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CHN Ultimate Analyzer 5E-CHN2000
CHN Ultimate Analyzer 5E-CHN2000[22 Jul. 2011, 5:37:11]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & Pengiriman1 set
Negara AsalChina


5E-CHN2000 Elemental Analyzer is used to determine Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen content in coal, liquid and other volatile material which is widely applied in power plant, coal mine, metallurgy, chemical industry, commercial inspection, scientific research, education etc.


MODEL 5E-CHN2000 Elemental Analyzer/ 5E-CH2021 CH Analyzer
Standard Test Method The test results will meet or exceed the repeatability and reproducibility limits specified in ASTM D5373-08
Analysis time ( mins) Approx. 5-6
Auto-Sampler Loading 29 samples automatically
Analysis Range C: 0.005% ~ 100% 50ppm, H: 0.02% ~ 50% 200ppm, N: 0.008~ 50% 80 ppm
Sample Mass ( mg) 80-100 recommended
Accuracy Carbon( Cad) d0.5% Hydrogen( Had) d0.15% Nitrogen( Nad) d0.08%
Analysis Method C& H: by IR Absorption Method N: Thermal conduction detection method
Gas Required Carrier gas : Helium gas, purity 99.995% , ( 0.25± 0.01) Mpa
Combustion Gas : Oxygen, for measuring C& H: purity 99.50% ;
for measuring nitrogen, the purity of higher than 99.995% , 0.25± 0.01 MPa, Power gas: Compressed air or Nitrogen without water & oil
Furnace Type Electric resistance furnace, Max. Temperature 1050 0C
Power Supply AC 220V± 10% , 50Hz, 12A ; AC150V± 10%
Dimensions ( mm) 710 x 690 x 790

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