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ALAT LABORATORIUM,  Alat Lab,  Alat Uji,  HP 0815-993 5009,  081-383 190 190) e-mail : karyamitrausaha@
ALAT LABORATORIUM, Alat Lab, Alat Uji, HP 0815-993 5009, 081-383 190 190) e-mail : karyamitrausaha@
 Jual:Soil Auger, Hand Bor, Geolistrik, Resistivity Meter, Watrer Looger, Alat Geology, Sediment batuan, HP 0815 9935009 CBR, Penetrometer, Rain Gauge, Liquid Limit, Sand Cone, Cosolidation, Shieve, aggregate test, compressive test, cube mold, slump testsaybolt  Jual:rambu lalulintas, alat Marka Jalan, Penggaris Jalan, Zebra Cross, Garis Jalan, Thermoplastic, Glassbead, dll : karyamitrausaha@,  Jual:Alat Laboratorium, Alat Lab,, Telp 021 7543316, Fax 0251 7543281, email : karyamitrausaha@,  Jual:Defelsko, Thickness Gauge, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, Coating Thickness Gauge :, telp 0251 7543316, 0251 7543281  Jual:Penakar Hujan, OBS Rain Gauge : HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Echosounder, Multi beam, Tide Gauge, Current Meter, Seba, OSS B1, Universal Current Meter, Flowatch, RTD, ( HP 0815 9935009) Oceanogprphic tools, Bathy 500 MF, SEBA M1, thies clima, ketterer, alat meteoralogi, alat bmg,  Jual:Flume, Ambang Meteran Taraf, info@, Thermometer air dan thermometer air raksa, Drainage seepage tank, sediment transport demonstration channel, jaringan pipa, ventury meter, hydraulic bench, osborn reynold apparatus, hydrology study syste  Jual:Current Meter, Global Water FP111 & FP211 GLOBAL WATER FLOW PROBE, flowatch, Water Current Meter, valeport, watermark, swoffer, MJP, Flowatch, Izusu, GO Environment, rhcm, Seba, hydro bios, kiel, Tatonas, etc  Jual:pH meter,, ( HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@, Conductivity Meter, Dissolved Oxygen Meter, Temperature Meter, Turbidity Meter, Salinity Meter, Colorimeter, BOD, COD, ORP, TDS, Ion meter, Titrator, hydrometer, vertical wat  Jual:Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, Microprocessor, Intell Safe, Landteknet ( HP 0815 9935009 ) , Dakota, Krautkramer, Panametrics, Elcometer, Fischer, Kawatetsu, NDT, Echometer, Gardner, BYK, Stresstell, etc  Jual:Alat Pengambil Sample Ikan Air Tawar ( E Fishing Gear) karyamitrausaha@, k000333999@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Leaf Area Meter CI 202 , Porometer, CI 110 Digital Plant Canopy Imager, CI 203 Laser Leaf Area Meter, CI 210 Portable Plant Imager, CI 600 Root Scanner, CI 700LP Leaf Probe : EMAIL : karyamitrausaha@,  Jual:ph meter, conductivity meter, dissolved oxygent meter, salinity meter, refractrometer, turbidity meter, water sample, niskin, van dorn, titrator, water bath, stirrer, magnetic stirer Telp 0251 7543316, 0251 7543281, info@  Jual:Alat Lab, menjual alat lab alat laboratorium :  Jual:Temperature Gauge, Pressure Gauge, Vacuum Gauge, Bimetal Thermometer, Barometer, WIKA, stiko, bima, armaturenbau, bourdon, schuh, weksler, rueger, sato, McDaniel, Mc Daniel, yamamoto, ashcroft, barton, winter, 081281161411, k111222333@,  Jual:Proceq, Fischer, Quanix, Airflow, email : info@, Eisen, Electrophysik, Kawatetsu, Dakota, Porosity, Hammer, Hardness, bore gauge. : karyamitrausaha@, Fax 0251 7543316, 0251 7543281  Jual:METREL, Multinorm MI 6201, MI 6201 ST, MI 6201 PR pro set, FonS MI 6301, Poly MI 6401, MI 2130 VoltScanner, MI 4100 Power Monitor, MI 2191 Power Simulator, MI 2492 PowerQ, MI 2092 Power Harmonics Analyser, MI 2392 PowerQ Plus, MI 2292 Power Quality Analys  Jual:Alat Survey, Surveying Equipment, hp 0815 9935009 , karyamitrausaha@, Theodolite, Level, Altimeter, Planimeter, Compass, Clinometer, Inclinometer, measuring tape, NC scriber CS 55 Top CS 110 Top, Pantograph, drafting Machine, digitizer,  Jual:Current meter, Van Dorn, Hansen, niskin, kitahara, plankton, bogorov, plankton divider, sedimen sampler, bottom sampler, plate sampler, sedgewick rafter, alpha beta sampler, wildco HP 0815 9935009  Jual:Instrument Cable, Kable Instrument,  Jual:AFM, DNA & peptide synthesis, MALDI TOF MS, MS MS for protein sequencing, 2 D electrophoresis, FT Raman Spectroscopy, Nano LC, Capillary electrophoresis, micro array spotting and scanning, Affymetrix® Genechip® technology, Pyrosequencing, UPLC® and