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 Katalog Produk:Lemari Narkotik ( narcotic cabinet)  Katalog Produk:Tensocrepe  Katalog Produk:Ambu Perfit ACE  Katalog Produk:Pot Sally 12.5 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Shanti 15 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Rany 15 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Amelia 12.5 gram  Katalog Produk:Kursi tunggu pasien ( waiting chair patient)  Katalog Produk:Autoclave All American  Katalog Produk:Doppler Bi Dop ES 100V III  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler Echo Sounder ES 101EX  Katalog Produk:Vascular Doppler Mini Dop ES 100VX  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler Bidop ES 100V III   2Mhz  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler Mini Dop ES100V II   2M  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8024 Galaxis Declined Commode Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8023 Galaxis Adjustable Commode Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8006 Econ Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8004 Innova Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8003 Excel Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8022 Shima Declined Commode Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8013 Children Declined Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8012 Shima Declined Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8007 Children Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8002 Galaxis Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8001 Shima Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:One Touch UltraMini  Katalog Produk:Kotak P3K ( first aid box)  Katalog Produk:HOSPITAL LINEN  Katalog Produk:Dropper Amber Glass Bottles  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anya 15 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anya 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Amira 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Amira 80 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anjani 35 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Raya 15 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anora 20 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Adel 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Grimsa 40 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Atifa 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Sari 15 ml  Katalog Produk:Gluco Dr Strip  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( SHAFA)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( SEKAR)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( MAWAR)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( OVALE)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( NIRMALA)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( HONEY)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( LAURA)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( JASMIN)  Katalog Produk:DOCTOR\' S FRIEND DF 506A Portable Suction Unit  Katalog Produk:Botol Waginem 60 ml & 100 ml Spray  Katalog Produk:Botol Ayu 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Novi 60 ml  Katalog Produk:Electric Cautery DR Morton MC 888  Katalog Produk:EASY TOUCH 3 in 1  Katalog Produk:Tabung Oksigen Portabel  Katalog Produk:Reagen Hach  Katalog Produk:Kertas Saring Whatman  Katalog Produk:ThermoRed  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler BF 600+  Katalog Produk:Indian Ear Candle  Katalog Produk:CELANA SUNAT / KHITAN  Katalog Produk:Fortelux N ( Diagnostic Penlights)  Katalog Produk:STAT Site M Hgb ( alat pengukur haemoglobin)  Katalog Produk:Table Top Centrifuge  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips HP 3616  Katalog Produk:Burnion MMU 300 ( mesin penghancur jarum)  Katalog Produk:Lampu Infra merah ( lampu kesehatan)  Katalog Produk:Ultrasound Transmission Gel ( Jelly USG)  Katalog Produk:Mid & Thight Compression Stocking ( stoking untuk varises)  Katalog Produk:Pot Gendhis 20 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Marpuah 80 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Lulur Sudarmi 100 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Lulur Murtini 250 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Sunarti 10 gram, 30 gram, 60 gram  Katalog Produk:Icepack ( Cool Pack)  Katalog Produk:Wrist ( Thumb) Support catalog 1084  Katalog Produk:Wrist Wrap catalog 1181  Katalog Produk:Alat Bekam  Katalog Produk:Spiral Knee Stabilizer ( catalog 2032)  Katalog Produk:Excel Knee Brace  Katalog Produk:Multi orthosis Knee Brace ( catalog 1036)  Katalog Produk:Knee Immobilizer  Katalog Produk:Knee Stabilizer  Katalog Produk:Botol Deswita 50 ml & 90 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Waginem 60 ml, 100 ml & 260 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Juminah 50 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Rokayah 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Sumiati 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Ice Gel  Katalog Produk:Alat NESCO 3 in 1 ( Glukosa, asam urat, cholesterol)  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda ( Wheelchair)  Katalog Produk:Gelas Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Mesh Abdominal Binder  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support  Katalog Produk:Ankle Support ( Untuk pergelangan kaki)  Katalog Produk:Wrist/ Thumb Support  Katalog Produk:Wrist Wrap  Katalog Produk:Tennis Elbow Brace  Katalog Produk:Hip Stabilizer ( korset untuk menstabilkan tulang panggul)  Katalog Produk:Knee Guardian Post  Op  Katalog Produk:Knee Guardian S  Katalog Produk:Knee Guardian L  Katalog Produk:Maternity Belt ( sabuk korset untuk ibu hamil)  Katalog Produk:Maternity back support ( korset penyangga untuk Ibu hamil)  Katalog Produk:ARM Sling ( gendongan lengan)  Katalog Produk:Shoulder Support  Katalog Produk:Hernia Truss with removable pad ( alat bantu hernia)  Katalog Produk:Hernia Truss Single sided ( alat bantu hernia)  Katalog Produk:Posture Aid/ Clavicle Brace ( alat bantu untuk memperbaiki posture tubuh)  Katalog Produk:Spinal Brace ( posture support)  Katalog Produk:Cervical Collar ( with medium density)  Katalog Produk:Cervical Collar ( Alat penyangga leher)  Katalog Produk:Collar with Trachea Opening  Katalog Produk:Rigid Splint Cervical Collar ( alat bantu penopang leher)  Katalog Produk:Lumbar Support ( with flexibel stays)  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support With Silicone Pad  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support With Silicone Pad  Katalog Produk:Reinforced Patella strap ( Penguat Sendi Lutut)  Katalog Produk:Hip Protector ( pelindung tulang panggul)  Katalog Produk:Pampers Dr P  Katalog Produk:Alat Penghancur Jarum Suntik  Katalog Produk:Media Diagnostic system & Advance bioprocessing  Katalog Produk:Pot Chelsea 10 gr dan 20 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Diana 5 gr ( acrylic)  Katalog Produk:Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Bahan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Bayi