Anggota Gratis
GEOSURVEYING | menjual Gps Garmin Indonesi, Gps Trimble, Gps Navigasi, Gps Geodetik, Gps Pemetaan, Total Station, Gigital Theodolite, Automatic level, Komunikasi, Satelite, Geology, Rain Gauge, Planimeter, Spiegel Relaskop, Rubber Boat, Software MapInfo
GEOSURVEYING | menjual Gps Garmin Indonesi,  Gps Trimble,  Gps Navigasi,  Gps Geodetik,  Gps Pemetaan,  Total Station,  Gigital Theodolite,  Automatic level,  Komunikasi,  Satelite,  Geology,  Rain Gauge,  Planimeter,  Spiegel Relaskop,  Rubber Boat,  Software MapInfo
Informasi Kontak
Tn. Hendry Ferdinans [Pemasaran]
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Nomor telpon Tn. Hendry Ferdinans di Jakarta Barat
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Nomor ponsel Tn. Hendry Ferdinans di Jakarta Barat
Nomor Faks:
Nomor faks Tn. Hendry Ferdinans di Jakarta Barat
Jl. Pejuangan Mawar III No15A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11530, Jakarta
GEOSURVEYING| menjual Gps Garmin Indonesi, Gps Trimble, Gps Navigasi, Gps Geodetik, Gps Pemetaan, Total Station, Gigital Theodolite, Automatic level, Komunikasi, Satelite, Geology, Rain Gauge, Planimeter, Spiegel Relaskop, Rubber Boat, Software MapInfo Professiona
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Phone Satelite

Phone Satelitesuatu layanan telekomunikasi berupa telepon tanpa kabel yang menempatkan base transceiver station (BTS) nya di udara sehingga memiliki jangkauan lebih luas dibanding telepon berbasis GSM yang menempatkan BTS-nya di darat. Karena memiliki jangkauan yang luas, telepon satelit dapat digunakan di derah pegunungan, pedalaman hingga di tengah lautan. Berbeda dengan telepon GSM yang jangkauannya terbatas. Telepon satelit tidak menggunakan infrastruktur yang ada di bumi untuk melakukan panggilan

Product yang kami pasarkan sebagai berikut:
Iridium 9555 Satellite Phone
Iridium 9505A satellite phone
IsatPhone Pro satellite phone
Thuraya XT satellite phone
Thuraya SO-2510 satellite phone
Thuraya SO-2520 satellite phone
Telepon Satelit Aces R-190
Telepon Satelit Inmarsat R-190
Telepon satelit Ericsson R-190
Byru marine Fr 190 Gm
Byru marine Fr 190 G
Telepon Satelit Thuraya
Telepon Satelit Iridium
Telepon Satelit BGAN EXPLORER 700
Telepon Satelit BGAN EXPLORER 500
Telepon Satelit Thuraya SO-2520
Telepon Satelit Thuraya SO-2510
Telephone Satellite Inmarsat IsatPhone-Pro

Information & Order : Hendry ferdinans

Jl.Pejuangan Mawar III No.15A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11530, Jakarta Indonesia
Telp : 021-70754644/ 021-53670757
Mobile : 081514241522 / 081286338156
YM Id : geosurveying2010
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Telepon Satelit IsatPhone Pro

Harga : call 081286336156

Phone Satellite Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro


The Ultimate Combination
When it comes to what you really need in a satellite phone, IsatPhone Pro delivers.
Telepon Satelit Thuraya SO-2520
Phone Satelite Thuraya SO-2520

Features and functions:
Dimensions: H139 x W52 x D18, 8 mm
Display: 262.000 colours
Weight: 170 g ( inc. battery)
Resolution: 176 x 220....
Telepon Satelit Thuraya SO-2510

Harga : Nego

Thuraya SO-2510
Phone Satellite Thuraya SO-2510

System Satellite handset
Weight 130g
Dimensions 118 x 53 x 19mm ( h x w x d)
Display 262, 000 colours
Telepon Satelit Aces R190 / Byru R190

Harga : Nego

Aces Satellite Phone R190 / R190 BYRU
Stay connected wherever you are

Opportunity to communicate can now be enjoyed by everyone. By using SURE, telecommunication barriers that....
Inmarsat BGAN terminals - Thrane & Thrane Explorer 700 - Inmarsat

Harga : Nego

Inmarsat BGAN terminals - Thrane & Thrane Explorer 700 - Inmarsat

Basic Specifications :

Data rates ( kbps) Transmit 492 Receive 492 ( simultaneously)

Harga : Nego

Performance and portability combined
EXPLORER 500 is the perfect choice, when working off the beaten track, but still dependant on a reliable connection. Whether....
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