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Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve[13 Apr. 2011, 23:37:34]
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Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | | + 6221 71227771 – 2 | + 62818807696 | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve | Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve

Autotrol 180 Series Softener or Filter Control Valve
A 1.5-inch brass valve designed for single-, dual- and triple-tank systems, the 180 Series is loaded with improved performance features. The Q-seal piston, with just one moving part in the water stream, eliminates hardness leakage. A positive-lock timing cam ensures valve/ piston synchronization and maintains calibration. The heavy-duty drive motor positions the piston slowly to eliminate water hammer. And a multi-function terminal strip allows for the operation of electrical accessories.

Features and Operation
The Autotrol 180 series softener/ filter control valve is a 1 1/ 2-inch sized service flow brass valve for commercial and industrial softener systems.

The 180 control valve has only one moving part, a piston assembly controlled by a high torque motor. Motor speed is kept very slow to prevent water hammer during regeneration. Also, because it is motor driven, the valve is not dependent on water pressure for an effective seal.

The piston assembly has quad-ring seals for a sure, no-leak fit. The quad-rings are designed to provide a long service life. If they ever need to be replaced, the piston is easily removed and only the seals need to be replaced. The valve does not need to be removed from the piping system to replace the piston.

The valve may be either top-mounted or side-mounted. Valve installation and removal is simplified by the use of a top mount or side mount adapter. The 180 valve features adjustable regeneration time. Backwash can be adjusted in three minute increments from 8 to 50 minutes. Brine and slow rinse can be adjusted in three-minute increments from 1.5 to 43.5 minutes.

The 180 valve is available with six- or seven-day Model 440 electromechanical timers. The impulse timer control is also available and can be used with any remote device which produces a three- to five-minute signal to initiate a regeneration. The signal can be produced by an Autotrol 480QC, or a reset meter capable of producing the required signal.

The 180 series valve is also available as a five-cycle softener valve. The cycles are backwash, downflow brine, slow rinse, fast rinse and service. When used in filter applications, the 180 valve is available as a three- or five-cycle valve.

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