Digital BD 585  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Bayi Digital BD 590  Katalog Produk:Lampu Kesehatan ( medical lamp)  Katalog Produk:Philips Black Light Blue  Katalog Produk:Philips Actinic TLK 40 W/ 10 R ( Lampu Serangga)  Katalog Produk:Hand Centrifuges Hettich1025  Katalog Produk:Manset Sphygmomanometer Riester  Katalog Produk:Pot Acrylic Saskia 15 gr dan 25 gr  Katalog Produk:Botol Clara 60 ml  Katalog Produk:ThermoFlash LX 26  Katalog Produk:Pot Lulur Dara III ( 100 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Virda 25 gr  Katalog Produk:Jas Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Jas dokter  Katalog Produk:Jas Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Pot Sterile  Katalog Produk:Schott Duran Glassware  Katalog Produk:Jas operasi  Katalog Produk:Tabung Oksigen  Katalog Produk:Oksigen Troli  Katalog Produk:Strip BeneCheck Plus  Katalog Produk:REAGENT  Katalog Produk:Pot Pyramid  Katalog Produk:Pot Sarah 12, 5 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Celine 8 gr  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Bayi Tanita 1380  Katalog Produk:EXAGO   USG Portable  Katalog Produk:Botol Reagen  Katalog Produk:Strip Cholesterol Nesco  Katalog Produk:Strip Asam Urat Nesco  Katalog Produk:Strip Glucose Nesco  Katalog Produk:Burnion Incinerator  Katalog Produk:Pot lulur Vina 250 gr  Katalog Produk:Kertas saring Sartorius  Katalog Produk:Kebutuhan laboratorium klinik  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern 440  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern PLE N  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern KB  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern EMB  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern CMC/ CMGN  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern CM TEB  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern TEE 150 1  Katalog Produk:Pot Maureen 12, 5 gr  Katalog Produk:Botol Ajeng III 180 ml  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream dan Botol Kosmetik  Katalog Produk:Botol Dian 60 ml  Katalog Produk:Pot Nelly 17 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Bedak Tabur Nikita 20 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Bedak Tabur Nikita 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Jessica 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Nelly 10 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Cathy 12.5 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Elga 25 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Stella 8 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Elga 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Denissa 12.5gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Nancy 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Yossy 17 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Deassy 8 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Elga 5gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Deassy 5gr  Katalog Produk:Botol Pritta 10 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Steffie100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Steffie 30ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Salwa 60ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Rania 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Rania 60 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Dian 200 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Nerry 100ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Nadia 60 ml  Katalog Produk:BOTOL NADIA 100ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Pritta 30ml  Katalog Produk:Urine & Faeces Container  Katalog Produk:AppleNeb ( Nebulizer for Children)  Katalog Produk:PenguinNeb ( Nebulizer fot Children)  Katalog Produk:MiniNeb Nebulizer  Katalog Produk:EcoNeb Nebulizer  Katalog Produk:MobiNeb Nebulizer  Katalog Produk:Bidan Kit/ Partus Set  Katalog Produk:Culture Media Microbiology  Katalog Produk:Lamp for alcohol  Katalog Produk:Clamp for stand ( stainless Steel)  Katalog Produk:Clamp for stand  Katalog Produk:Gauze  Katalog Produk:Needle  Katalog Produk:Spatula with double spoon  Katalog Produk:Spatula Besar  Katalog Produk:Spatula kecil  Katalog Produk:Forcep for Splinter  Katalog Produk:Forcep for Microscopy  Katalog Produk:Anatomic Forcep  Katalog Produk:Tripod Stand  Katalog Produk:Penjepit Flasks  Katalog Produk:Penjepit beaker  Katalog Produk:Tongs ( penjepit) Crucible  Katalog Produk:Bunsen Burner  Katalog Produk:Electric Burner  Katalog Produk:Bilirubin Meter BR 400  Katalog Produk:Alat peraga pendidikan kedokteran  Katalog Produk:Refractometer BR 1E  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago ATC 2E  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago ATC 1E  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago PAL 3  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago PAL 2  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago PAL 1  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Constant 1400  Katalog Produk:Minic DC Portable Suction Pump  Katalog Produk:Minic S Portable Suction Pump  Katalog Produk:3 Ways suction unit KS 700  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump TAF DREAM KS 1002  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 702  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 650  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 760  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 760A  Katalog Produk:SMEF DYX1A Suction Pump  Katalog Produk:THOMAS SUCTION PUMP 1632GL  Katalog Produk:Porselin Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Plastik Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Ambulance Type DELUXE  Katalog Produk:Ambulance Type ECONO  Katalog Produk:Ambulance Type Standard  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler BF 500B  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler BF 600+  Katalog Produk:OGSY   Cylinder Filling Plant  Katalog Produk:PAM   101   Patient Monitor  Katalog Produk:Penghancur Jarum Suntik  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Bowles Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Pediatric  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Infant Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Sparague Rappaport  Katalog Produk:ABN Spectrum Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Fetal Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Training Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Majestic Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:SMIC 42 cm Sterilizer  Katalog Produk:ABN Cardiology Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:Sterilizer SMIC  Katalog Produk:Sphygmomanometer AND   UM   101  Katalog Produk:Reliefthera Jok Kesehatan  Katalog Produk:AND Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor  Katalog Produk:ECM   Imagyne   USG  Katalog Produk:Ranjang Pasien 3 Engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang Pasien 2 Engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang Pasien 1 Engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang pasien tanpa engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang pasien sederhana  Katalog Produk:Verlos Bed  Katalog Produk:Brancart Komplit  Katalog Produk:Brancart Multipurpose  Katalog Produk:Gynaecolog Chair  Katalog Produk:Tempat tidur anak  Katalog Produk:Meja Periksa  Katalog Produk:Meja Periksa stainless  Katalog Produk:Standard Cassete  Katalog Produk:Lampu Alphabet  Katalog Produk:Lampu Baca Rontgen  Katalog Produk:UV Sterilizer  Katalog Produk:Tabir Ultra violet  Katalog Produk:Tiang Infus  Katalog Produk:Stand Waskom  Katalog Produk:Foot Step  Katalog Produk:Matrass  Katalog Produk:Bed Screen  Katalog Produk:Digital Incubator  Katalog Produk:Standard Incubator  Katalog Produk:Baby Cot  Katalog Produk:Baby Tafel  Katalog Produk:Lemari Instrument  Katalog Produk:Lemari Obat  Katalog Produk:Bed Side Cabinet  Katalog Produk:Trolley Obat  Katalog Produk:Emergency Trolley  Katalog Produk:Instrument Trolley  Katalog Produk:Spectrophotometer Hach DR5000  Katalog Produk:Spectrophotometer Hach DR3800  Katalog Produk:Hagamed Medical Equipment  Katalog Produk:Mikro 120 Hettich Centrifuge  Katalog Produk:Haematokrit 210 Hettich centrifuge  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge Hettich EBA21  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge Hettich EBA20  Katalog Produk:Hand Centrifuges Hettich1014  Katalog Produk:Kertas USG/ USG Paper  Katalog Produk:Hibis Pembalut Herbal  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge HC 1120 T  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge 80 2  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge 80 1  Katalog Produk:Vacuum Tubes  Katalog Produk:Peraga Alat dan Obat Kontrasepsi  Katalog Produk:Alat Peraga Sistem Reproduksi Wanita  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Blue Light/ 52  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips TL UV 15/ 30/ 36  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Infrared 250/ 375  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Fibre Optics 13163  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Fibre Optics 13165  Katalog Produk:Riester Sinuscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Otoscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Tele Laryngo Pharyngoscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Naso Pharingoscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Aneroid Exacta  Katalog Produk:Riester Sphygmotensiophon  Katalog Produk:Riester ri san Aneroid  Katalog Produk:Riester Precisa N  Katalog Produk:Riester Aneroid Minimus II  Katalog Produk:Riester Aneroid R1 shock proof  Katalog Produk:Riester ri mini/ pen scope  Katalog Produk:Riester Global deluxe wall model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer N Anesthesia model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer desk model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer wall model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer stand model  Katalog Produk:Riester Nova Presameter wall model  Katalog Produk:Riester Nova Presamater stand model  Katalog Produk:Riester Nova Presameter desk model  Katalog Produk:Riester Diplomat Presamater desk model  Katalog Produk:Duplex de luxe baby Stethoscopes Riester  Katalog Produk:Riester De luxe Neonatal  Katalog Produk:Duplex de luxe Stethoscopes Riester  Katalog Produk:Riester Cardiophon  Katalog Produk:Stetoscope  Katalog Produk:glass ware  Katalog Produk:Mortuary Cabinet ST 2 STA  Katalog Produk:Mortuary Cabinet ST 3 STA  Katalog Produk:Freezer Box DC 40 Y  Katalog Produk:Cooler Box XC 40 G  Katalog Produk:Bloodbank Refrigerator  Katalog Produk:Extra Low Temperature  Katalog Produk:Low Temperature Chest Freezer  Katalog Produk:Low Temp Cabinet  Katalog Produk:MONO   Anti Dengue Tri Line Device Test  Katalog Produk:MONO   Duo Rapid Test Malaria Card & Strip  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test HCG Pregnancy Device & Strip test  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test Malaria ( P.F/ P.V) Device Test  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test   Anti HIV  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test   Anti HCV  Katalog Produk:Hach DR2800  Katalog Produk:Blender Obat  Katalog Produk:Panbio Dengue Duo Cassette  Katalog Produk:Hagamed Mask  Katalog Produk:Philips Infrared  Katalog Produk:Bantal Silicon  Katalog Produk:Selimut Polar  Katalog Produk:Regular Pack  Katalog Produk:Premium Paket  Katalog Produk:Linen Ruang Operasi  Katalog Produk:Jas Operasi  Katalog Produk:Sprei Flat  Katalog Produk:Baju Celana OK  Katalog Produk:Kimono Rumah Sakit  Katalog Produk:BLENDER OBAT  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 003  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 3003DX ( 3 Cranks)  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 3012DX ( 2 Cranks)  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 135DX ( 1Crank)  Katalog Produk:SENSITIF Strip  Katalog Produk:FLASHCUTTER  Katalog Produk:BOTOL AJENG I 100ml  Katalog Produk:BOTOL AJENG II 100 ml  Katalog Produk:REAGENT MERCK  Katalog Produk:Pot lulur dara II  Katalog Produk:Pot lulur dara I  Katalog Produk:URINE ANALYZER H 50  Katalog Produk:URINE ANALYZER   RD 120 G  Katalog Produk:ELECTROLYTE ANALYZER   RD LYTE  Katalog Produk:COAGULOMETER   RD COAG  Katalog Produk:PRIME EVOLUTION Semi Automatic Analyzer for Clinical Chemistry and Immunoturbidimetry  Katalog Produk:FULL AUTOMATIC HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER RD 7021  Katalog Produk:FULL AUTOMATIC HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER TEK II MINI  Katalog Produk:ELISA ANALYZER  RD WASHER  Katalog Produk:ELISA ANALYZER  RD READER  Katalog Produk:ELISA FULL AUTO ANALYZER   BRIO2  Katalog Produk:ELISA ANALYZER ELISA MICROPLETE READER AND WASHER  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY RD 140  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER  KEYLAB  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER  GLOBAL  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY RD 240  Katalog Produk:BLUE CROSS 3WAY 1500 SUCTION UNIT  Katalog Produk:SEMI BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER/ PHOTOMETER   SLIM  Katalog Produk:SEMI BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER/ PHOTOMETER RD 60  Katalog Produk:AMBU UNI SUCTION PUMP  Katalog Produk:PTS CARDIOCHECK ALAT TEST DARAH Multivariabel  Katalog Produk:ROCHE ACCU TREN GCT PACKAGE Alat Test Multivariabel  Katalog Produk:UASURE   TEST ASAM URAT  Katalog Produk:DOCTOR\' S FRIENDS DF 750 Portable Suction Unit  Katalog Produk:GLUCO Dr BIOSENSOR Alat Test Gula Darah  Katalog Produk:BENECHECK PLUS   GLUCOSE, URIC ACID & Cholesterol  Katalog Produk:PTS CARDIOCHECK PA ALAT TEST DARAH Darah Multivariabel  Katalog Produk:GEA ANEROID SPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:SPIRIT CK 101C SPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:RIESTER RI SAN ANEROID SPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:ABN REGENCY MERCURIALSPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:BISTOS HI BEBE BT 200  Katalog Produk:RIESTER NOVA PRESAMETER 1030  Katalog Produk:BESTMAN BF 500+  Katalog Produk:BESTMAN BF 500+ +  Katalog Produk:BESTMAN BF 500  Katalog Produk:OMRON T9 P  Katalog Produk:OMRON IA 1  Katalog Produk:OMRON MC 510  Katalog Produk:OMRON MC 270  Katalog Produk:OMRON MC 240  Katalog Produk:OMRON NEC 29  Katalog Produk:OMRON SEM 1  Katalog Produk:NEBULIZER NEC 28 

