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rss RSS: Mebel untuk Umum - China > Fujian
Hasil Cari 1-4 dari 4

MAKE Locks, which is located in Xiamen city, Fujian province, Southeast of China, has been developed to cater to the highest level of security in the field of locks, locking systems and architectural....

[Xiamen, Fujian, China]
Auto Furniture Company  20 Nov. 2010, 1:32:43

we major in wide range of chairs, metal beds, chairs, school furniture, plastic leisure chair, , plastic public chair, rattan chair, office desk, office vistor chair, waitting seats, outdoors chair, ....

[Huian, Fujian, China]
xiamenfeixiangjingyingbu  27 Feb. 2010, 21:08:18

Xiamen flight operations department of material recovered is a recycling company specializing in second-hand, long-term recovery of central air-conditioning, television, computers, stereos, fans, ....

[¸£½¨Ê¡ÏÃÃÅÊÐ, Fujian, China]
China Newstar Industrial CO., Ltd  14 Jan. 2009, 21:36:34

China Newstar can offer you various material and style of cabinets furnitures with countertop and sink, such as solid wood kitchen cabinetry cherry cabinets, maple cabinets, oak cabinets , thermofoil....

[Quanzhou, Fujian, China]
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