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FILMTEC XLE-4040 | 021 84937329 | 0818807696 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040 | FILMTEC XLE-4040

FILMTEC XLE-4040 is the most productive, lowest pressure RO membrane available, delivering the lowest total system cost. Tape-wrapped elements are built with the same high quality membranes and materials of construction as industrial elements, except for the hard outershell, and are more economical for commercial systems with one or two elements per housing.
Model: XLE-4040
Tape wrapped fiberglass outer shell
Diameter: 4.0"
Length: 40"
Applied Pressure: 100PSI
Nominal Capacity in GPD: 2600
Maximum Pressure: 600PSI
Weight: 15lbs
Stabilized salt rejection: 99.0%
28 mil feed spacer
Maximum Operating Temperature: 113F ( 45C)
Maxium Feed Flow Rate: 14GPM
Maxium Pressure Drop: 13PSI
87 ft2 of active membrane surface area
May be cleaned over the widest pH range ( pH 1-13) for the most effective cleaning

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