Katalog Produk

Reagent,  Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography
Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography(30 Jan. 2011, 3:16:19)
HargaHubungi team sales kami
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Kemas & PengirimanBotol
Negara AsalJerman


8.18308.0050 ( -) -Brucine dihydrate for resolution of racemates
1.05995.1000 ( -) -Menthol crystal Ph Eur, BP, USP
8.14113.0100 ( -) -Menthol for synthesis
8.20877.0100 ( -) -Nicotine for synthesis
8.22194.0025 ( -) -Quinine hydrochloride for synthesis
8.24476.0250 ( -) -Shikimic acid for synthesis
8.02506.0025 ( + ) -Cinchonine for resolution of racemates
8.41132.0100 ( 1 S) -( -) -² -Pinene for synthesis
8.40094.0100 ( 1R) -( -) -Camphor-10-sulfonic acid for synthesis
8.18632.0100 ( 1R) -( + ) -alpha-Pinene for synthesis
8.14472.0250 ( 1S) -( -) -Borneol for synthesis
8.22311.0100 ( 1S) -( + ) -Camphor-10-sulfonic acid for resolution of
8.40083.0025 ( 2-Dimethylaminoethyl) methacrylate ( stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis
8.21943.1000 ( 2-Ethylhexyl) phosphate ( mixture of mono and diesters) for synthesis
8.18531.0500 ( 2R, 3R) -( + ) -Tartaric acid for resolution of racema
8.18203.0005 ( 9-Fluorenylmethyl) -chloroformate for synthesis
8.18407.0100 ( R) -( + ) -Limonene for synthesis
8.16019.0025 ( S) -( -) -Proline for synthesis
8.16001.0100 ( S) -( + ) -Arginine hydrochloride
8.16003.0100 ( S) -( + ) -Aspartic acid for syntetis
8.16004.0100 ( S) -( + ) -Glutamic acid for synthesis
1.08310.0250 0-Toluidine GR
1.08310.1000 0-Toluidine GR
1.07531.0005 1-( 2-Pyridylazo) -2-naphtho ( PAN)
1.08201.0010 1-( 2-Theonyl) -3, 3, 3-trifluoroacetone GR
1.08201.0100 1-( 2-Theonyl) -3, 3, 3-trifluoroacetone GR
1.01005.1000 1, 1, 1 -Trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanol DAB
1.12186.0025 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3Hexamethyldisilazane for gas chromatography
1.12186.0025 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3Hexamethyldisilazane for Gas Chromatography
1.12186.0100 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3Hexamethyldisilazane for gas chromatography
1.12186.0100 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3Hexamethyldisilazane for Gas Chromatography
8.04324.0250 1, 1, 13, 3, 3-Hexamethyldisilazane
8.08236.1000 1, 1 , 1-Nitrilotris-2-propanol
8.41491.0005 1, 10-Phenanthroline anhydrous for synthesis
1.07223.0010 1, 10-Phenanthroline chloride GR and redox indicator
1.07223.0100 1, 10-Phenanthroline chloride GR and redox indicator
1.07225.0005 1, 10-phenanthroline monohydrate GR for analysis and redox indicator
1.07225.0010 1, 10-phenanthroline monohydrate GR for analysis and redox indicator
1.07225.0100 1, 10-phenanthroline monohydrate GR for analysis and redox indicator
8.03264.1000 1, 1' -Iminodi-2-propanol for synthesis
1.06531.0005 1, 2- Naphthaoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt GR
1.06531.0025 1, 2- Naphthaoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt GR
8.14538.0005 1, 2 Phenylenediamine for synthesis
8.08388.0025 1, 2, 4-Triazole for synthesis
8.14505.0500 1, 2, 4-TrimethylBenzene for synthesis
8.21041.0250 1, 2-Diaminopropane for synthesis
1.00953.0500 1, 2-Dichlorethane for spectroscopy uvasol
1.02930.1000 1, 2-DichloroBenzene for extraction analysis
8.03238.1000 1, 2-DichloroBenzene for synthesis
1.00955.1000 1, 2-Dichloroethane extra pure
1.00955.2500 1, 2-Dichloroethane extra pure
1.13713.1000 1, 2-Dichloroethane for liquid chromatography
8.14538.0250 1, 2-Phenylenediamine for synthesis
1.07243.0050 1, 2-Phenylenediamine GR
1.07478.2500 1, 2-Propanediol extra pure DAB
8.22324.1000 1, 2-Propanediol for synthesis
8.01299.0025 1, 3, 5-Benzenetricarboxylic acid for synthesis
8.01964.1000 1, 3-Butanediol for synthesis
8.07481.1000 1, 3-Propanediol ( 1, 3-propylene glycol) for synthesis
8.01532.1000 1, 4-Butanediol for synthesis
8.03226.1000 1, 4-DichloroBenzene for synthesis
8.21775.0005 1, 4-Dimethylnaphthalene for synthesis
1.09671.0250 1, 4-Dioxan GR
1.09671.1000 1, 4-Dioxan GR
1.09671.2500 1, 4-Dioxan GR
1.03132.1000 1, 4-Dioxan liquid chromatography
1.03132.2500 1, 4-Dioxan liquid chromatography
1.02967.0500 1, 4-Dioxane for spectroscopy Uvasolv
1.11474.0001 1, 4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry
1.11474.0005 1, 4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry
1.11474.0025 1, 4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry
8.20848.0250 1, 5 -Naphthalenediol for synthesis
1.03091.0025 1, 5-Diphenylcarbazide GR and redox ind
1.03091.0100 1, 5-Diphenylcarbazide GR and redox ind
1.03087.0005 1, 5-Diphenylcarbazone for determination of mercury
1.03087.0025 1, 5-Diphenylcarbazone for determination of mercury * 5
1.07998.0025 1, 8-Dihydroxy-2-( 4-sulfophenylazo) napthalene3-6-disulfonic acid
8.06206.0100 1, 8-Naphthalenediamine for synthesis
1.09193.0100 1/ 40 M Ferroin solution redox indicator
1.09193.0500 1/ 40 M Ferroin solution redox indicator
1.00099.0025 1-Amino-2-hydroxy-4naphtha lensulfonic acid for det.PO4
1.00099.0100 1-Amino-2-hydroxy-4naphtha lensulfonic acid for det.PO5
8.07020.1000 1-Amino-2-propanol for synthesis
8.06210.0100 1-Bromonaphthalene for synthesis
8.06210.0500 1-Bromonaphthalene for synthesis
8.06210.2500 1-Bromonaphthalene For Synthesis
1.00988.2500 1-Butanol extra pure NF
1.01988.1000 1-Butanol for chromatography Lichrosolv
1.01988.2500 1-Butanol for chromatography Lichrosolv
1.01989.0500 1-Butanol for spectroscopy Uvasol
1.01990.1000 1-Butanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01990.2500 1-Butanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
8.40008.0100 1-Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate for synthes
8.40008.0025 1-Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate for synthes * 1
1.01692.1000 1-Chlorobutane for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv
8.01640.0100 1-Chlorobutane for synthesis
8.01640.1000 1-Chlorobutane for synthesis
8.01640.2500 1-Chlorobutane for synthesis
8.05340.0100 1-Chlorododecane for synthesis
8.02491.0100 1-Cyanoguanidine for synthesis
8.03463.0100 1-Decanol for synthesis
8.03463.1000 1-Decanol for synthesis
8.03462.0100 1-Dodecanol for synthesis
8.03462.1000 1-Dodecanol for synthesis
8.22048.0500 1-Dodecene for synthesis
8.22051.0100 1-Eicosanol for synthesis
8.22315.0100 1H-benzotriazole ( 1, 2, 3-benzotriazole) for synthesis
8.04393.1000 1-Hexanol for synthesis
8.20639.0250 1-Hexene for synthesis
8.20639.1000 1-Hexene for synthesis
1.16738.1000 1-Methoxy-2-propanol extra pure
8.06072.1000 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone for synthesis
8.06072.2500 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone for synthesis