a rang  Jual:Thermohygrograph, thermograph, Taisho Thermo hygrograph, TS 707, barograph, Fosose Psychrometer, Hygrothermometer, Fortin Barometer, Aneroid Barometer, HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@, Assmann Psychrometer  Jual:Tyres, ( HP 0251 7543316) : karyamitrausaha@ ) Tire, Ban, Ban Dalam, Solid Tyres, Heavy Equipment Tyres, Forklift Tyres, Tracktor, Dump Truck Tyres, Offroad Tyres, Tire, Ban Truk, Ban Forklift, Ban Grader, Ban Traktor  Jual:Incinerator : Insinerator, Insenerator, Waste Incinerator, ( HP 0815 993500) Medical Waste Incinerator, Alat Pembakaran Sampah Rumah Sakit, Needle Destroyer, Pemotong Jarum Suntik HP 0815 9935009  Jual:Bor Banka, Bor Pertambangan, Banka Drill Machine, Bor Tanah, Auger, Bor Sondir, Soil Auger :, mail : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Alcohol & Drug Detection, alcotest 6510, Alcotest 7410, Alcotest 7410 Plus, Alkotest 7110 Mk III, Interlock XT, Drug Detection, Whilst most breath alcohol measuring devices are now electronic, but original alcotest tube is still  Jual:Rapid Tests, Urine Reagent Test, Rapid Diagnostic Tests, Fertility Tests, Urine Test Kit , Alkohol Test Kit, Elisa Test Kit, Tumor, Cardiac Test, HIV Test Kit, Malaria Test Kit, Anti Rabies, Vaccin Rabies, etc : k000333999@, www.alatlaboratorium  Jual:Imada Push Ful Gauge, Imada Force Gauge,, Telp 0251 7543316, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Turbidity, Turbidimeter, HP 0815 9935009 Milwaukee, Martini, Oakton, Lamotte, MicroTpi, Global Water, Orbeco Hellige, WTW, Hanna, Lovibond, Millwaukee, TN100, T 100, 2020i, WQ770, 1200, AQ4500, 2100P, hach, secchi disk, kekeruhan HP 0815 9935009, karyamit  Jual:Skimmer, Oil Skimmer, V6, Oil Absorbent boom, oil pad, oil dispersant, oil pillow, oil chatcher, oil separator, ( HP 0815 9935009) , Oil absorbent, Sorbent Pad, granular skimmer, etc  Jual:Belden Power Cable, Cable Listrik, kable telephone, cable CCTV, Cable Instrument, Networking Cable, Transmission Cable : 0813 858 111 98  Jual:Stirrer, Hot plate stirrer, Magnetic Stirrer, shaker, shieve shaker, heating mantle, labu kjdhal, digestor, alat destilasi, heating mantle, buret, erlenmeyer, micropipet, hotplate, furnace, HP 08159935009, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Hose, Hydrolic Hose, High Pressure Hose, Bridgestone, Hose, hydraulic hose & fittings BTR Hiflex, hitrak, powertrak, Phoenix, alfagomma, semperit, semperflex, btr, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Pipe & Fitting, Pipe ( HP 0815 9935009 Indonesia) , Flange, Elbow, Tee, Reducer, Ubolt, Anchor Bolt, Gasket, Valves, Globe Valve, Check Valve, Ball Valve, Butterfly Valve, Neddle Valve, Strainer, Steam Trap, Safety Valve, Anchor Bolt, Pipe Support, Hanger  Jual:Microtome, Manual Rotary Microtome : e mail : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:KETT Moisture Meter, PM 410, PM 600, FD 720, FD 800, FM 300A, , email : karyamitrausaha@, telp 081387587112  Jual:Hydrogen Generator, Oxygen Generator, Nitrogen Generator, Gas Generator : karyamitrausaha@, Telp 0813 83 190 190  Jual:Vacuum Pump, Pompa Vacum, Telp 021 7543316, Fax 0251 7543281, email : karyamitrausaha@,  Jual:Container, dry container, refrigerated container, refer container, open top container, flat rack container, garment container, high cube container, pallet, amd container, ama, aap, mkn/ rkn, aaf, map/ rap container, ake, mma, umb, horse stall,  Jual:Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, Coating Thickness Gauge, Time TT100, TT211, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Kanomax Anemometer, Anemomaster, Kanomax Indor Quality, Kanomax Dust Monitor, Kanomax Particle Counter : email : karyamitrausaha@ Telp 0251 7543316 Fasx 0251 7543281  Jual:Refrigerator, autoclave, lemari es, oven, stirrer, steriliser, waterbath, hotplate, magnetic stirrer, reactor, grinder, mill, centrifuge, polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) , TD NMR Analyzer, Spin Fish Analyzer, Solid Fat Content, Seed Analyzer, Hydrogen An  Jual:Water Level Logger, AWLR ( HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@, Levelogger, Barologger, Level Loader, waterlevel