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Pd Karya Agung Indonesia

Anggota Gratis
Pd Karya Agung Indonesia
  • Jual

    Water Test Kit And Bacteriological Test Kit ( WTB-2010) Fungsi : Untuk test air minum dan air bersih, Total Ecoli & Coliform, Turbidity, pH/ Condutivity/ TDS Disolved Oxygen, Aluminium, Besi ( Iron) , Klorida, Mangan ( Manganase) , Nitrat ( Nitrate) Nitri

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    Kemas & Pengiriman:
    Spesifikasi Photometer :
    Instrument type : Direct-reading colorimeter with automatic set-up and reading
    Operating Wavelengths: 450 nm, 500 nm, 550 nm, 575 nm, 600nm and 650 nm
    Display: Large Backlit graphic LCD screen
    Accuracy: ± 0.5% at 4% transmittance± 0.005 at 0.3 AU
    Resolution: 0.001 AU
    User Selectable Options : Time/ Date format, display language, test units, sample number and dilution factors
    InternalMemory: 500 sample results stored with selective recall
    Data Output: Waterproof USB interface
    Test Cells: Automatic adjustment for round test tubes from 12 - 20 mm diameter
    Power: Battery power ( 3 x ‘ AA’ ) - optional power through USB port from computer or mains adapter
    Size: W146 x D275 x H75 mm
    Weight : 975g
    Instrument Rating: Waterproof IP67

    Perlengkapan Peralatan :

    - 8 pcs glass test tube
    - Dilution Tube all contained in a moulded plastic carrying case
    - Check standard with certificate
    - Round Test Tube, 10ml, pack of 5
    - Test Tube Rack ( holds 8 test tube)
    - USB Power Supply
    - USB cable
    - Turbidity Standart
    - Thermometer Incubator
    - Lampu UV
    - Streile Graduated ( sampler media 10 pcs)
    - Sarung tangan ( 10 pasang)
    - Portable Incubator :
    . Incubator type : Compact Multi - Voltage
    . Power input : 12 Volt DC or 220 VAC
    . Heat Output : 48 Watt
    . Power Conection : Conection cable wtih fitted mains

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