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Nama: | Tn. Aris Munandar | |
E-mail: | Kirim Pesan | |
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Alamat: | Semarang, Jawa Tengah Indonesia | |
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai | Tidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan | |
Tanggal Bergabung: | 25 Jun. 2024 | |
Terakhir Diperbarui: | 28 Dec. 2015 | |
Sifat Dasar Usaha: | Pabrikan, Dagang dari kategori Enerji | |
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PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA, our company was established in 2005 located in incorporated in ASPALINDO, our company is engaged in Supplier for commodities Bitumen / Asphalt Export and Import. For category: * Asphalt Iran pen 60/ 70 contents: 183 kgs * Asphalt shell pen 60/ 70 contents: 155 kgs * Asphalt Pertamina pen 60/ 70 contents: 155 kgs * Asphalt ESSO pen 60/ 70 contents: 155 kgs * Caltex Asphalt pen 60/ 70 contents: 155 kgs * Apal Araco pen 60/ 70 contents: 200 kgs we will provide prompt service either minimal scale and large scale and quality are good and the price is certainly cheap guaranteed. We are registered and asphalt Importers Company is the authorized agent Pertamina in marketing ESSO asphalt. We live in Tangerang. We can supply asphalt bitumen 60/ 70 and 80/ 100 origin and asphalt IRAN ESSO, there is always a ready stock in the warehouse ( warehouse) . We cater to demand for both local and outside Jawa ., P. Sumatra, KalimantanBorneo and throughout Indonesia with a very competitive price. We also provide opportunities for those who want to become Agent / Distributor Asphalt in masing2 provinces in Indonesia. 1. Asphalt Specifications ESSO Penetration: 60/ 70 Price: Payment Method: Cash / credit Pack DRUM ( 155 KG / drum) 2. Asphalt Specifications Iran Penetration: 60/ 70 Price: Payment Method: Cash / credit Pack DRUM ( 183 KG / drum) 3. Asphalt Specifications Shell Penetration: 60/ 70 Price: Payment Method: Cash / credit Pack DRUM ( 155 KG / drum 4. Asphalt Specifications Pertamina Penetration: 60/ 70 Price: Payment Method: Cash / credit Pack DRUM ( 155 KG / drum 5. Caltex Asphalt Specifications Penetration: 60/ 70 Price: Payment Method: Cash / credit Pack DRUM ( 155 KG / drum 6. Specifications Asphalt Araco Penetration: 60/ 70 Price: Payment Method: Cash / credit Pack DRUM ( 155 KG / drum Commitment: As a form of our concern on the progress of local entrepreneurs of our company to apply some sales policy, among others: 1. We only sell quality Asphalt ( original) without any element of manipulation 2. We try to sell at the best price for you 3. Do not impose quantity limits sales system, in the sense you only buy one ( 1) unit will we serve. 4. We accept payment in cash or credit 5. The transaction process easy and simple. 6. We also sell asphalt Munitions 7. Prices are flexible PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA Company History and Management The Company was established on 9 November 2005 in accordance Deed of Establishment No. 13 made by Nuzwar SH Notary in Semarang, and has been approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights No. C2-11269.HT.01.01.TH.2005 PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA have been appointed directly by Pertamina as Dealer Asphalt Rainfall for ALL INDONESIA region. In order to serve the needs of asphalt for Jateng area and a desire to develop services for the future eastern Indonesia, PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA consequently has built Asphalt Bulk Special Wharf, storage tank Hot Asphalt, Asphalt Bulk Filling, Drum Factory, Canning Asphalt, Asphalt Pengesakan, and providing Asphalt Bulk Cargo Fleet adequate. PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA always trying to be more spur potential and existing resources in order to carry out the distribution effort of bitumen that are needed in the current development process Location ASPHALT PLANT PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA located in Jateng, Jatim district occupied land for office and factory covering an area of 17, 215 m2 waters around the pier following certified area of 40, 000 m2 we are very strategic in the way the protocol. FACILITIES - ASPHALT PLANT OUR FACILITIES INCLUDE: â € ¢ The dock landing ship with a capacity of 10, 000 DWT â € ¢ 4 ( four) unit storage tank with a capacity of 10, 000 MT timbun â € ¢ Charging Asphalt Bulk Tank Trucks with a capacity for 60 trucks Per day â € ¢ Building the plant used for the production of: â € ¢ Drum plant with a capacity of 1, 000 drums per day â € ¢ Charging Bulk Asphalt Drum to drum with a capacity of 1, 500 per day â € ¢ Asphalt Bulk Charging to Sak with a capacity of 3, 000 bags per day â € ¢ Weighbridge kepasitas 50 tons â € ¢ Building a warehouse for storage FACTORY AUTOMATION AND PANGALENGAN DRUM ASPHALT Asphalt canning process as a whole is done with the computerized system automatically. This is possible because the production process and canning asphalt drum is controlled by the SIMATIC S5 135 U SYSTEM. Asphalt bulk of the storage tank is channeled directly through the pipe heating ( heating pipe) to be filled into drums that have been produced so that the quality of asphalt maintained properly. This automation process can produce 2 to 3 drums per-minute. PENGESAKAN ASPHALT Supported by the Research & Development and experience in the field of packaging asphalt, PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA launched a special product the first time in Indonesia, , Pertamina asphalt Pen 60/ 70 in double packs @ 50kg sacks. With this product, we can compete with the bitumen import and penetrated export markets in the era of globalization. Head Office: PT. ASPALINDO MITRA PERTAMINA Address: Jl. Wonodri Sendang Raya No.12B Semarang, 50242, Jawa Tengah Indonesia Telp / Fax: 024- 3569019 / 081290449060 Facimile: 024- 3569019 E-mail: aspalindomitrapertamina@ Tn.Aris Munandar | ||
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