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PT. RFID Indonesia

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menampilkan 1-20 dari 22
RapidTAG NFC Tag Type 2 ( 80x50mm)
RapidTAG NFC Tag Type 2 ( 80x50mm) with 192 bytes memory, PET material and acrylic adhesive to offer a highly durable tag meeting the challenges each market demands.

HID Omnikey 5321CR ( Clean Room)
Stylish, tahan air, OMNIKEY Â ® 5321 CR mewakili pembaca ideal untuk aplikasi teknologi contactless di lingkungan kamar yang bersih seperti situs manufaktur atau ospitals dengan....
Psion WORKABOUT PRO� 3 Rugged Handheld Barcode Scanner
Psion Teklogix Workabout Pro 3 Wireless Barcode Scanner

Teknologi membuat sulit manapun melakukan pekerjaan Anda membawa Anda.

Dibuat untuk pekerja mobile, Workabout Psion....
ACR122U NFC Contactless Smart Card Reader
ACR122U NFC Reader adalah PC-terkait contactless smart card reader writer / dikembangkan berdasarkan Teknologi 13, 56 MHz ( RFID) Contactless. Sesuai dengan standar ISO/ IEC18092....
ACS ACR122L VisualVantage NFC Reader Writer
ACR122L adalah produk pertama dalam lini produk ACS pembaca NFC contactless untuk fitur grafis LCD untuk interaksi pengguna yang kaya. Dikembangkan berdasarkan teknologi RFID 13, ....
RapidACCESS RTF-8101A RFID Slap & Ship Label
The RapidACCESS RTF-8101A is a high performance,
passive intelligent label optimized for " Slap and Ship" .
Conforming to the EPCglobal Class1 Gen2 standard,
it addresses....
INTERMEC CN50 Portable Barcode Scanner
The Intermec CN50 is a 3.75G smartphone that combines a small and handy form factor with a rugged design of mobile phone to provide one of the most advanced high-performance voice....
TIBBO EM1000-TEV Development Kit
The EM1000-TEV is supplied with a sophisticated Tibbo BASIC " terminal" demo application that demonstrates the use of all hardware facilities of this development system. The....
RapidTAG Gen 2 Animal Tag ( Microchip Sapi)
The RapidTAG Animal Tag RT-AT8603 is a passive intelligent cattle identification tags that operates at Ultra high frequency ( UHF) band 923-925MHz. Confirming to EPCglobal Class 1....
Omnikey Cardman 5321/ CL/ CR - Multiprotocol HF 13.56MHz RFID Desktop Reader

Harga : Negosiasi (dalam Rupiah)

The OMNIKEYÂ ® 5321 eGovernment ID USB Readers represents the ideal combination of contact and contactless technology in a single device. These dual interface PC-linked readers....
Intermec CS40 Rugged PDA - Mobile Computer

Harga : 1

Where Rugged and Sleek Meet
Intermec' s CS40 is designed specifically for mobile field professionals who need productivity and reliability beyond a smart phone. The CS40 is....
RFP870 UHF Gen2 Industrial Light Handheld Reader Writer

Harga : 1

RapidACCESS RFP870 is a thin, light and rugged designed UHF Gen 2 Handheld Reader-Writer with the following features:

* ONLY 532 gram!
* WinCE 5.0 Pro
* PXA270 520MHz....
MIFARE Ultralight 1K Plus 2K 4K 8K S20 S50 S70 SmartMX Desfire EV1 JCOP Java Card Dual Frequency

Harga : NEGO

Perusahaan kami adalah STOCKIST & WHOLESALER untuk SEMUA kartu NXP MIFARE ( S20, S50, S70, Plus, SmartMX, Desfire, Dual Frequency dll)


RDL20/ FL20 Mult ISO Reader ( ProximityMifare/ Felica)

Harga : 1

The RDL020 is a high performance multi-technology reader reading 125KHz/ Mifare/ Felica card serial numbers. It is the best choice for system integrators because of its wide range....
RFD210P - UHF Gen 2 Reader/ Writer with Integrated Antenna

Harga : Call

Reader ini sangat terjangkau dari sisi harga. Diperuntukkan utk berbagai kebutuhan pelacakan/ tracking barang yang dilengkapi dengan tag ISO-18000-6B, EPC Class 1 Gen 2, EM-4222.....
High Temperature Mount-On-Metal RFID Tag

Harga : Rp. 55.000

The RTM9 UHF Mount On Metal tag is designed to survive any mounting condition and provide incredible read ranges in a relatively small tag. Using RapidACCESSâ � ¢ readers, the RTM15....
TIBBO DS100X - BASIC Programmable and Web Enabled Digital I/ O Controller
Featuring four RS232 ports, the DS1000 is the first member of our BASIC-programmable Industrial Controllers.

The DS1000 is a winning combination of substance and style. Rugged....
SCM Micro SCL010 Contactless Desktop Reader Writer
Your perfect contactless desktop reader choice

The combination of a modern slim design together with its state of the art multi-protocol feature set makes the SCL010 the....
Tibbo DS1206 Serial To IP Converter ( Programmable)

Harga : Rp. 1.750.000

DS1206 is a miniature BASIC-programmable controller designed primarily for serial-over-IP and serial control applications. It comes preloaded with a fully functional serial-over....
RFD500P - UHF Gen 2 Reader/ Writer with Integrated Antenna

Harga : Call

RFD500P adalah reader UHF Gen 2 yang dapat membaca dan menulis label elektronik atau yang biasa disebut Tag. Mempunyai kemampuan utk membaca tag dengan standar ISO-18000-6B, EPC....
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