8.05852.0100 1-Methylimidazole for synthesis
8.20809.0250 1-Methylnaphthalene for synthesis
8.22289.1000 1-Naphthol for synthesis
1.06223.0050 1-Naphthol GR
1.06223.0250 1-Naphthol GR
1.06202.0005 1-Naphtholbenzein indicator
1.06246.0001 1-Naphtholphthalein indicator
1.06220.0010 1-Naphthylacetic acid for biochemistry ( NAA)
1.06220.0100 1-Naphthylacetic acid for biochemistry ( NAA)
8.06862.0100 1-Naphthylacetic acid for synthesis
8.22291.0100 1-Naphthylamine GR
8.20866.0100 1-Naphthylammonium chloride for synthesis
8.06866.0250 1-Nonanol for synthesis
1.00991.1000 1-Octanol extra pure
8.20931.0100 1-Octanol for synthesis
8.20931.1000 1-Octanol for synthesis
8.20928.0250 1-Octene for synthesis
8.20928.1000 1-Octene for synthesis
8.07080.0500 1-Phenyl 3-methyl 2-pyrazoline-5-one
1.00995.2500 1-Propanol extra pure
1.00996.1000 1-Propanol extra pure
1.00996.2500 1-Propanol extra pure
1.01024.1000 1-Propanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv
1.00997.1000 1-Propanol GR
1.00997.2500 1-Propanol GR
8.08146.0100 1-Tetradecanol for synthesis
8.08518.0005 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone ( stabilized with N, N' -di-sec-butyl-1, 4-phenylenediamine) for synthesis
8.08518.0250 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone ( stabilized with N, N' -di-sec-butyl-1, 4-phenylenediamine) for synthesis
1.09676.0005 2' , 7' -Dichlorofluorescein fluororescence indicator
1.05996.0025 2- Mercaptobenzothiazole
8.07006.0250 2 phenyletahnol for synthesis
1.10695.9010 2-( ( Tris( hydroxymethyl) methyl) amino) ethanesulfonic
8. 04312.0100 2-( 1-Piperazinyl) ethanol for synthesis
8.21014.1000 2-( 2-Buthoxyethoxy) ethylacetate for synthesis
8.14831.0050 2-( Benzylamino) pyridine for synthesis
1.15229.0025 2-( Cyclohexylamino) ethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, CHES
1.15229.0250 2-( Cyclohexylamino) ethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, CHES
8.03273.1000 2-( Diethylamino) -ethanol for synthesis
8.03237.1000 2-( Dimethylamino) -ethanol for synthesis
1.03098.0005 2, 2' -Bipyridine GR
1.03098.0025 2, 2' -Bipyridine GR
1.02955.0005 2, 2' -Biquinoline GR
1.11805.0005 2, 2, 2-Trifluoro-n-methyl-n-( trimethylsilyl) acetamide for gas chromatography
1.11805.0005 2, 2, 2-Trifluoro-n-Methyl-n-( Trimethylsilyl) Aceta mide for Gas Chromatography
1.03252.0025 2, 2-Bis( hydroxyethyl) -( iminotris) -( hydroxymethyl ) -methane BIS TRIS
1.03252.0250 2, 2-Bis( hydroxyethyl) -( iminotris) -( hydroxymethyl) -methane BIS TRIS
8.19100.0250 2, 2-Dichloropropionic acid sodium salt for synthesis
1.03291.0001 2, 2-Dinitro-5, 5-dithiodibenzoid acid for biochemistry
1.03291.0005 2, 2-Dinitro-5, 5-dithiodibenzoid acid for biochemistry
1.03291.0025 2, 2-Dinitro-5, 5-dithiodibenzoid acid for biochemistry
1.24511.0005 2, 2-Dithioerythritol for biochemistry
1.24511.0025 2, 2-Dithioerythritol for biochemistry
1.08380.0010 2, 3, 5-Tripheniltetrazoliumchloride ( TTC)
1.08380.0100 2, 3, 5-Tripheniltetrazoliumchloride ( TTC)
8.18555.0100 2, 3-Pentanedione for synthesis
1.10238.0005 2, 4, 6-Tri( 2-pyridyl) -1, 3, 5-triazine GR
8.08614.0100 2, 4, 6-Triamino-1, 3, 5-triazine for synthesis
8.18469.0100 2, 4, 6-Trichlorophenol for synthesis
1.02635.0050 2, 4, 6-Trimethylpyridine GR
1.02635.0250 2, 4, 6-Trimethylpyridine GR
8.22019.0025 2, 4-Dibromoacetophenone
8.40037.0100 2, 4-Dichlorobenzonitril e for synthesis
8.03774.0500 2, 4-Dichlorophenol for synthesis
8.20451.0250 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for synthesis
8.20448.0250 2, 5-Dichlorophenol for synthesis
8.22021.0500 2, 6 Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol for synthesis
1.03028.0005 2, 6-Dichlorophenolindophenol sodium salt
1.03028.0025 2, 6-Dichlorophenolindophenol sodium salt Dihydrate
8.03772.0005 2, 6-Dimethylphenol for synthesis
1.03768.0100 2, 6-Dimethylphenol GR
8.05650.0250 2, 6-Dimethylpyridine for synthesis
8.22021.0100 2, 6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol for synthesis
8.20851.0100 2, 7-Naphthalenediol for synthesis
1.15231.9010 2-/ 4-( 2-Hydroxyethyl) -1-ethane sulfonic acid sodium
1.15231.0025 2-[ 4-( 2-hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt, buffer substance, HEPES-Na
1.15231.0250 2-[ 4-( 2-hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt, buffer substance, HEPES-Na
8.18667.0500 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid for synthesis
8.01410.0100 2-Amino-1-butanol for synthesis
8.01465.0250 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol for synthesis
8.20065.0100 2-Aminobenzamide for synthesis
8.00390.0100 2-Aminobenzotrifluoride for synthesis
1.09630.1000 2-Butanol GR
1.09630.2500 2-Butanol GR
8.01395.1000 2-Butoxyethyl acetate for synthesis
8.02253.0500 2-Chlorophenol for synthesis
8.00187.1000 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate for synthesis
8.00990.1000 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol for synthesis
1.11463.0100 2-Ethylhexanoic acid GR
8.00223.0250 2-Ethylhexylamine for synthesis
8.01924.0100 2-Furancarboxylic acid for synthesis
8.20619.0100 2-Heptanol for synthesis
1.00642.0050 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde for detection of fused oil &
8.00640.0250 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.00640.1000 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.04789.0500 2-Imidazolidinone ( hemihydrate) for synthesis
8.20729.0100 2-iodobenzoic acid for synthesis
8.05740.0250 2-Mercaptoethanol for synthesis
8.20102.0100 2-Methoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.21258.0100 2-Methyl-1, 3-butadiene for synthesis stabilized
8.10504.0010 2-Methyl-1, 3-cyclopentanedione for synthesis
8.06031.0100 2-Methyl-1-butanol for synthesis
8.20819.1000 2-Methyl-2, 4-pentanediol for synthesis
8.21837.0100 2-Methyl-2-propanethiol for synthesis
1.09643.0005 2-Methylbutane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09643.0005 2-Methylbutane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
8.06074.0100 2-Methylnaphthalene for synthesis
8.20818.0100 2-Methylpentane for synthesis
1.06126.0025 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES
1.06126.0250 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES
1.06126.9010 2-Morpholinoethansulfonic acid ( monohydrate) ( MES)
1.06234.0100 2-Naphthol GR
1.06234.0500 2-Naphthol GR
8.22293.0025 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.06790.0100 2-Nitrophenol for synthesis
8.06806.0100 2-Nitrotoluene for synthesis
8.06806.1000 2-Nitrotoluene for synthesis
1.05194.0025 2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry
1.05194.0100 2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry
1.05194.1000 2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry
8.07501.0100 2-Pentanol for synthesis
1.00995.1000 2-Propanol extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP
1.00998.1000 2-Propanol for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
1.00998.2500 2-Propanol for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
1.09634.1000 2-Propanol GR