indicator, peringatan dini untuk banjir, ketinggian air, water interface meter, depth sounder, hondex PS 7, norcros  Jual:Coating Thickness Gauge, email : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Horiba, ( HP 0815 9935009) pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Ion, ORP, Resistivity, Salt, DO, F 50, DS 50, F 51BW, F 52, F 53, F 54BW, F 54, F 55, DS 51, DS 52, D 50, ES 51, OM 51, D 51, D 52, D 53, D 54, D 55, ES 51, OM 51, U 20XD, U 10, e  Jual:Marka Jalan, Alat Marka Jalan, Alat Garis Jalan, Road Marking Aplication Machine, Aplikasi Marka Jalan, Aplikator, Mesin Marka Jalan, Rambu Jalan, Rambu Rambu Lalu Lintas, Lampu Penerangan Jalan, Lampu Merah : HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@,  Jual:Fry Counter Penghitung Benih Ikan karyamitrausaha@, k000333999@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Hardness Tester, Thickness Gauge, oxford Spectrometer, Meiji Microscope , Contact :, karyamitrausaha@, telp 08159935009  Jual:Concrete Test Hammer, Type N, Type NR, Type L/ LR, Type LB, Digi schmidt 2000, Type PT/ P/ PM, Testing Anvil, Profometer 5, Permeability Tester, Pull off Tester, Extraction Tester, Dyna..FS, Dyna Z..SE, Dyna Z..S, Mini Test, eXacto, Mikrotest, SurfaTest,  Jual:Aquaboy Cocoa Moisture Meter,, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Optical Gas Indicator, ( HP 0815 9935009) for detect of Solvent Gas, Fumigation Gas, Gas Purity, Optical Gas Indicator for Solvent Gas Toluene, MEK, Xylene, IPA, Ethyl Acetate, Methyl Bromide, Methyl Iodide, Propylene Oxide, Phospine, Helium, Hydrogen, Ox  Jual:Tide Gauge Pasang Surut : email : k000333999@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Hammer test, Proceq, Matest, Avtest, Technotest : karyamitrausaha@ Telp 0251 7543316, 0251 7543281  Jual:Alat Pembeda Jenis Kelamin Ikan ( Sexing Instrument) karyamitrausaha@, k000333999@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Penakar, Hujan Rain Gauge, Penakar Hujan Observatorium OBS, Digital Rain Gauge, rainfall sensor, rainfall intensity sensor, HP 0815 9935009.  Jual:MOntana Fire Extinguisher, karyamitrausaha@, telp 0251 7543316, HP 0813 83 190 190  Jual:soil ph salinity and temperature meter, Takemura, eijkelkamp, delmhorst, protimeter, Lincoln, Kelway, fieldscout, ams, etc Telp. : 021 7543316  Jual:Flowmeter Flow Meter, jayo, ( email : info@, karyamitrausaha@ TOKICO, Slumberger, Liquid Control, Westinghaus, Yokogawa, Waltman, actaris, onda, Flojet, Fuel Master, GTM, Fill Rite, Oil, Gasoline, Diesel, Gas, Water, Nitrogent,  Jual:Mold, Concrete mold, concrete cylinder mold, concrete cube mold, kubus beton, cylinder mold, test cylinder cube mold HP 0815 9935009  Jual:Gas Detector Indonesia HP 0815 9935009 , Gas Monitor, Gas Detection, Fire suit, masker, earplug, helmet, work vest, chemical suit, safety hardness, tandu, strecher, eyewash station, shower, extinguisher, sound level meter, tachometer, vibration meter,  Jual:Alat Maritim, Oceanography, Survey Kelautan, Alat alat kelautan, Marine Survey, Offshore Survey Instrument : k00044400@,  Jual:Instrumen Pengukur Kesegaran Ikan ( Fish Freshness Instrument) karyamitrausaha@, k000333999@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Alat Pemberi Pakan Ikan Otomatis   ( Automatic Feeder) karyamitrausaha@, k000333999@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Alat Sortir & Penghitung Ikan Hidup karyamitrausaha@, k000333999@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Coastal buoy/ water quality monitoring   Real time monitoring Weather Station   Real Time Monitoring Water Quality email : k000333999@, karyamitrausaha@ Telp 0813 87587112  Jual:Pasco, Alat Peraga, Kit Bahasa Indonesia, Kit Bahasa Inggris, Kit IPA, KIT IPBA, Kit IPS, Kit Matematika, Kit Matematika Kreatifitas, Peraga SD, SMP, SMU, TK, SMK, Universitas, Kit Bahasa, Buku Pelajaran, Peralatan Laboratorium Sekolah, ( karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Bomb Calorimeter, contact, Telp 0251 7543316, email : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Boat, Rubber Boat, Inflatable Boat, Perahu Karet, Rescue Boat, Inflatable Boat, Leisuring, Rescue Boat, Armada Rescue, Adventure water park