CRANE ChemPharma - GERMANY/ USA > > Valves > > Valves
Devices that regulate the flow of fluids ( gases, fluidized solids, slurries, or liquids) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways.
Lined Vertical Check Valves
Lined Vertical Check Valves - Resistoflex Valves
Saunders® Industrial Diaphragm Valves
The Saunders Industrial Diaphragm Valve, first developed more than seventy years ago, has evolved to handle more fluids, gases, solids and powder than any other type of valve.
Lined Diaphragm Valves
Lined Diaphragm Valves - Resistoflex Valves
Lined Horizontal Check Valves
Lined Horizontal Check Valves -Resistoflex
Lined Clamp Valves
Lined Clamp Valves - Resistoflex Valves
XOMOX® Lined Valves
Lined valves and accessories use fluorocarbons such as PFA, PVDF, PTFE, PFA-AS ( antistatic) , and UHMWPE upon customer request.
Saunders® HC4 Diaphragm Valves
The Aseptic diaphragm valve is the most important control component in today� s biopharmaceutical process systems. As the inventor of the diaphragm valve, Saunders has been a key player in the evolution of high purity valve technology. Beginning with the introduction of forged bodies and compact thermoplastic actuators through to today� s machined from solid compound and multi-port valve solutions; we have taken the lead in aseptic valve technology.
XOMOX® Process Ball Valves
Xomox' s process ball valves are specifically designed to provide superior emission control.
XOMOX® Butterfly Valves
XOMOX® offers a broad range of butterfly valves
XOMOX® Sleeved Plug Valves
Xomox offers a wide range of plug valves to meet your needs. Sizes range from 1/ 2" to 24" and end connections include screwed, weld, flanged.
Krombach® Metal Seated Ball Valves
Krombach metal seated ball valve' s design and production is the culmination of over 25 years of development and manufacturing experience.
Special Products
Custom design and modifications, unusual and difficult applications, extremely complex or compact processing systems using cost-effective solutions.
Krombach® Soft Seated Ball Valves
Krombach Soft Seated Ball Valves feature interchangeable parts, an anti-blowout stem, optimal torque transmission and bi-directional flow.
PSI Valve
PSI Model 770 Ball Check Valve prevents reverse flow in highly corrosive or ultra pure processes and its reliable design eliminates the need for expensive alloy valves, actuators and an outside power source. Available in PP, PVDF, and PFA.