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rss RSS: Pipa Metal Lainnya - China > Henan
Hasil Cari 1-6 dari 6

Gongyi Yinlong Water Supply and Drainage Materials Co., Ltd. ( Gongyi Yinlong Water Supply Equipment Co., Ltd.) is a professional manufacturer of water supply and drainage materials. Our factory is....

[Zhengzhou, Henan, China]
Xinxiang Yuanye Trade Co., Ltd,  6 Oct. 2013, 22:15:32

Xinxiang Yuanye Trade Co., Ltd, has been given the right by the National Business Sector the State Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the General Administration of Customs, to....

[xinxiang, Henan, China]
zhengzhou chenghe machinery Co., Ltd  23 Jul. 2013, 2:48:36

Zhengzhou Chenghe Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, Central China. We are specially dealing with two types of products: The first category includes a....

[zhengzhou, Henan, China]
BeiJing ICE Iron & steel CO., Ltd  8 Dec. 2011, 6:07:27

BeiJing ICE Iron & steel CO., Ltd, located in BeiJing City of China, with total paid-up capital of USD10, 000, 000 and work force of 120 skilled personnel. is specialized in manufacturing and....

[BeiJing, Henan, China]
Henan BEBON international co., ltd  24 Aug. 2011, 22:27:22

Henan BEBON International Co., ltd located in Zhengzhou, henan province of china. Since it was established in 2008, Based on the domestic rich product resources and the great steel demand of the....

[zhengzhou, Henan, China]
HuaDong Screen Company  31 Mar. 2010, 3:40:06

 ¡  ¡ With the coverage of 15, 000 sqare meters and the total investment of 12 million RMB, Huadong Screens, located in Xinxiang City of Henan province, has emerged as the leading screens....

[xinxiang, Henan, China]
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