monocular Yukon - Exelon 3x50 Sku # 24101[2 Nov. 2011, 1:02:30]
The EXELON 3x50 features enhanced operating characteristics. Combination of a CF-Super tube and a high-aperture 50mm R-Contact objective lens provides a distortion free, crisp and geometrically precise image on the entire surface of the screen. The CF-Super light amplification ratio of 1200 essentially exceeds a similar value of the gen. 1 tube. This feature gives the EXELON 3x50 a great viewing range and high degree of detailed recognition of observed objects. In field conditions ( under natural night illumination of 0.05 lux) the unit can detect objects at a distance of up to 500 meters, and recognize them within a 230-270m. range. Wide field of view perfectly describes the EXELON 3x50 as a monocular ideally suited for observing moving objects. Along with fine ergonomics, the EXELON 3x50 can be easily transported and is perfect for use in harsh field conditions ( hunting, fishing, and hiking) as well as for nature preservation purposes. Coupled with various accessories ( IR flashlight, photo and video adapters) , the EXELON 3x50 is not merely an observation device, but also an excellent means for image recording.
CF-Super Tube
Due to the spherical shape of the tube’ s photo cathode, the device produces enhanced resolution on the entire surface of the screen, measuring from 42 lines/ mm in the centre to 32 lines/ mm on the edge.
Optical Arrangement
Combination of the tube and R-Contact 50mm objective lens of the provides crisp and geometrically precise image without distortion even in the peripheral areas of the tube’ s screen.
Info :
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em ail: aliarief.fadillah@
Hub : Ali arief
Pilihan yang tepat untuk pemula terjun ke dalam bidang astronomi. Mudah digunakan, ringan, harga terjangkau – namun tidak mengorbankan kualitas optik. Cobalah untuk melihat melalui teleskop achromatic ini, maka anda akan menemukan ketajaman yang tetap prima.
80mm f/ 11 OTA, Prism Diagonal, 25mm and 8mm eyepieces, EQ-2 Mount, 6x30 finder
Aluminium Tripod, Slow-Motion knob ( 2)
Info :
http: / /
em ail: aliarief.fadillah@
Hub : Ali arief
Tlp : 021-34191199
Hp : 0812-88179349 / 085880534449