcpeak : Lmax Weighting : A ( 30~ 130 dB) : C ( 36~ 130 dB) : Z ( 46~ 130 dB) : C ( 55~ 130....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    jual epam 5000 environmental particulate air monitor, EPAM 5000 ENVIRONMENTAL PARTICULATE AIR....  20 Aug. 2015, 10:52:00

    Nama Alat : Environmental Particulate Air Monitor. Type : EPAM-5000 Brand : Haz-Dust Fungsi : Untuk mengukur kadar debu di udara ( indoor/ out door) , ukuran debu : TSP, pm10, pm2, 5, pm1, 0 ....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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  • Google Talk:  hullschoof  hullschoof
    Jual alat uji cepat uji makanan, Jual Food Security Test Kit Safe-01, Safe 02 & Safe 03, Jual Food....  20 Aug. 2015, 10:13:46

    Food Contamination Test Kit adalah Alat pemeriksa Makanan meliputi : kimia makanan, bakteri dan kimia organospate. sangat cocok digunakan untuk inspeksi makanan pada jajanan anak sekolah, Pasar....

    Penyedia: Anggota Prioritas CV. HERRY JAYA UTAMA [Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]
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