system, speed boat, helmet, dayung, : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:FOGGING MACHINE, KOREA, JERMAN, AMERIKA, CHINA, BESTFOG, SUPERFOG, IZ, SWINGFOG, IGEBA, PULSFOG, AGROFOG, AIRFOG, JET FOG, SUPERHAWK, INFOG, ENVIRO FOG, DYNAFOG, MAXI PRO, HANSEN, HP 0815 9935009  Jual:Caliper, Micrometer, Dial Indicator, Magnetic Stand, ( HP 0815 9935009, e mail : info@, Digimatic Thickness Gages, Ultrasonic Thickness Gages, Dial Bore Gages, Granite Surface Plate, Taper Gauge, Center Gages, Portable Hardness Tester, Ro  Jual:TCruise, TDS, CID, Leaf area meter, HP 0815 9935009 Quantum meter, GRS Densitometer, haglof, lufkin, Leica Disto, smart tool, laser, Peco, Steiner, Nikon Bushnell, Coddington, Bausch & Lomb, Loupe HP 0815 9935009  Jual:Pipe, Pipa, HP 0815 9935009, info@, Stainless Steel, API 5L, A53B, Nickel Alloys, Titanium   Sheet/ Plate, Pipe/ Tube, Bars/ Rods and Solid Scrap, Aluminum Pipe, Auminum Alloy, PVC, UPVC, CPVC, etc  Jual:Dust indicator, ( HP 0815 9935009) Digital Dust Monitor, Particle Counter, Particle Mass Monitor, Attenuation Mass Monitor, Digital Dust Indicator, Personal Dust Sensor. Dust sampler, High Volume Air Sampler for Dust and Dioxin, Low Volume Air Sampler for  Jual:Sepatu, Sepatu Outdoor, Sepatu Biker, Sepatu Satpam, Sepatu Keamanan, Sepatu TNI, Sepatu Satpam, Sepatu TNI, Sepatu Polri, Sepatu Kebun : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Anemometer, Moisture Meter, ( HP 0815 9935009) Torque Meter, Torque Wrench, Light/ Lux Meter, Conductivity Meter, Humidity Meter, Vibration Meter, Thermometer & Infrared, Tachometer, DO Meter, pH Meter, Sound Level Meter, Earth Tester, Alcohol tester, Uri  Jual:Alat Laboratorium | Alat Testing | Test Instrument : 0251 7543316, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Seal, Security Seal, ( HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@, Container Bolt, Pulltight Seal, Metal Seal, Ridalock Seal. ( Phone 0815 9935009) , absorb dry container, humidity absorber, silica gel, desiccant, container desiccant  Jual:Barometer, Altimeter, Precision SUUNTO, BRUNTON, SILVA, WARRENT KINGHT, SOKKIA, WALTAX, HAGLOF, NIKON, MDL, LEICA, LASER, OPTILOGIC, CRITERION, DPIEGEL RELASCOPE, Barometer, Compass, Thermometer Apung, Thermometer BB BK, Bola Basah Bola Kering, Humidity M  Jual:Tecno, Tecnogi Torque Wrench : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Britool torque wrench, : email : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:ROPE TENSION METER : E mail : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Compressor, Atlas copco, swan, Mitsubishi, airtech, Air Compressor, Direct coupling air compressor, belt drive air compressor, air dryer, air filter, etc,  Jual:Sound Level Meter, Kebisingan, Noise Dosimeter, Vibration Meter, Geteran, Displacement, Piezo, Aceleration, Lux Meter, Illumination, Lught Meter HP 0815 9935009, info@  Jual:Hydrostatic Test, Pressure Pump, Plunger Pump, Pompa Hydrotest, Uji tekanan Pipa, Pneumatic Test, Ultrasonic Test, Penetrant Test, Magnetic Particle Inspection, NDT, X ray, Alignment Chech, Laser Alignment, Vacuum Test, HiLo test, Tapper Gauge, Mirror In  Jual:COMPACT CTD, CTD CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE DEPTH  Jual:Garrett Metal Detector Superscanner, Superwand Tactical, Walkthrough , Binocular, teropong, night vision google, range finder, nikon, Compass, Thommen, Sun, American Pauline, swift, warren knight haglof, trupulse, impulse, criterion, HP 0815 9935009  Jual:Power Cable : Kabel listrik, Eterna, Jembo, Tranka, dll Contact : 0813 858 111 98 , Mr Jimmy, k111222333@  Jual:Ban, Tyre, Tire OTR Tyre Loader, Dozer, Crane, Forklif, Dump Truck, Bridgestone, Michelin, Goodyear, BFgoodrich, Continental, Uniroyal, Dunlop, Falken, Sumitomo, belshina :, email : info@, Pak Pascalis  Jual:FOGGING MACHINE INDONESIA HP 0815 9935009, SUPER FOGGER BEST FOGGER, IGEBA, SWINGTECH, AGROFOG, JETFOG, www.karya  Jual:Intell Safe , Kyoritsu, Lutron Instrument, AZ, Indonesia 0815 9935009 Extech, Hanna, Eutech, Horiba, Rion, lovibond, Lamotte, Kyoritsu, Ametek, Hioki, sanwa, constant, fluke, avo, merger, escort, appa, goot, termaf, protex, goodwill, good will gw instek,  Jual:Olympus DL38 plus, Sound level meter SOUND PRO, SP DL 2 I/ 3/ 10, FARWEST, SKU 1000, EBAN 4000 type C4010 unit EMAIL : karyamitrausaha@ Telp 021 70748483 Telp 0815 9935009  Jual:Mitutoyo, Micrometer, Dial Indicator, Caliper .  