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Nama: | Tn. Tariq Husain [Administrasi] | |
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Alamat: | Fibretec Instruments, P.O.Box No.84, Gulab Nagar, G.T. Road Roorkee 247 667, Uttaranchal India | |
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai | Tidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan | |
Tanggal Bergabung: | 24 May. 2023 | |
Terakhir Diperbarui: | 23 Sep. 2010 | |
Sifat Dasar Usaha: | Pabrikan, Dagang dari kategori Lingkungan | |
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Dear Sir, Let me introduce ourselves with in a couple of words. We are engaged in the manufacturing of Testing Instruments. We offer a wide range of quality Testing instruments for PULP, PAPER, PLASTIC, RUBBER, TEXTILE, ADHESIVE, PRINTING TESTING for with the brand name of FIBRETEC INSTRUMENTS since 1972 and have many customers in national and international market. We are also AWARDED IInd PRIZE IN PAPEREX SHOW 1995, asia' s largest exhibition held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India Some of our oldest customers in international market are listed below. Al-Rajhi Paper & Packaging, Saudi Arabia Technimax, Vietnam Tumba Bruk, Sweden Zhejiang Chaoda Valve Co., Ltd, China VHP Security Paper Mills, Netherland Quena Paper Industry, Cairo, Egypt Century Paper Mills, Pakistan Mandiali Papers, Pakistan Shaheen Paper & Boards, Pakistan Sayid Paper Mills, Pakistan Decent Packages, Pakistan Taj Paper MIls, Pakistan D. R. Manufacturing Co. SriLanka And over 1000' s of customers in India too. Here is the list of some of the items manufactured by us. 1. Thickness Tester ( Micrometer) 2. Brightness, Opacity, Color & Gloss Tester 3. Tensile Tester 4. Oil Absorbency Tester 5. Stiffness Tester 6. Air Permeability Tester 7. Bursting Tester 8. Laboratory Hydra Pulper 9. Flotation Cell ( De-inking Unit) 10. Rotary Digester 12. Digital Smoothness, Porosity Tester ( Bendsten Tpe) 13. Valley Beater 14. Valley Beater ( PFI MILL TYPE) 15. Fluff Tester 16. Hardness Tester 17. Grammage Scale 18. Ring Crush Tester 19. Internal Ply Bond Tester 20. Moisture Meter 21. Spectrophotometer 22. Folding Endurance Tester 23. Strip Cutters 24. Ash Incinerator 25. Water Absorption Tester 26. Oil Penetration Tester 27. Wettability Tester 28. Short Span Compression Tester 29. Lab Reserch Digester 30. Laboratory Stariner 31. Fibre Fractionater 32. Laboratory Sheet Press 33. Beating and Freeness Tester 34. Wood Chip Classifier 35. Laboratory Chipper 36. Fiber Classifier 37. Rapid Sheet Dryer 38. Sheet Drying Cylinder 39. Consistency Determination Apparatus 40. Micro Fibre Projector 41. Pulp Disintegrator 42. Wet Web Tensile Strength Tester 43. Portable Sheet Dryer 44. Hand Sheet Former 45. Box Compression Tester 46. Abrasion Tester 47. Laboratory Heat Sealer 48. Gelbo Flex Tester 49. Paper Core Compression Tester 50. Concora Medium Fluter 51. Carton Board Creaser 52. Puncture Resistance Tester 54. Ink Rub Tester 55. Dennison Paper Testing Waxes 56. Lab Air Knife Coater 57. Printability Tester 58. Lab Bar Coater 59. Enviornment Chamber 60. Laboratory Oven 61. Ph meter 62. Muffle Furnace 63. Bod Incubator 64. Basis Weight Control Valve 65. Consistency Measurement & Control 66. Auto Guide 67. Distillation Unit 68. Hot Plate 69. Haemoglobinometer 70. Photo Electric Colorimeter Digital 71. Potentio Meter Digital 72. Paper Chromatography Kit 73. Chloroscope ( Chlorine Testing) 74. Anaerobic Cultural Jar System ( Ploycarbonate) 75. Electrophoresis Powe Supplies 76. Magnetic Stirer with Ceramic Top 77. Magnetic Stirer with S. S. Top 78. Hot Plate with Cermic Top 79. Centrifuge Machine Digital ( 5200 RPM) 80. Micro Centrifuge / Haematocrt Centrifuge 81. Laboratory Jars 82. Laboratory Beakers 83. Pipettors 84. Diaphragm Pumps 85. Color Matching Cabinet ( For Textile, Plastics, Paper etc.) 86. Rota Dyer 87. Infra Color Dyeing 88. Glycerin Bath 89. Washing Fastness Tester 90. Leather Color Matching 91. Crock Meter 92. Pilling Tester 93. Yarn Tension 94. Thickness Guage 95. Melt Flow Index Tester 96. Izod Impact Tester 97. Density of smoke Tester 98. War Page Tester 99. Flexing Tester for Latex foam and Rubber For PAPER TECNOLOGIES Huma Husain ( Manager Marketing) Adress: FIBRETEC INSTRUMENTS P. O. Box NO. 84, G. T. Road, GULAB NAGAR, ROORKEE-247 667 HARDWAR, UTTARANCHAL India Phone : 0091-1332-264276 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0091-1332-264276      end_of_th e_skype_highlighting, Fax : 0091-1332-261883 Cell : 0091-9412074366 For any futher discussions please contact us at: papertraders@ sales@ fibretecinstru@ ta riq_husain21@ URL / : | ||
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