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RO ( Reverse Osmosis ) membrane housing[4 Jun. 2009, 19:25:04]
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Our Standard Residential Membrane Housing is manufactured from a high-quality, FDA-approved polypropylene and will accommodate most standard 2" x 12" membrane elements. Both the ribbed cap and housing are one-piece injection molded parts, so no solvents or glues are used in the manufacturing process.

Standard size RO reverse osmosis membrane housing
Standard size RO reverse osmosis membrane housing - 90° Ports with 1/8" FNPT Threads - Includes New O-rings and 3 90° 1/4" Jaco Fittings For 1/4" Tube, ot, upgrade to the John Guest Quick Connectors. The end with a single port is the inlet feed water. On the end with two ports the center port is the permeate (product) water. The offset port is the brine (waste).

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