Jual:Moisture Meter untuk Jagung, Padi, dll Multi Grain Moisture Meter, High Quality Moisture, BEST Moisture Meter  Jual:Lemari Asam, Fume Hood, email : karyamitrausaha@, telp 0251 7543316  Jual:Rain Gauge NYLEX 1000  Jual:Chloro Trifluoro Ethylen 9002 83 9 : CS 316, 570ml/ bottle ± 1kg, HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Soil, Agregate, Asphalt, Concrete, Civil Laboratory, Mechanical Laboratory, Eletrical Laboratory, Hydrology Laboratory, Geology Laboratory : Contact : Telp 0251 7543316, Fax 0251 7543281, e mail : karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Tube for Exchager, Boiler Tube, HP 0815 9935009 pipe and extended surface tubing, seamless cold drawn tubes, welded tubes, U tubes, Integrally finned tubes, Studded and Finned Tubes  Jual:Fire Hydrant, spray Nozle, Fire Extinguisher ( HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.con , Fire Hose, Pillar, Fire Detector, Heat Detector, Zone Bell, Fire Alarm Control Panel, Smoke Detector, Spray Nozzle, Ozeki, Viking, Nitta  Jual:ICOM, Motorola, Motorolla, Yaesu, Vertex, HYT, Alinco, Kenwood, Furuno, Garmin, Suunto, Magelland, Thales, GPS, receiver, HT, Handy Talky, Walky Talkie, Navman, Silva, Brunton, Echosounder, depth sounder HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@  Jual:Container, High Cube, Coldstorage ( Reefer Container) , second container, office container, 20\' , 40\' , porta cabin, porta camp, Living Container, kitchen Container, Office Container, Laundry, medical facilities, ( Phone 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@ yah  Jual:Jaw crusher, HP 0815 9935009 disk pulverizer, double roll crusher 10\" x6\" , drying shed, dust control, hammer mill, hardgrove hard grove grindability index, jaw crusher 5\" x8\" , Laboratory Disc Mill, Lapping Machine, Lab Laboratory Pulverizer, Raymond Mil  Jual:Tubing and Casing couplings pipe coupling . ( karyamitrausaha@ Our products range from 2 3/ 8 to 13 3/ 8 of J55, K55, L80.N80, C90, T95 and P110 steel grade.  Jual:G WON, Moisture Meter, Grain Moisture Meter : GMK 303, 303RS, GMK 307C, GMK320, GMK 508 1L,  Jual:www.perahu, perahu karet, perahu, avon, enviro, zodiak, columbus, lodestar, boat, inflatable boat, www.perahu, perahu aluminum, perahu fiber, perahu kayu. dll  Jual:paper chart recorder, kertas recorder, laboratory recorder\' s consumable, Paper for Chart Recorder : Yokogawa, Chino, Fuji, Hioki, Honeywell, Yamatake, : email : karyamitrausaha@ 
Informasi Kontak

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Ruko Taman Yasmin Sektor VI No. 134, Jl. Ring Road Utara, Curug Mekar
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Turbidity, Turbidimeter, HP 0815 9935009 Milwaukee, Martini, Oakton, Lamotte, MicroTpi, Global Water, Orbeco-Hellige, WTW, Hanna, Lovibond, Millwaukee, TN100, T-100, 2020i, WQ770, 1200, AQ4500, 2100P, hach, secchi disk, kekeruhan HP 0815 9935009, karyamit[3 Feb. 2012, 1:00:40]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Kemas & Pengirimanstandard
Negara AsalIndonesia

Range : 0.00 to 50.00 FNU; 50 to 1000 FNU
Resolution : 0.01 FNU; 1 FNU
Accuracy : ? 05 FNU or ? 5% of reading, whichever is greater
Method : Detection of scattered light
Light Source : High emission infrared LED
Light Detection: Silicon Photocell
Environment: 0 to 50? C / 32 to 122? F; max RH 100%
Auto-off : After 5 minutes of non-use
Weight: 380 g

Turbidity, Milwaukee, Millwaukee, Milwauke, Martnini, Turbidimeter, Oakton, Lamotte, MicroTpi, Global Water, Orbeco-Hellige, WTW, Eutech, Hanna, Lovibond, Millwaukee, TN100, T-100, 2020i, WQ770, 1200, AQ4500, 2100P, hach, secchi disk, kekeruhan
Contact : HP 0815 9935009,
Hydrology Equipment, Flume, Ambang Meteran Taraf, Thermometer air dan thermometer air raksa, Drainage seepage tank, sediment transport demonstration channel, jaringan pipa, ventury meter, hydraulic bench, osborn reynold apparatus, hydrology study system, water hammer, flume test, drainage & seepage tank.