1.09634.2500 2-propanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.09634.9025 2-propanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01040.2500 2-propanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
8.21050.0025 2-Pyrazinecarboxamide for synthesis
8.07041.0005 2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis
8.07041.0250 2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis
8.20246.0100 2-tert-butyl-4-mrthoxyphenol for synthesis
8.20249.0250 2-Tert-butylphenol for synthesis
1.08180.0025 2-Thiobarbituric acid reagent for sorbic acid
8.21063.0050 2-Thioxo-4-thiazolidinine for synthesis
8.07006.1000 3 phenyletahnol for synthesis
1.11714.0001 3-( 4, 5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) -2, 5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazol im bromide for biochemistry
1.11714.0010 3-( 4, 5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) -2, 5-diphenyl-2H-tetra zolim bromide for biochemistry
8.18818.0100 3-( Trimethoxysilyl) -1-propanethiol for synthesis
1.08622.0001 3, 3' , 5, 5' - Tetramethylbenzidine GR
8.20431.0100 3, 4-Dichloroaniline for synthesis
8.08525.0100 3, 4-Dimethoxy benzaldehyd for synthesis
8.20405.0250 3, 5-Diaminobenzoic acid for synthesis
8.00737.0100 3, 5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid for sinthesis
8.20933.0005 3, 5-dihydroxytoluene for synthesis
8.20933.0025 3, 5-dihydroxytoluene for synthesis
8.21221.0005 3, 5-Dimethylphenol for synthesis
1.00138.1000 3, 5-Dinitrobenzoic for determination of creatinine * 5
8.03075.0100 3, 5-Dinitrobenzoylchloride for synthesis
1.01922.0100 3, 5-Pyrocatecholdisulfonic acid dIsodium salt ( Tiron )
8.20471.0500 3, 6 - Pyridazinediol for synthesis
1.15230.9010 3-/ 4-( 2-Hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl/ -propanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, HEPPS
1.15230.0025 3-[ 4-( 2-Hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -propanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, HEPPS
1.15230.0250 3-[ 4-( 2-Hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -propanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, HEPPS
8.20706.0001 3-Indolyl acetate for syntesis
8.20706.0005 3-Indolyl acetate for syntesis
8.00148.0010 3-Indolyl methyl ketone for synthesis
8.41705.0250 3-Mercapto-1, 2-propanediol for synthesis
8.41039.0010 3-Methoxyphenylacetic acid for synthesis
1.04527.0010 3-Methyl-2-benzothiazolinonehydrazone hydrochloride GR
8.21902.1000 3-Methylbenzoic acid for synthesis
1.09699.0005 3-Methylheptane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09699.0005 3-Methylheptane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
1.06129.0025 3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid
1.06129.0250 3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid
1.06129.9010 3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid
8.06209.0250 3-Nitroaniline for synthesis
8.06765.0005 3-Nitrobenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.06548.1000 3-NitroBenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt for synthesis
8.20895.0025 3-Nitrophenol for synthesis
8.20895.0100 3-Nitrophenol for synthesis
8.06753.0100 4 - Pyridinecarboxylic acid hydrazide
8.06904.0100 4-( 1, 1, 3, 3-Tetramethylbuthyl) phenol for synthesis
1.07533.0005 4-( 2' -Pyridylazo) resorcinol monosodium salt ( PAR)
1.03055.0010 4-( Dimethylamino) azoBenzene ( C.I. 11020) indicator * 2
1.03058.0100 4-( Dimethylamino) Benzaldehyde Gr For Analysis ACS
1.03058.1000 4-( Dimethylamino) Benzaldehyde Gr For Analysis ACS
8.22034.0010 4-( Dimethylamino) cinnamaldehyde for synthesis
8.20499.0025 4-( Dimethylamino) pyridine for synthesis
1.07299.0250 4-( Methylamino) phenol sulfate Fotopur
1.07299.1000 4-( Methylamino) phenol sulfate
8.20948.0250 4, 4' -Diaminodiphenyl ether for synthesis
1.24653.0100 4' , 6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride ( dapi) for microscopy
1.07293.0010 4-Amino-2, 3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one GR
1.07293.0100 4-Amino-2, 3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one GR
8.00273.0050 4-Aminoacetophenone for synthesis
8.22312.0250 4-Aminobenzoic acid for synthesis
1.00102.1000 4-Aminobenzoic acid pure USP * 4
1.00084.0025 4-Aminohippuric acid for biochemistry
1.00084.0100 4-Aminohippuric acid for biochemistry
8.00421.0005 4-Aminophenol for synthesis
8.00421.0250 4-Aminophenol for synthesis
1.01599.0025 4-Bromoaniline GR
1.01599.0100 4-Bromoaniline GR
8.20185.0025 4-Bromobenzenzoyl chloride for synthesis
8.40155.0025 4-Bromobiphenyl for synthesis
8.41480.0050 4-Chloracetanilide for synthesis
8.41480.0250 4-Chloracetanilide for synthesis
8.02295.1000 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol for synthesis
8.41822.0010 4-Chloro-a-methylstyrene for synthesis
8.02613.0100 4-Chloroaniline for synthesis
8.18186.0050 4-Chlorobenzyl alcohol for synthesis
8.02254.0100 4-Chlorophenol for synthesis
8.02458.0010 4-Chlorostyrene for synthesis stabilized with 250
1.03085.0100 4-Chlorphenol Solution 725 Mg/ L, For AOX Determina
1.03058.0025 4-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde GR
1.10539.0010 4-Fluorophenol
8.03505.0250 4-Heptanone for synthesis
8.22331.0100 4-Hydroxy-1, 3-phenylenediammonium dichloride for synthesis
8.04512.0100 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone for synthesis
8.04512.1000 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone for synthesis
8.04536.0100 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.41410.0025 4-Hydroxybenzhydrazide for synthesis
8.21814.0005 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis
8.21814.0250 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis
8.06225.0005 4-Methoxy-2-nitroaniline for synthesis
8.22314.0250 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.22314.1000 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.05971.0250 4-Methoxybenzoic acid for synthesis
8.18277.0025 4-Methoxybenzophenone for synthesis
8.21233.1000 4-Methoxyphenol for synthesis
8.41496.0025 4-Methyl-1-pentane for synthesis
8.05804.0100 4-Methyl-2-pentanol for synthesis
8.06179.0250 4-Methylbenzaldehyde for synthesis
1.06760.0050 4-Nitroaniline for determ. Of phenol
8.06766.0025 4-Nitrobenzaldehyde for synthesis
8.00646.0500 4-Nitrobenzoic acid for synthesis
8.06772.0250 4-Nitrobenzoyl chloride for synthesis
8.20212.0025 4-Nitrobenzyl bromide for synthesis
1.06798.0025 4-Nitrophenol indicator
1.06798.0100 4-Nitrophenol indicator
8.06807.1000 4-Nitrotoluene for synthesis
8.21879.0010 4-Piperidinol for synthesis
8.00736.0005 4-Pyridinecarboxylic acid for synthesis
8.20238.0100 4-Tert-butylbenzoic acid for synthesis
8.20250.0100 4-Tert-butylphenol for synthesis
8.01987.0250 4-Tert-butylpyrocatechol for synthesis
8.08230.0100 4-Toluenesulfonamide for synthesis
8.14725.0100 4-Toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate for synthesis
8.08326.0250 4-Toluenesulfonyl chloride for synthesis
1.03059.0005 5-( 4-Dimethylaminobenzylidene) rhodanine GR
1.24802.0500 5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride for biochemistry
1.24802.2500 5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride for biochemistry
