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GEOSURVEYING , Menjual Gps Garmin Handheld, Gps Garmin Automotive, Gps garmin Marine, Gps Garmin Aviation, Garmin Fishfinder, Gps Mapping Trimble, GPS GEODETIK, Gps Magellan, Total Station Nikon, Total Station Topcon, TOTAL STATION SOKKIA, Automatic Level

Anggota Gratis
GEOSURVEYING , Menjual Gps Garmin Handheld, Gps Garmin Automotive, Gps garmin Marine, Gps Garmin Aviation, Garmin Fishfinder, Gps Mapping Trimble, GPS GEODETIK, Gps Magellan, Total Station Nikon, Total Station Topcon, TOTAL STATION SOKKIA, Automatic Level

Gps Mapping Trimble

Gps Mapping Trimble
GPS Mapping, GIS, Gps Pemetaan

GPS tipe mapping atau pemetaan merek Trimble dan magellan yang dipakai untuk GIS (Geografical Information System) dengan akurasi 3 s/d 5 meter bahkan akurasi sampai 30Cm, sangan cocok di gunakan pada bidang profesi, kehutanan, pertanian, Survey, pemetaan, tambang.Dll

Untuk product GPS trimble yang kami pasarkan sebagai berikut :

GPS Trimble GeoXH
Trimble Geoexplorer XM
GPS Trimble GeoXT
GPS Trimble Juno SB
GPS Trimble Juno SC

Harga jual kami bersaing & BEBAS BIAYA KIRIM (JAKARTA), dijamin !

Information & Order : Hendry ferdinans

Jl.Pejuangan Mawar III No.15A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11530, Jakarta Indonesia
Telp : 021-53670757 / 021-70754644
Mobile : 081514241522 /081286338156
YM Id :
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  • GPS Trimble GeoXT

    GPS Trimble GeoXT

    Call 0811877111

    GPS Trimble GeoXT
    GPS platform for mobile GIS

    Gps Geo explorerXT handheld from the Trimble, GeoExplorer 2005 series is the essential tool for maintaining your GIS. A high....

  • Gps Trimble GeoXM

    Gps Trimble GeoXM

    Call 0811877111

    Gps Trimble GeoExplorer 2005 Seri XM

    Gps Trimble GeoXM

    Trimble GPS platform for mobile GIS


    Gps Trimble GeoX handheld, Gps GeoExplorer 2005 series, is an....

  • GPS Trimble GeoXH

    GPS Trimble GeoXH

    Call 0811877111

    GPS Trimble GeoXH
    GPS Trimble GeoExplorer XH

    Gps Geoexplorer XH handheld is Trimble' s top-of-the-line solution for high accuracy GIS data collection. Engineered with H-Starâ „ ....

  • GPS Trimble Juno SB

    GPS Trimble Juno SB

    Call 0811877111

    GPS Trimble Juno SB

    merupakan GPS pengganti dari Trimble Juno ST, dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur tambahan, membuat Trimble Juno SB tidak tertandingi dikelas GPS Pemetaan, ....

  • GPS Trimble Juno SC

    GPS Trimble Juno SC

    Call 0811877111

    GPS Trimble Juno SC

    Complete and compact 3.5G solution for asset management

    Gps Trimble Juno SC handheld is a durable, lightweight field computer that integrates an array of....

  • GPS Magellan Thales Mobilemapper CX

    GPS Magellan Thales....

    Call 0811877111

    GPS Magellan Thales Mobilemapper CX

    MobileMapper CX is a highly flexible


    High performance features:

    * Real-time sub-meter and sub-foot post-processed GPS....

  • Gps Thales Mobile Mapper 6

    Gps Thales Mobile....

    Nego call 081279575833

    Gps Thales Mobile Mapper 6

    merupakan GPS pemetaan dengan harga murah, ekonomis, dengan akurasi sekitar 2-5 meter, Mobilemapper 6 sangat cocok digunakan bagi pekerja GIS ( ....

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