Container, High Cube Coldstorage ( Reefer Container) , second container, office container, 20' , 40' , porta cabin, porta camp, Living Container, kitchen Container, Office Container, Laundry, medical facilities,
We have avarage more than 200 dry container monthly.
Contact :
Mobile Phone : 62 ( 0) 815 9935009,
Sell :
- DMS 680 Universal Length Measurement
- DG 25 Dial Indicator and Bore Gauge Testing
- PIN Gauge ET Series
- Ring Gauge
- Threaded Gauge
- Dynal Pull Off Tester
- Cannin Corrosion Analysing
- Profometer 5 Rebar Locator
- Tico Ultrasonic Instrument
- Resistivity Meter Ultrasonic Instrument
- Concrete Test Hammer
- Moisture Tester Mini Ligno
- Inclinotronic Precision and Linear Measurement
- Blue Mini Level
- Level Tronic NT 41
- Mini Level NT
- Anilam - Wizard 311 Digital Readouts
- Anilam Wizard 550
- Onosoki Tachometyer HT 3100 4200
- Kawatetsu Advantech Vibrometer
- Quanix 1200 Wet film thickness
- Quanix 4500, Quanix 1500, Quanix 8500,
- Dualscope MPOR
- Fisher MPOR-FP
- Dualscope MP20
- Isoscope MP30-Deltascope MP30
- Dualscope MP40E
- Nicklescope, thickness of nickle, zinc coating FI0000011
- Feritscope, ferrite content weld
- Mini Test coating thickness
- Microtest
- Galvanotest multi layer coating thickness gauge
- Quintscope
- Equotip 3
- Sonohard 21
- Equostat
- Equotip picolo
- Equopen hardness
- Parotester 2 hardness value
- Manometer and filter loss gauge
- Airflow LC 301
- Airflow T410
- Digital Barometer
- Telescopic Pitot static Tube
- Microrep
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
- Dakota
- Fischerscpe x-ray Xan
- Porosity test using high voltage
- Proceq, Fischer, Quanix, Airflow, Eisen, Electrophysik, Kawatetsu.
Hydrology Equipment, Flume, Ambang Meteran Taraf, Thermometer air dan thermometer air raksa, Drainage seepage tank, sediment transport demonstration channel, jaringan pipa, ventury meter, hydraulic bench, osborn reynold apparatus, hydrology study system, water hammer, flume test, drainage & seepage tank.
Contact :
Telp 021-70748483
Telp 0251-7543316
Fax 0251-7543281
HP : 0815 9935009,
HP : 081380327507,
HP : 081380328072
e-mail : karyamitrausaha@

We sell following product :
1. Pipe Seamless, Welded, Std, Sch 10, sch 20, std, sch40, schxxx : CS, A53, API5L, SUS304, 304L, 316L, Alloy Steel, Tubing, PVC, CPVC, Fibre Glass, Polye, Titanum..
2. Pipe Fitting : Tee, Elbow, Reducer, Cap, Flange, Gasket, U-Bolt, Anchor Bolt, Valves
Contact : karyamitrausaha@
Telp 0815 99 35009
Contact :
Digital digital soil ph salinity and temperature meter, Takemura, eijkelkamp, delmhorst, protimeter, Lincoln, Kelway, fieldscout, ams, etc

HP 0815 9935009
Sell :
- DMS 680 Universal Length Measurement
- DG 25 Dial Indicator and Bore Gauge Testing
- PIN Gauge ET Series
- Ring Gauge
- Threaded Gauge
- Dynal Pull Off Tester
- Cannin Corrosion Analysing
- Profometer 5 Rebar Locator
- Tico Ultrasonic Instrument
- Resistivity Meter Ultrasonic Instrument
- Concrete Test Hammer
- Moisture Tester Mini Ligno
- Inclinotronic Precision and Linear Measurement
- Blue Mini Level
- Level Tronic NT 41
- Mini Level NT
- Anilam - Wizard 311 Digital Readouts
- Anilam Wizard 550
- Onosoki Tachometyer HT 3100 4200
- Kawatetsu Advantech Vibrometer
- Quanix 1200 Wet film thickness
- Quanix 4500, Quanix 1500, Quanix 8500,
- Dualscope MPOR
- Fisher MPOR-FP
- Dualscope MP20
- Isoscope MP30-Deltascope MP30
- Dualscope MP40E
- Nicklescope, thickness of nickle, zinc coating FI0000011
- Feritscope, ferrite content weld
- Mini Test coating thickness
- Microtest
- Galvanotest multi layer coating thickness gauge
- Quintscope
- Equotip 3
- Sonohard 21
- Equostat
- Equotip picolo
- Equopen hardness
- Parotester 2 hardness value
- Manometer and filter loss gauge
- Airflow LC 301
- Airflow T410
- Digital Barometer
- Telescopic Pitot static Tube
- Microrep
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
- Dakota
- Fischerscpe x-ray Xan
- Porosity test using high voltage
- Proceq, Fischer, Quanix, Airflow, Eisen, Electrophysik, Kawatetsu.