1.03094.0001 5-Dimethylaminoaphthalene-1-sylfonyl chloride for biochemistry
1.03094.0010 5-Dimethylaminoaphthalene-1-sylfonyl chloride for biochemistry
8.20678.0001 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarbaldehyd
8.20678.0005 5- Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarbaldehyde for synthesis
8.00691.0250 5-Sulfosalicylic acid 2-hydrate GR
8.00691.1000 5-Sulfosalicylic acid 2-hydrate GR
8.00691.0100 5-Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate for synthesis
8.41670.0010 6-Aminopencillanic acid for synthesis
8.41242.0025 6-Bromohexanoic acid for synthesis
1.24807.0001 6-Furfurylaminopurine for biochemistry
8.18973.0005 7, 7, 8, 8-Tetracyanoquinodimethane for synthesis
1.02660.0010 7-Chloro-4-Furazan GR
1.07098.0050 8-Hydroxyquinoline GR
1.07098.0250 8-Hydroxyquinoline GR
1.00415.0500 A-1 Broth ( Selective culture medium for the detection of faecal coliforms in water)
8.41378.0025 A-Benzoin oxime for synthesis
1.73501.0001 Absorbtion Tube for arsenic
8.14312.0100 Acenaphthene for synthesis
8.22343.1000 Acetamide for synthesis
8.22344.0500 Acetanilide for synthesis
1.00011.0005 Acetanilide test substance for elementary analysis
1.07827.1000 Acetate buffer solution pH 4.66
1.00063.1000 Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00063.2500 Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00063.2511 Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00063.9026 Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00056.2500 Acetic acid 100% extra pure DAB
1.59166.0500 Acetic acid 30%
1.00058.2500 Acetic acid 96% extra pure DAB
1.00062.1000 Acetic acid 96% GR
1.00062.2500 Acetic acid 96% GR
1.09944.0001 Acetic acid for 1000 ml
8.18755.2500 Acetic acid for synthesis
1.00042.1000 Acetic anhydride GR for analysis ACS, ISO* 3
1.00042.2500 Acetic anhydride GR for analysis ACS, ISO* 3
1.00012.1000 Aceton for gas chromatography suprasolv
1.00012.2500 Aceton for gas chromatography suprasolv* 3
1.00013.1000 Acetone extra pure Ph Eur, BP, NF* 3
1.00013.2500 Acetone extra pure Ph Eur, BP, NF* 3
1.00013.6025 Acetone extra pure Ph Eur, BP, NF* 3
1.00020.1000 Acetone for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
1.00020.2500 Acetone for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
1.00022.0500 Acetone for spectroscopy uvasol
1.00022.2500 Acetone for spectroscopy uvasol
8.22251.2500 Acetone for synthesis
1.00014.1000 Acetone GR or analysis ACS, ISO
1.00014.2500 Acetone GR or analysis ACS, ISO* 3
1.00014.6025 Acetone GR or analysis ACS, ISO* 3
1.00030.4004 Acetonitril HPLC
1.00017.2500 Acetonitrile for organic analysis of traces Suprasolv
1.13358.2500 Acetonitrile for prep. chromatography
1.00016.2500 Acetonitrile for spectroscopy uvasol
1.00003.1000 Acetonitrile GR For Analysis ACS
1.00003.2500 Acetonitrile GR For Analysis ACS
1.00030.1000 Acetonitrile gradien grade for liquid chromatograpy
1.00030.2500 Acetonitrile gradient grade for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
1.00029.1000 Acetonitrile hypergrade for liquid chromatography
1.00029.2500 Acetonitrile hypergrade for liquid chromatography
1.14291.1000 Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv
1.14291.2500 Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv
1.14291.4000 Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv
8.00028.0100 Acetophenone for synthesis
8.00028.1000 Acetophenone for synthesis
1.09600.0100 Acetylacetone GR
1.09600.0500 Acetylacetone GR
8.22252.0100 Acetylchloride for synthesis
1.01758.0001 Acid Capacity Cell test to pH 4.3 ( Total Alkalinity)
1.11108.0001 Acidity
1.09531.0001 Acilit ph indicator strips ph 0-6.0
8.00181.0500 Acrilic acid for synthesis
8.00181.1000 Acrilic acid for synthesis
1.10784.0100 Acrylamide for electrophoresis
1.10784.1000 Acrylamide for electrophoresis
1.00209.1000 Acrylamide for electrophoresis special quality for molecular biology
8.00830.0500 Acrylamide for synthesis
8.00830.1000 Acrylamide for synthesis
1.00633.1000 Acrylamide Ready to use solution 40% for electrophoresis
1.00638.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready to use solution 40% ( 37.5: 1) for electrophoresis
1.00639.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 30% ( 37.5: 1) for electrophoresis
1.00641.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 40% ( 19.1: 0.9) for electrophoresis
1.00640.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 40% ( 19: 1) for electrophoresis
8.00834.0100 Acrylonitripile for Synthesis * 1
8.00834.1000 Acrylonitripile for Synthesis * 1
1.02206.0001 Adapter ( PTFE) Luer Inlet for Solvent Reservoir, for LiChrolut Columns Of Various Sizes
1.09214.0001 Adapter for Contact Plates ( new)
1.09082.0001 Adapter for glass petridish
1.13312.0001 Additional multirack for Cultura Mini Incubator
1.01857.0054 Adi 2014-P04 Col. Reagent B
1.00090.9029 Adipic Acid extra pure DAB FCC E355
1.00846.0005 Adonitol ( Ribitol)
1.24839.0100 AEBSF for biochemistry
1.24839.0500 AEBSF for biochemistry
1.01615.0100 Agar extra pure, powedered DAB, Ph Eur, BP
1.01614.1000 Agar-Agar purified ( Agar bacteriological)
1.01613.1000 Agar-Agar ultrapure ( Agar Noble)
1.16802.0025 Agarose ( low electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
1.16802.0250 Agarose ( low electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
1.16801.0025 Agarose ( medium electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
1.16801.0250 Agarose ( medium electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
1.01236.0100 Agarose for Analytical Nucleic Acid electrophoresis
1.01236.0500 Agarose for Analytical Nucleic Acid electrophoresis
1.12239.0025 Agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis ( range of mw < 1 kbp)
1.12239.0100 Agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis ( range of mw < 1 kbp)
1.01235.0050 Agarose for Preparative Nucleic Acid electrophoresis
1.14602.0001 Agroquant soil testing laboratory 3 X N/ PH nitroge
1.12018.0025 Albumin fraction V ( from bovine serum) for biochemistry
1.12018.0100 Albumin fraction V ( from bovine serum) for biochemistry
1.15640.0001 Aldehyde dehydrogenase for biochemistry
1.01010.0005 Alizarin-3-Methylamine-N, N-Diacetic Acid Dihydrate
1.09196.0025 Alkali blue indicator
1.01800.0500 Alkaline Peptone Water ( Enricment media untuk analisa Vibrio sp. )
1.16123.0001 Alkaline Phosphatase
1.11109.0001 Alkalinity
1.18764.0001 Alkalinity test in fresh and sea water
1.09532.0001 Alkalit ph indicator strip ph 7.5-14.0
8.14858.1000 Alkybenzyldimethylammonium chloride ( 50% aqueous
8.21944.0100 Alkybenzyldimethylammonium chloride for synthesis
8.21944.0500 Alkylbenzyldiamethylammonium chloride
8.00974.1000 Allyl alcohol for synthesis
8.20050.0050 Allyl sulfide for synthesis
1.02307.0001 Alpha-Chymotrypsin ( bovine pancreas) for biochemistry
1.02307.0005 Alpha-Chymotrypsin ( bovine pancreas) for biochemistry
1.02126.0050 Alpha-Cyclodextrine for biochemistry
1.10015.0001 Aluminium
1.14413.0001 Aluminium
1.14825.0001 Alum inium
1.16994.0001 Aluminium
1.18386.0001 Aluminium
1.19770.0100 Aluminium
1 .19770.0500 Aluminium
