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Aquada UV disinfection
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Aquada UV disinfection | | 0818807696 | 081385066789 | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection | Aquada UV disinfection

The extremely simple handling, low investment and operating costs and various possibilities of application in household, leisure and industry make the Aquada equipment the ideal model to start with in environmentally friendly UV disinfection.
The wavelength of UV light required for disinfection is ensured by a centrally arranged low-pressure lamp in the high-grade steel chamber. The cladding sleeve out of quartz glass ensures that only UV light of the effective wavelength for disinfection acts on the water. The power supply developed for this makes operation possible in all networks worldwide. An optimal and smooth operation is ensured in this way in combination with the UV control device.

Simple installation and low-maintenance handling
Aquada UV systems can be integrated into existing water pipeline systems without a great deal of effort. The clear construction and simple handling mean that even laymen can get started with this environmentally friendly water disinfection technology. The UV lamps used can be operated for at least one year and can be easily exchanged. The lamps and quartz sleeves can be assembled/ disassembled without tools.

The Aquada UV system for the disinfection of your entire process and drinking water does not use any more energy than a standard bulb ( 35 - 85 Watts) . Measured on efficiency, illuminants are not even competition: The efficiency ( desired light yield in relation to energy expenditure) of the low-pressure emitters used is nearly three times higher at 35% than with modern energy-saving lamps ( 12 - 15% efficiency) .

The suitable Aquada for each user
You can choose between three Aquada types. Each of these systems is available in five different sizes, meaning we can meet every individual requirement - private or commercial/ industrial. Whether you prefer the inexpensive Altima model, the specially equipped Proxima model, or the Maxima model equipped for all eventualities, we can always offer you the Aquada model which is adapted to your entirely personal and individual needs.


Mirco-organisms include tiny bacteria, viruses and cysts that exist in nature. Although local water supplies are treated by various processes, including chlorine, these organisms can survive in the water delivered to our home for use in bathing, washing and, of course, drinking.

Although most are harmless, exposure to dangerous micro-organisms can result in severe illness. Especially vulnerable are elderly people, those with weakened immune systems, and children. The most effective way to destroy these organisms and prevent the potential for illness is through disinfection of your water at home using ultraviolet ( UV) light. Connected to the water supply line in your home, ultraviolet disinfection provides a final barrier to these organisms for your entire house-hold.

While other home water treatment processes such as filtration or water softeners will improve the taste and clarity of your water, they are not designed to protect against dangerous micro-organisms. UV will instantly and effectively render dangerous organisms harmless.

There are three Aquada models to choose from. Each is available in five different sizes depending on the flow requirements of your home or business. Whether you prefer the economical Altima model, the feature packed Proxima or the high specification Maxima, there is an Aquada model to meet everyone’ s needs.

And because every Aquada model is designed to deliver the UV dose recommended by important european and american regulatory and safety agencies, you can be sure that your water will always be safely and effectively disinfected.

Drinking water
Domestic water
Warm water / legionellae
The benefits of Aquada ultraviolet disinfection
Enhances overall water safety
Effective destruction of dangerous organisms that can pass through
other treatment processes and reach your tap.
No harmful chemicals or by-products
No residuals or harmful chemical by-products ( such as Trihalomethanes) are introduced into the water .
No affect on taste and water quality
UV does not affect the taste, odour or clarity of the water.

Simple to install, low maintenance
Aquada UV systems are easily installed in your household water line following any pretreatment that may be required. UV lamps are easy to replace and only require changing after one full year
of use.

Aquada UV systems require less energy than a typical household light bulb yet can disinfect the entire water flow to your home.

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