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Kistler Pressure Series

Kistler Pressure SeriesWater-cooled precision pressure sensor specially suited for duty in internal combustion engines for high-precision, thermodynamic measurements .
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Kistler Models 9247A,  9247A0, 8 Quartz M5 Longitudinal Measuring Pin
Extremely small quartz strain sensor for indirect measurement of forces in machinery, tools and assembly processes.
Kistler Model 9249A Quartz Longitudinal Measuring Pin
Extremely small quartz strain sensor with integrated cable for indirect measurement of forces in machinery, tools and assembly processes.
Kistler Model 7013C Quartz Pressure Sensor
The Kistler Model 7013C is an industrial sensor for measuring cylinder pressures in internal combustion engines. Sensor and cable together form and oil- and splash-proof unit.....
Kistler Model 6031 Quartz Pressure Sensor,  Acceleration-Compensated
Very small quartz pressure sensor for measuring dynamic and quasistatic pressures up to 250 bar at temperatures up to 200Â ° C. High natural frequency. The built-in accelerometer....
Kistler Model 6213B Quartz High-Pressure Sensor
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Kistler Model 6215 Quartz High-Pressure Sensor
Front-sealing high pressure sensor suitable for all ballistic pressure measurements from 100 to 6000 bar.
Kistler Model 701A Quartz High Pressure Sensor
Quartz pressure sensor for measuring dynamic and quasistatic pressures up to 250 bar at temperatures up to 200Â ° C.
Kistler Model 607C Quartz High Pressure Sensors
The time-tested Model 607C series are specifically designed for applications involving high pressures and very high instantaneous combustion temperatures. The 607C incorporates a....
Kistler Models 601A,  601H Quartz High Pressure Sensor
Quartz pressure sensor for measuring dynamic and quasistatic pressures up to 1000 bar at temperatures up to 200Â ° C. Very small dimensions, high natural frequency.
Kistler Model 6005 Quartz High Pressure Sensor
Quartz pressure sensor for measuring dynamic and quasistatic pressures up to 1000 bar at temperatures up to 200Â ° C. Excellent cycling life and endurance in continuous operation....
Kistler Model 6211 High Pressure Quartz Sensor
High pressure sensor for measuring dynamic pressures from 1000 to 7500 bar in ballistics.
Kistler Model 4065A Piezoresistive High Pressure Sensor With Amplifier
High pressure sensor with rugged diaphragm for measuring on hydraulic systems, ( e.g. fuel injection systems in internal combustion engines) , and gas pressure measurements.....
Kistler Model 6183AE Cavity Pressure Sensor
Miniaturized quartz sensor with single-wire technology for mold cavity pressures up to 2000 bar in the injection molding of plastics.
Kistler Model 7001 Polystable Quartz High Temperature Pressure Sensor
Quartz pressure sensor for measuring dynamic and quasistatic pressures up to 250 bar at temperatures up to 350Â ° C.
Kistler Model 6729A Quartz High-Pressure Sensor
Sensor for measuring injection pressure. Sensor and cable together form an oil and splash-proof unit. Because of the built-in impedance converter, the sensor has a low impedance....
Kistler Model 6001 Polystable Quartz High Temperature Pressure Sensor
Quartz pressure sensor for measuring dynamic and quasistatic pressures up to 250 bar at temperatures up to 350Â ° C. Very small dimensions, high natural frequency.
Kistler Model 6203 High Pressure Quartz Sensor
High pressure sensor for measuring dynamic pressures from 1000 to 5000 bar in ballistics.
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