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viseal engineering co

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viseal engineering co
viseal engineering co

Katalog Produk

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  • diamond tools/ Cutting Tools/ Punching Tool( Cutting) / mata potong/ Mata bor

    diamond tools/ ....

    telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

    diamond tools/ Cutting Tools/ Punching Tool( Cutting) / mata potong/ Mata bor

    Mata bor/ diamond tools/ Cutting Tools / Punching Tools ( Cutting ) / mata potong
    help to drill, ....

  • Brushes/ Files/ Policap/ Poliroll/ Assortments Of Mounted Point/ Ball KU/ Conical WK/ Cup To/ Cylindrical Points ZY/ Cylindrical Radius end WR/ Mounted Point Sets/ Tapered KE/ tree SP/ PencilEdgingWheel/

    Brushes/ Files/ ....

    telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

    Brushes/ Files/ Policap/ Poliroll/ Assortments Of Mounted Point/ Ball KU/ Conical WK/ Cup To/ Cylindrical Points ZY/ Cylindrical Radius end WR/ Mounted Point Sets/ Tapered KE/ ....

  • Abrasive Product/ Tungsten Carbide Burrs/ Mounted Points/ Fine Grinding/ Combidisc/ Coated Abrasive Tool/ Reinforce Grinding Wheels/ Abrasive Cutting Tool/ Cutting Wheel/ Grinding Wheel/ Polishing Tool/ Cut Off Wheel/

    Abrasive Product/ ....

    telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

    Abrasive Product/ Tungsten Carbide Burrs/ Mounted Points/ Fine Grinding/ Combidisc/ Coated Abrasive Tool/ Reinforce Grinding Wheels/ Abrasive Cutting Tool/ Cutting Wheel/ Grinding....

  • Emergency Eyewash Station

    Emergency Eyewash....


    This emergency eyewash and shower decontamination station is ideal for large growers and commercial applicators
    * Exceeds a drenching 20 gpm water flow at 30 psi
    * 10" diameter....

  • Thermometers case / tank master case / stainles cup case / Cylindrical Brass Cupcase Gauging Thermometers

    Thermometers case / ....

    telp 33832900 , 085883358833 ,087882014995

    Lines and numbers etched into the glass for accuracy.
    Narrow 1" OD permits insertion through 1-1/ " fill pipes.

    http: / / viseal....

  • Petroleum Oil Sampler / Weighted bottle plug sampler / astm Sampling Equipment. / sampel can / Brass sus Weighted Beaker

    Petroleum Oil....

    telp 33832900 , 085883358833 ,087882014995

    Ada beberapa jenis sampler yang digunakan untuk mengambil sampel minyak bumi cair. Ini diberikan di bawah ini.

    * Beaker tertimbang. Sampler gelas tertimbang adalah sebuah botol....

  • Tank and Lipping Thermometer / Thermometer Centong/ ASTM Tank Gauging Thermometers / tank termometer / Thermometer cup cases

    Tank and Lipping....

    telp 33832900 , 085883358833 ,087882014995

    Kami menjual berbagai jenis THERMOMETER
    Thermometer yang kami jual diantaranya :
    ENGINE V-SHAPE Thermometer / Thermometer untuk Mesin
    Tank and Lipping Thermometer / ....

  • pakaian tahan listrik 20 kva / electric resistant clothing 20 kva / pakaian listrik / clothes stand electric shock / Head and eyes protection from electric shock / PROTECTIVE COVERALL / Insulating rubber gloves /

    pakaian tahan....

    telp 33832900 , 085883358833 , 087882014995, 081388688801,

    Composition - 1 Face shie lodf wthiteh kcith: i n cup 10 cal/ cm2, a7b0% so rlbigsh> t 9tr9a.n9s% m iosfs ihoanr, m tefuslt eUdV troa dAiSaTtioMn , - F1 2A1B7S8 shpeelmciefitc....

