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Hammer Crusher 5E-HC Series
Hammer Crusher 5E-HC Series[29 Jul. 2011, 0:50:12]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Kemas & Pengiriman1 set
Negara AsalChina


5E-HC series hammer crusher is used to do the sample preparation for graininess material such as coal, limestone, mineral waste residue, oil shale etc


MODEL 5E-HC180x150
Feed Size ( mm) Kecis dari 50
Discharge Size ( mm) Kecil dari 1, 3, 6
Moisture Adaptability Kecil dari 15%
Productivity ( Kg/ h) 300~ 600
Motor of Power ( kW) 1.5
Working Power ( V) 3 phases, 380
Net Weight ( Kg) 200
Diameter of Crusher Chamber ( mm) 180
Dimensions ( mm) 730x500x1055


MODEL 5E-HC250x360
Feed Size ( mm) Kecis dari 150
Discharge Size ( mm) Kecil dari 1, 3, 6
Moisture Adaptability Kecil dari 15%
Productivity ( Kg/ h) 1200~ 1800
Motor of Power ( kW) 4
Working Power ( V) 3 phases, 380
Net Weight ( Kg) 400
Diameter of Crusher Chamber ( mm) 250
Dimensions ( mm) 800x1030x1280

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