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    HT Weierwei V1000

    HT Weierwei V1000

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    Keterangan :

    HT Weierwei V1000

    VEV-V1000 set to light body, the appearance of small, feel comfortable and easy to carry, reliable performance for a multi-function wireless walkie-talkie.

    To his waist in the same system can work easily.

    Its innovative design, stability and reliability of the circuit, two-row dot matrix display a variety of colors and the background lights are designed to highlight humanity, is your ideal of a walkie-talkie.

    Section 128 memory channels, DTMF codec, double-dot matrix display screen cloth, the radio features , 2-tone / 5-tone, VHF 5W/ UHF 4W output power,
    narrow band width available ( 25kHZ/ 12.5kHz) , ANI identification Code, VOX launch voice features, scan multifunctional,
    Scrambler device so close, adjustable three-color screen background lights, emergency call button, in both English and Chinese programming software, the computer can be used to write frequency
    Random allocation
    Rubber antenna, battery, battery charger, belt folder, Manual

    Specification :
    - Frequency Range
    136.000 ^ 174.000 MHz
    350.000 ^ 390.000 MHz
    400.000 ^ 470.000 MHz
    - Number Of Channel : 128
    - Operation Temperature : -20° C~ + 50°
    - Operating Voltage : DC7.2V
    - Antenna Impedance : 50©
    - Weight : 220g
    - Size : 100� 55� 32mm

    Produk kami masih baru, garansi service 1 Tahun, bisa diantar. Kami melayani pemesanan dari seluruh Indonesia. Ongkos kirim variatif tergantung kota tujuan.Untuk wilayah Jakarta gratis ongkos kirim. Kami juga menjual berbagai macam alat survey dan lain sebagainya. Bagi anda yang berminat hubungi kami di :

    Info Kontak :
    Aditya Kurniawan
    No. Telp. : 085716241676
    E-Mail : adityakurniawan20@

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