MELTING POINT APPARATUS MODEL AMP UNTUK UJI LIPSTICK. Buatan Workshop PT Octa Prima Lestari Alat ini digunakan untuk mengetahui titik leleh lipstick skala lab Spesifikasi : digital suhu....
Perusahaan kami bergerak sejak tahun 1992 dalam bidang peralatan laboratorium dan agent dari banyak prinsipal seperti : ADVANTECH- Japan , ADWA INSTRUMENT - HUNGARY , AIRMETRIC - USA , BRAND....
EKMAN GRAB / EKMAN DREDGE Buatan Lokal ( RKS ) . Scoops overlap to reduce sample loss Dimensions : 152 X 152 X 152 mm Volume : 3.5 L Weight : 3 Kg Sample area : 232 cm2 Include : Line 20 m....
LEMARI ASAM/ FUME HOOD LOKAL. Rangka : Multipleks 18 mm Lapis HPL Soft finished Meja kerja : lapis phenolic resin Pintu : sliding/ kaca Dilengkapi dengan Lampu TL 1x 20 Watt , Swich Lampu dan....
LAMINAR AIR FLOW LOKAL. Dijamin Tidak Bocor dan tidak berisik ! Dibuat oleh work shop kami sendiri ( PT OCTA PRIMA LESTARI ) Spesifikasi : Model : LHS - LHM & LHL - Dimensi 1000 X....
TEST KEBOCORAN UNTUK SACHET , CUP , ALUMUNIUM STRIP. ( ACRYLIC VACUUM DESICATOR ) . PT OCTA PRIMA LESTARI * * Acrylic vacuum chamber ini sama fungsinya dengan dessicator dan sudah dimodifikasi....
FLOCCULATOR ( JAR TEST ) 4 & 6 SPINDLES - Digital Displai Buatan work-shop PT Octa Prima Lestari Didisain untuk mengoptimalkan dosis koagulan untuk memisahkan polutan dalam pengolahan airbuangan....
PLANKTON NET Wisconsin Net. A popular and versatile net The anterior reducing cone makes filtration more efficient than a standard conical net Consists of an anterior reducing cone; a posterior....
OPACITY METER ( ENVIRONMENT SMOKE INDICATOR PORTABLE ) MADE IN INDONESIA. The methods in measuring the density of smoke in brief are: 1. With eyesight - ( 1) To measure the density of smoke....
BOD INCUBATOR MASCOTTE. Buatan Lokal Dimensi : 1600 x 620 x 510 mm Volume : 275 Liter Digital displai , dan di seting pada suhu 20' C dengan ketelitian 2% Dilengkapi tombol lampu , power dan....
DWYER MINIHELIC� � II DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAGE Series 2-5000 Minihelic� � II Differential Pressure Gage Features : Housing is molded from strong mineral and glass filled nylon Pointer stops....
METER ARUS FLOWATCH FL-03 with cable 15 m Made in Swiss Aplikasi: - Mengukur arus sungai - Irigasi kanal - Arus Laut - conduits penyejuk udara - Layanan aliran air limbah - Ventilasi Poros....
TSS740 PORTABLE TSS METER PARTECH The 740 Monitor provides, quick and accurate readings of Suspended Solids, Sludge Blanket Level, and Turbidity, via an intuitive menu structure from a totally....
HIGH VOLUME AIR SAMPLER ( HVAS) READY STOCK ! ! MADE IN STAPLEX - USA. Model : TFIA-2 , TFIA-2F & TFIA-4 For indoor or outdoor sampling of airborne particulates Specification : 0-70....
TOTAL SUSPENDED PARTICULATE ( TSP ) AIR SAMPLER Made in STAPLEX - USA Model TSP-2 Total Suspended Particulate Air Sampling System, 220-230 VAC These complete air sampling systems, available....
PM 2, 5 & PM10-SSI STAPLEX PM10 Size Selective Sampling Inlet Meets all of EPA' s PM-10 performance specifications in Federal Reference Method ( RFPS1287-063) Hinged sampling chamber for....