Hydrology Equipment, Flume, Ambang Meteran Taraf, Thermometer air dan thermometer air raksa, Drainage seepage tank, sediment transport demonstration channel, jaringan pipa, ventury meter, hydraulic bench, osborn reynold apparatus, hydrology study system, water hammer, flume test, drainage & seepage tank.
Environmental Measuring Instruments, Dust indicator, Digital Dust Monitor, Particle Counter, Particle Mass Monitor, Attenuation Mass Monitor, Digital Dust Indicator, Personal Dust Sensor. Dust sampler, High Volume Air Sampler HVAS for Dust and Dioxin, Low Volume Air Sampler for Dust and Dioxin, Continuously sampling suspended sampler, Low Volume Air Sampler, Total and Respirable Dust Sampler, Stand Sampler, Auto Air Sampler, Personal Dust Sampler, Asbestor Dust Stand Sampler, ² -ray attenuation mass monitor,
Indoor pollution evaluating system, Airbone Bacteria Sampler, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index Instrument, Dust and soot concentration meter, Air suction paper, Low volume air sampler, High volume air sampler, Dioxin sampler, Airborne bacteria sampler, Organic gas collecting tube, Thermal anemometer, Illuminometer, UV meter, Water Test Kit, Mask Fitting Tester, Mask Tester, Food Tester, Test Paper for Coliform Group, Incubator for Bateria Test, Conway water Activity Test Apparatus, Test paper for General Bacteria, AV Tester for Frying Oil simple Pack AV, Nitrile Test Paper,
Contact :
Soil Auger, Hand Bor, CBR, Penetrometer, Rain Gauge, Liquid Limit, Sand Cone, Cosolidation, Shieve, aggregate test, compressive test, cube mold, slump testsaybolt, marshall test HP 0815 9935009
HP 0815 9935009 Soil Equipment, Aggregare Equipment, Asphalt Equipment
Hand Bor, Standard Penetration Test, Sample Extruder, Sample Extruder, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, Corps of Engineer Soil Surface Sampler, Dutch Cone Penetrometer, Dutch Cone Penetrometer, Plate Bearing Test Set, Field CBR Test Set, Proving Ring Penetrometer, TVA Penetrometer, Liquid Limit, Liquid Limit Device, Liquid Limit Device, Plastic Limit Test Set, Shrinkle Limit, A Hydrometer Analysis Test Set, Mechanical End Over End Shaker, Vacuum Stand, Specific Gravity ( Heating Method) , Specific Gravity ( Vacuum Method) , Specific Gravity ( Vacuum Method) , Compaction Test Set, Laboratory CBR Test Set, Laboratory CBR Test Set, Combination Permeameter, Compaction Permeameter Test Set, Compaction Permeameter Test Set, Sand Cone Test Set, Speedy Moisture Tester, Moisture Content Test Set, Unconfined Compression Machine, Unconfined Compression Machine, Consolidation Test Set, Direct Shear Test Set
Sample Splitter, Gilson Sample Splitter, Precission Sample Splitter, Length Gauge, Thickness Gauge, Brass Round Sieve, Stainless Steel Round Sieve, Wooden Sieve, Wet Washing Sieve, Sieve Shaker, Sieve Shaker, Sand Equivalent Test Set, Sand Equivalent Shaker, Bottle Roller, Los Angeles Abrassion Machine, Aggregate Impact Test, Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus, Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus, Bulk Density Test Set, Absorption of Fine Aggregate Test Set, Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Test Set, Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Test Set, Organic Impurities Test Set, Soundness Test Set.
