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Meteran Laser

Meteran Laser
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Leica Disto D2 Distometer Distance Meter 60m

081385857180 - 081807480774

Measuring distances and calculating results with the smallest laser distance meter of the world.
The compact and handy base model was specifically designed for indoor....
Jual Leica Disto A6 Leica Disto Meter Laser Distance Meter

Call 081807480774

Leica DISTOâ „ ¢ A6
kumunikatif untuk didalam/ luar ruangan

Bluetooth ® data transfer - Untuk menerima data nilai teratur yang dapat diandalkan
Proses mengukur di Leica DISTOâ „ ....
Leica D3 Laser Meter Distance Meter 100m

Rp. 81.385.857.180

The Leica DISTOâ „ ¢ D3 is a multi-functional instrument to ensure simple, quick and reliable measurements. You can measure distances with absolute accuracy, past obstructions and....
Leica Disto D5 Laser Meter Distance Meter

021-50460182 = 021-91547473

World First: First laser distance meter with digital Pointfinder ( 4x zoom) , large 2.4â € œ color display and  ± 45 ° tilt sensor is now available! The Leica DISTOâ „ ¢ D5 is....
Leica Disto D8 Distance Meter Laser Meter

021-50460182 = 021-91547473

NEW: The most versatile laser distance meter in the world! Equipped with a digital Pointfinder, high-resolution 2.4â € œ colour display, 360 ° tilt sensor and bluetooth ® technology....
Prexiso X2 Laser Distance Meter Measure Laser Meter

Rp. 81.807.480.774

Make life easy: With the Prexiso X2 ( prex-ee-so) you can measure any distance quickly and efficiently. This handy laser measuring instrument is the ideal tool for all distance....
Leica DISTOMETER DXT Laser Meter Swiss

021-50460182 = 021-91547473

New: The Leica DISTOâ „ ¢ DXT is the only laser distance meter, which is protected against jet water and is absolutely tight against dust â € “ according to IP 65. This ensures, that....
Leica DISTO D3a BT Laser Meter

021-50460182 = 021-91547473

New: Now the Leica DISTOâ „ ¢ D3a is also available with BLUETOOTHÂ ® . Due to this technology, measurement results can be wirelessly and accurately transferred to Pocket PCs and PCs....
BOSCH DLE 70 Laser Meter Distance Meter 70 Meter

081385857180 - 081210146646

Bosch Digital Laser Meter Finder DLE 70

Digital Measuring Tool

* Pengoperasian yang mudah berkat adanya tombol penjelasan mandiri dan display yang ringkas
* Ideal untuk....
BOSCH DLE 40 Laser Meter Distance Meter 40 Meter

081385857180 - 081210146646

Bosch DLE 40 Laser Distance Measure 40m Range Metric & Imperial Measuring

The DLE 40 Professional Laser Rangefinder is a professional entry-level tool for the most frequent....
MEASI S2 Laser Distance Meter 60M Dapat Kacamata Merah

081385857180 - 081210146646

Jarak Laser Meter MEASI S2 Sampe 60 Meter

Akurasi: Ã ƒ â € š Ã ‚ Â ± 0, 06-in ( 1.5mm)
Range: 4In ke 196-ft ( 0, 1 M - 60m)
Laser: 635 nm, Kelas 2
Posisi fitur:
à ƒ â € š à ‚ â € ¢ ....
Laser Meter BOSCH DLE 150 Connect Bluetooth Laser Distance Meter

081385857180 - 081210146646

BOSCH DLE 150 Connect Bloetooth Laser Distance Meter

Digital laser rangefinder with a range of up to 150 m, precision to within a few millimetres. Also features Bluetooth....
Meteran Laser BOSCH GLM 150 Laser Distance Meter

081385857180 - 081210146646

BOSCH GLM 150 Laser Distance Meter

Measurement range : 0, 05 Ã ‚ â € “ 150 m
Laser : class 2
Measurement accuracy, typical : Ã ‚ Â ± 1 mm
Measurement time, typical : < 0.5 s
Meteran Laser Bosch GLM 80 AP + R 60 Laser Meter

081385857180 - 081210146646

Dalmierz laserowy Bosch GLM 80 w poB czeniu z szyn aluminiow Bosch R 60, peBni ce funkcj poziomicy elektronicznej
Wysokoa dokBadno[  0.2Ã ƒ â € š Ã ‚ Â ° wyznaczania k ta
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