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Osanian style and Fashion wear
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Osanian style and Fashion wear
Kontak Perusahaan | ||
Nama: | Tn. Kazi Tanvir [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum] | |
E-mail: | Kirim Pesan | |
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Alamat: | I/E 43, Chiriakhana road ,Mirpur Dhaka 1216 Bangladesh | |
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai | Tidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan | |
Tanggal Bergabung: | 24 May. 2023 | |
Terakhir Diperbarui: | 11 Nov. 2009 | |
Sifat Dasar Usaha: | Pabrikan dari kategori Pakaian & Mode | |
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NAME: OSANIAN STYLE & FASHION WEAR Head Office: I/ E 43, Chiriakhana road Mirpur -01 Dhaka- 1206, Bangladesh TEL: 880-2- 8032704, 880-2-9009486 FAX: 880-2- 9009486 E-mail: Osanian7@ Sister company: Porgona Rowshonabad Garments OANIAN LOGESTICS SUPPORT J & J FABRICS Bank EXIM BANK MIRPUR BRANCH PL# 7, MAIN ROAD-3, BEGUM ROKEYA SARANI, 10-NO.CROSSING, MIRPUR DHAKA-1216 PHONE-88-02-8054226, 8056776 SWIFT: E XBKBDDHO17 ACCOUNT NO: CD-1110000792-8 EXECUTIVE BACKGROUND: KAZI TANVIR AHAMED ARUP, the Managing Director of the Company, has over 17 years experience overseeing garment manufacturing in Bangladesh. He also maintains the position of Chief Consultant of Look Shine International Co. & Apparel Accessories House in Hong Kong & China established in the year 2000. Since 1994 Mr. ARUP has been Director responsible for the OSANIAN STYLE AND FASHION WEAR. We have 12, 000 square ft. From the grnd floor to 4thfloor floors of a modern 6 storied building and have spent enormous amount of money and time on the premises, importing the most modern specialized sewing machinery as well as control and housekeeping equipment, for garments division and fab division so that we could meet even the most critical buyersâ € ™ evaluations. Words from the Management We the people in Osanian are working to swell up Bangladeshi products in the international market, introducing high quality fashion woven items with good workmanship and keeping in mind the above. We have expanded today in many fields having been equipped with technical machines including available spaces and with international standard auxiliary to satisfy the demands and choices of our valued overseas customers. We follow in every step the desires of the buyers and take strong initiatives to fill the requirements they have. Timely delivery, consciousness and proper documentation are our priority and of course we offer the most competitive prices. We at OSANIAN STYLE AND FASHION WEAR feel proud to secure the ` Made in Bangladeshâ € ™ tag on our products and urge the valued customer to pay a visit to the land of our work place. In line with our policy of striving continuously towards the development of new and innovative products which cater for the rapidly changing trends of the world fashions, we remain committed to developing our people and therefore continue our efforts for improvement of human capital both in-house and through professional training. KAZI TANVIR AHAMED ARUP Managing Director OUR AIMS: This industry is striving to be increasingly effective in earning foreign exchange for Bangladesh. At the same time we maintain our stand as a source reducing unemployment appointing officers, staff and workers. VISION: To be the one of the leading garments manufacturer of the country with best labor practices and highest quality commitment. MISSION: To attain the highest level of customer satisfaction through extension of services by a dedicated and motivated team of professionals. 4) PERSONl POSITION KAZI TANVIR AHAMED ( ARUP) Managing Director ENG KAZI MOIN AHAMED ( APON) Director | ||
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