Air Permeability of Porland Cement by Fineness Device, Specific Gravity of Hydraulic Cement Test, Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle, Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortar, Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortar, Compression Machine, Compression Machine, Concrete Cylinder Mold, Concrete Cube Mold, Concrete Beam, Mold, Compression Machine, Compression Machine, Hydraulic Concrete Beam Testing Machine, Mechanical Concrete Beam Testing Machine, Compacting Factor Apparatus, Slump Test Set, Slump Test Set, Vebe Time, Air Content of Fresh Mixed Concrete, Vibrating Table, Vertical Cylinder Capping Set, Modulus Elasticity in Concrete Test Set, Split Tensile Test, Concrete Test Hammer, Calibration Anvil, Laboratory Concrete Mixer
Specific Gravity of Semi-Solid Bituminous, Materials, Distilation of Cutback Asphalts, Water Content in Petroleum Products, A Saybolt Viscosimeter, Flash and Fire Point by Cleveland Open Cup, Flash and Fire Point by Cleveland Open Cup, Softening Point Test Set, Loss On Heating / Thin-Film Test, Laboratory Penetration Test Set, Laboratory Penetration Test Set, Ductility of Bituminous Materials Test Set, Contrifuge Extractor Test Set, Centrifuge Extractor Test Set, Reflux Extractor Test Set, Marshall Test Set, Core Drilling Test Set, Benkleman Beam. boat, perahu kare, perahu, enviro, boat, inflatable boat HP 0815 9935009, perahu karet, perahu, enviro, boat, inflatable boat HP 0815 9935009, perahu aluminum, perahu fiber, perahu kayu. dll .
Chloro Trifluoro Ethylen 9002-83-9 : CS 316, 570ml/ bottle ± 1kg,
Digital digital soil ph salinity and temperature meter, Takemura, eijkelkamp, delmhorst, protimeter, Lincoln, Kelway, fieldscout, ams, etc

HP 0815 9935009
Sell :
- DMS 680 Universal Length Measurement
- DG 25 Dial Indicator and Bore Gauge Testing
- PIN Gauge ET Series
- Ring Gauge
- Threaded Gauge
- Dynal Pull Off Tester
- Cannin Corrosion Analysing
- Profometer 5 Rebar Locator
- Tico Ultrasonic Instrument
- Resistivity Meter Ultrasonic Instrument
- Concrete Test Hammer
- Moisture Tester Mini Ligno
- Inclinotronic Precision and Linear Measurement
- Blue Mini Level
- Level Tronic NT 41
- Mini Level NT
- Anilam - Wizard 311 Digital Readouts
- Anilam Wizard 550
- Onosoki Tachometyer HT 3100 4200
- Kawatetsu Advantech Vibrometer
- Quanix 1200 Wet film thickness
- Quanix 4500, Quanix 1500, Quanix 8500,
- Dualscope MPOR
- Fisher MPOR-FP
- Dualscope MP20
- Isoscope MP30-Deltascope MP30
- Dualscope MP40E
- Nicklescope, thickness of nickle, zinc coating FI0000011
- Feritscope, ferrite content weld
- Mini Test coating thickness
- Microtest
- Galvanotest multi layer coating thickness gauge
- Quintscope
- Equotip 3
- Sonohard 21
- Equostat
- Equotip picolo
- Equopen hardness
- Parotester 2 hardness value
- Manometer and filter loss gauge
- Airflow LC 301
- Airflow T410
- Digital Barometer
- Telescopic Pitot static Tube
- Microrep
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
- Dakota
- Fischerscpe x-ray Xan
- Porosity test using high voltage
- Proceq, Fischer, Quanix, Airflow, Eisen, Electrophysik, Kawatetsu.
Hydrology Equipment, Flume, Ambang Meteran Taraf, Thermometer air dan thermometer air raksa, Drainage seepage tank, sediment transport demonstration channel, jaringan pipa, ventury meter, hydraulic bench, osborn reynold apparatus, hydrology study system, water hammer, flume test, drainage & seepage tank.
Environmental Measuring Instruments, Dust indicator, Digital Dust Monitor, Particle Counter, Particle Mass Monitor, Attenuation Mass Monitor, Digital Dust Indicator, Personal Dust Sensor. Dust sampler, High Volume Air Sampler HVAS for Dust and Dioxin, Low Volume Air Sampler for Dust and Dioxin, Continuously sampling suspended sampler, Low Volume Air Sampler, Total and Respirable Dust Sampler, Stand Sampler, Auto Air Sampler, Personal Dust Sampler, Asbestor Dust Stand Sampler, ² -ray attenuation mass monitor,
Indoor pollution evaluating system, Airbone Bacteria Sampler, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index Instrument, Dust and soot concentration meter, Air suction paper, Low volume air sampler, High volume air sampler, Dioxin sampler, Airborne bacteria sampler, Organic gas collecting tube, Thermal anemometer, Illuminometer, UV meter, Water Test Kit, Mask Fitting Tester, Mask Tester, Food Tester, Test Paper for Coliform Group, Incubator for Bateria Test, Conway water Activity Test Apparatus, Test paper for General Bacteria, AV Tester for Frying Oil simple Pack AV, Nitrile Test Paper,
Contact Information :

PD. Karya Mitra Usaha
Jonny Sinaga
HP 0815 9935009
HP 0813 83 190 190

Supply High Performance Product and Providing Quality Services.
Company Name : PD. Karya Mitra Usaha

Company Address :
Ruko Taman Yasmin Ring Road Utara No 114
Bogor- Jawa Barat - Indonesia, 16112
Telp.+ 62-251-7543316, + 62-21-70748483
Fax.+ 62-251-7543281

e-mail : karyamitrausaha@
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