- Resolution: 0.1° C, 0.1% R.H.
- DispIay: red LEDS, height 12.7 mm
- Precision: instrument onIy ± 0.1
- Power suppIy: 12÷ 24 V
- Relay contacts for the reguIators: Clean exchange contact 3A/ 220 Vac resistive
- Electronics working temperature: -5...50° C
HD 404 ON/ OFF temperature regulator
This regulator may be connected to the transmitters of the series:
HD 2008T, HD 2012T... as long as the temperature configuration of the transmitter
is the same as the regulator
ReguIating range: 4 mA -20° C, 20 mA + 80° C Hysteresis: 0.6÷ 6° C.
Bridge for selecting the function: HD 4049 ON/ OFF relative humidity regulator
This reguIator may be connected to the transmitters of the series:
HD 797T, HD 2007T, HD 2008T, HD 2011T, HD 2012T
ReguIating range: 4 mA 0% R.H., 20 mA 100% R.H.
Hysteresis: 1÷ 6 points of reIative humidity
Bridge for selecting the function: humidify/ dehumidify.
HD 5002, HD 5002/ 5
The HD 5002 or the HD5002/ 5 in combination with temperature and relative
humidity transmitters forms a complete temperature and humidity measuring and
regulating system. Depending on the series, the HD 5002 feeds the transmitter and measures the absorbed current which is proportional to the relative humidity ( terminal IR.H.) and the temperature ( terminal It) .
Voltage drops along the connection wires do not influence the measurement
precision, since the signal is a current and not a voltage.
Regulation is of the three-point type ( heat - OFF - cool for temperature, humidify - OFF - dehumidify for relative humidity) . Also, an aIarm contact is made if the temperature differs by more than 8° C from the set value ( or if humidity differs by more than 15% from the set R.H.) . A dip switch on the rear of the
instrument selects the alarm conditions, high or low for temperature, high or low for humidity.
Using range: humidity 0% ...100% R.H.
Temperature: -20...+ 80° C ( HD 5002) , -30...+ 130° C ( HD 5002/ 5) depending on the transmitter used Resolution: 0.1° C, 0.1% R.H.
Precision: transmitter included, relative humidity: ± 2, 5% up to 90%
R.H., ± 3% beyond 90% R.H. Temperature: ± 0.3° C
Hysteresis: 0.6° C÷ 6° C, 1÷ 10 points of relative humidity
Display: red LEDS; 3 1D2 figures, height 12.7 mm
Outputs: 4 exchange contacts ( ‘ ° C, “ ° C, ‘ % R.H., “ % R.H.) plus alarm contact when made, capacity 3 A/ 220 Vac resistive
Power supply: 24 Vac
Instrument working temperature: -5...+ 50° C
Dimensions: front panel: 96x96 mm.
instrument body: 88x90x123 mm.
ATTENTlON: For compatibility with DELTA OHM 4÷ 20 mA regulators place the jumper in the position 4÷ 20 mA .
With the multidrop technique, more than one regulator, indicator or recorder may be connected in series.