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Nama:Tn. sunardi
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
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WhatsApp: 081905307446 081905307446
LINE: 081905307446 081905307446
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. sunardi di Jakarta Utara
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. sunardi di Jakarta Utara
Alamat:Jakarta Utara, Jakarta
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:17 Sep. 2015
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang dari kategori Mebel

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PT. Indofitting Lestari is the representative of Blum Company in Indonesia. Our services consist of a Kitchen cabinet planning, assembly, installation and supervison, marketing and also assist costumer in planning and design concept more accurate and quickly. PT Indofitting Lestari as The distributor advance Furniture Technology Company provides fast, comfortable, silent and effortless furniture solutions for commercial, industrial, and individual user with high quality product and also intergrated with the high technology system which is supported for all costumer section, purpose of used, and also the capacity for furniture storage. Cost Savings often results in 20% To 30% compared to traditional furniture alternative. As the subsidiary of Blum Company, PT Indofitting has provided the lift system ( Aventos series) , Hinge system ( Cliptop, modul, blumotion and tip-on) , drawer system ( tandem and tandem box) and also assembly device tools.

Blum Company has provided the advance furniture technology on the projects in Asia, Europe, America, Australia, and Africa for almost five decades. Blum technology has been used in over 118 countries around world to support their furniture, kitchen, etalase, wardrobe, bedroom. Until now Blumâ € ™ s company has finished more than 40, 000 projects.

In Indonesia, PT Indofitting Lestari has started twenty five years ago. Until now, PT Indofitting has been successfully in end user approach and also has finished a couple thousand projects for individual and commercial used. For marketing segment, PT Indofitting already had many permanent costumers such as PT Bika Parama Cipta, PT Vivere Multi Kreasi, Aseha Interior, Beleza Living, Cellini, Fresco Furniture, Metric Kitchen, Julian Nyland , Surya Toto Indonesia, Indawo Kharisma Internusa and many more.

In addition to undergoing our own internal peer review process, all designs and instalation are performed by using the Dynalog software and constructed with high precision assembly device. Additional, Through our quality control process combined with load testing provides a high degree of confidence that blum product will perform as intended on the subject project and costumer needed. Beside of that, Blum Company also provide guarantee methods to support their furniture fitting product.

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