  • Sarung tangan listrik/ Elsec/ Kevlar/ Insulated Glove/ Sarung tangan kimia/ Sarung tangan tahan panas/ Ansel/ Nitrile glove/ Alumunized/ Ansel Neogreen/ Elsec insulating 20kva/ Elsec glove/ Electro glove/ Elsec insulating glove 20kva/ Electrician glove

    Sarung tangan....

    33832900 , 085883358833 , 087882014995, 081388688801

    Elsec insulating gloves terbuat dari lateks alam dengan kapas atau insert penyerapan panas retensi dan bahkan dengan sarung tangan kulit secara keseluruhan,
    Teknisi listrik....

  • Safety Harness,  FULL BODY HARNESS,  Safety belt,  FALL PROTECTION,  Safety for fall,  Cushion safety belt for working high above the ground,  Protective Equipment,  Alat keamanan kerja

    Safety Harness, FULL....


    untuk informasi lebih lanjut....

  • ABC dry powder fire extinguisher,  ABC dry powder ,  ABC Dry Chemical Powder ,  fire fighting foam,  Foam Extinguishing,

    ABC dry powder fire....


    ABC powder is a combination of Mono-
    ammonium phosphate and ammonium
    sulphate. The extinguishing mechanism
    being that it interferes with the chemical
    reactions that take place....

  • electric resistant clothing / / pakaian tahan listrik / clothes stand electric shock / Head and eyes protection from electric shock / PROTECTIVE COVERALL / Insulating rubber gloves /

    electric resistant....


    Composition - 1 Face shie lodf wthiteh kcith: i n cup 10 cal/ cm2, a7b0% so rlbigsh> t 9tr9a.n9s% m iosfs ihoanr, m tefuslt eUdV troa dAiSaTtioMn , - F1 2A1B7S8 shpeelmciefitc....

  • Safety Gloves,  Ear Plug,  Pelindung Telinga,  Masker Respirator,  masker 3M

    Safety Gloves, Ear....


    Yang paling penting aturan keamanan untuk selalu memakai kacamata pengaman. Mengenakan respirator dianjurkan ketika bekerja di sekitar batu debu, dan mutlak diperlukan ketika....

  • Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher,  Tabung Pemadam Kebakaran,  Alat Pemadam Api,  FIRE EXTINGUISHER,  safety gloves,  sarung tangan,  fire hose,  selang pemadam api,  fire fighters helmet,  helm pemadam kebakaran,  nozel

    Carbon Dioxide Fire....


    kami adalah distributor penjual alat-alat pemadam kebakaran seperti Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher, Tabung Pemadam Kebakaran, Alat Pemadam Api, safety gloves, sarung tangan, ....

  • safety Equipment,  Fire Fighting Equipment,  Immersion Suits,  Fire Hoses,  CO2 Plant and Installation,  Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus

    safety Equipment, ....


    * Life Rafts
    * Fire Fighting Equipment
    * Life Jackets
    * Immersion Suits
    * Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus
    * CO2 Plant and Installation
    * Air Cylinders
    * Fire Hoses
    * ....

  • safety shoes,  safety boots,  work shoes,  work boots,  safety work boots,  safety work shoes,  safety steel toe boots

    safety shoes, safety....


    Steel boots ( juga dikenal sebagai keselamatan boot, baja-capped sepatu bot atau sepatu keselamatan) yang tahan lama sepatu bot atau sepatu yang memiliki pelindung penguatan di....

  • safety glass,  safety Gloves,  safety ear,  ear protection,  safety helmet,  masker

    safety glass, safety....


    sarungtangan untuk bekerja di tempat yang banyak mengandung zat -zat kimia beserta pelindung mata, telinga agar yang memakainya terlindung dari hal-hal yang dapat membahayakan....

  • alat safety untuk keamanan,  first aid kit,  Welding masks & helmets: Standard and automatic,

    alat safety untuk....


    The nature of science and engineering research calls for exploring what is unknown, and understandably, this kind of activities carries a certain amount of risk. However, we came....

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