1.14824.0001 Aluminium ( rf 114822)
1.18452.0002 Aluminium ( rf 118386.0001, 114777.0001)
1.01031.0500 Aluminium ammonium sulfate gr
8.01081.1000 Aluminium chloride anhydrous for sythesis
1.01084.1000 Aluminium chloride extra pure
1.01056.0250 Aluminium fine powder
1.01057.0250 Aluminium foil gr
1.01093.1000 Aluminium hydroxide fine powder pure
1.01091.1000 Aluminium hydroxide powder pure
1.01086.1000 Aluminium nitrate extra pure
1.01063.0500 Aluminium nitrate gr
1.05551.0001 Aluminium Oxide 150 F254, Neutral 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05731.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254 100 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm
1.05713.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.05788.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254, 1.5 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.05550.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254, Neutral 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05581.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254, Neutral 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.01090.2500 Aluminium Oxide 60 G Neutral ( Type E) for Thin-Layer-Chromatography
1.01092.0500 Aluminium Oxide 60 GF254 Neutral ( Type E) for Thin-Layer-Chromatography
1.01097.1000 Aluminium oxide 90 acc. to Brockmann
1.01076.1000 Aluminium oxide 90 act . 1 basic CC
1.01078.1000 Aluminium oxide 90 act 1 acidic CC
1.01077.1000 Aluminium oxide 90 act. 1neutral CC
1.01095.1000 Aluminium oxide anhydrous
1.15754.0100 Aluminium oxide fibres for Gooch crucibles ( LAB )
1.01047.1000 Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate gr for analysis ACS
1.01102.5000 Aluminium sulfate lumps extra pure DAB
1.70301.0100 Alumunium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.00594.0001 Alumunium cell test
8.01081.0100 Alumunium chloride anhydrous powder, sublimed for syntesis
8.01081.0500 Alumunium chloride anhydrous powder, sublimed for syntesis
8.20051.0100 Alumunium( granulated) for synthesis
8.20051.1000 Alumunium( granulated) for synthesis
1.01167.0025 Amido black 10 B ( C.I. 20470) for microscopy and for electrophoresis
1.01167.0100 Amido black 10 B ( C.I. 20470) for microscopy and for electrophoresis
1.01167.1000 Amido black 10 B ( C.I. 20470) for microscopy and for electrophoresis
1.00103.0100 Amidosulfonic acid GR for analysis
1.00103.0250 Amidosulfonic acid GR for analysis
8.14483.1000 Amidosulfuric acid for synthesis
1.05432.1000 Ammonia Solution 25% GR For Analysis
1.05432.2500 Ammonia Solution 25% GR For Analysis
1.05428.1000 Ammonia solution 25% Suprapur
1.05426.1000 Ammonia solution 32% extra pure
1.05426.2500 Ammonia solution 32% extra pure
1.00683.0001 Ammonium
1.08024.0001 Ammonium
1.10024.0001 Ammonium
1.111 17.0001 Ammonium
1.14400.0001 Ammonium
1.14423.0002 Ammonium
1.14428.0002 Am monium
1.14750.0001 Ammonium
1.14752.0001 Ammonium
1.14752.0002 Ammonium
1.1 6892.0001 Ammonium
1.16899.0001 Ammonium
1.16977.0001 Ammonium
1.14657.0001 Ammonium ( fresh/ seawater)
1.18455.0002 Ammonium ( rf 114750, 114423)
1.01115.1000 Ammonium acetate cryst. extra pure
1.01116.0500 Ammonium Acetate GR For Analysis ACS
1.01116.1000 Ammonium Acetate GR For Analysis ACS
1.01220.0100 Ammonium amidosulfonate GR
1.09478.1000 Ammonium buffer solution for complexometry
1.01134.0500 Ammonium carbamate GR
1.01136.9051 Ammonium carbonate extra pure
1.59504.0250 Ammonium carbonate for analysis ACS
1.59504.1000 Ammonium carbonate for analysis ACS
1.14544.0001 Ammonium Cell Test
1.14558.0001 Ammonium Cell Test
1.14559.0001 Ammonium Cell Test
1.14739.0001 Ammonium Cell Test
1.02276.0100 Ammonium cerium ( IV) nitrate GR
1.02273.0100 Ammonium cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
1.01142.9025 Ammonium chloride EMPROVE Ph Eur, BP, USP
1.01145.0500 Ammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01145.1000 Ammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01145.5000 Ammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01440.0050 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 99, 99 suprapur®
1.01126.0500 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ACS
1.01164.0250 Ammonium fluoride GR
1.01164.1000 Ammonium fluoride GR
1.01182.0250 Ammonium Heptamolybdate Tetrahydrate ( Ammonium Molybdate) GR For Analysis ACS, ISO
1.01182.1000 Ammonium Heptamolybdate Tetrahydrate ( Ammonium Molybdate) GR For Analysis ACS, ISO
1.01180.0250 Ammonium Heptamolybdate Tetrahydrate Cryst. Extra
1.01180.1000 Ammonium Heptamolybdate Tetrahydrate Cryst. Extra
1.01181.0250 Ammonium Heptamolybdate-Tetrahydrate ( Ammoniummoly)
1.01181.1000 Ammonium Heptamolybdate-Tetrahydrate ( Ammoniummoly)
1.01182.5000 Ammonium Heptamolybdate-Tetrahydrate ( Ammoniummoly)
1.01131.5000 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate extra pure
1.01160.5000 Ammonium hydrogen difluoride pure * 1
1.03792.0500 Ammonium iron ( II) sulfate hexahydrate GR for analysis ISO
1.03792.1000 Ammonium iron ( II) sulfate hexahydrate GR for analysis ISO
1.09864.0001 Ammonium iron ( II) sulfate solution for 250 ml of volumetric solution
1.03762.1000 Ammonium iron ( III) citrate abt. 18% Fe
1.03776.0500 Ammonium iron ( III) sulfate GR
1.03776.1000 Ammonium iron ( III) sulfate GR
1.01226.0100 Ammonium monovanadate GR
1.01226.0250 Ammonium monovanadate GR
1.01226.1000 Ammonium monovanadate GR
1.02596.2500 Ammonium nitrate solution 1 mol/ l acc. to DIN 19730 Suprapur®
1.01201.0500 Ammonium peroxodisulfate GR
1.01201.1000 Ammonium peroxodisulfate GR
1.01216.5000 Ammonium sulfate extra pure
1.01216.9029 Ammonium sulfate extra pure
1.01211.0250 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry
1.01211.1000 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry
1.01211.5000 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry
1.01211.9050 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry
1.01217.0100 Ammonium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01217.1000 Ammonium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01217.5000 Ammonium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.05442.1000 Ammonium sulfide solution GR
1.05442.2500 Ammonium sulfide solution GR
1.05442.9025 Ammonium sulfide solution GR
8.01221.1000 Ammonium sulfite ( 35% solution in water) for synthesis
8.01221.2500 Ammonium sulfite ( 35% solution in water) for synthesis
1.01213.0500 Ammonium thiocyanate GR
1.09900.0001 Ammonium thiocyanate sol. Titrisol 0.1 N
1.01208.1000 Ammonium thiosulfate ( LAB)
1.05452.0500 Anaerobic Agar acc. to BREWER
1.16387.0001 Anaerobic Jar ( volume: 2, 5 l)
1.14226.0001 Anaeroclip ( re-usable clips) for plastic
1.13829.0001 Anaerocult A ( gas generating kits for anaerobic jar)
1.01611.0001 Anaerocult A mini ( disposable plastic for up to 4 petridish or tubes)
1.16275.0001 Anaerocult C ( gas generating kits for microaerophyilic)
1.13682.0001 Anaerocult C mini ( disposable plastic for 2 petridish)
1.16819.0001 Anaerocult IS ( for agar slant tubes)
1.13807.0001 Anaerocult P ( disposable plastic for 1 petridish)
1.15112.0001 Anaerotest ( anaerobic indicator strips)
8.00429.0100 Anethole for synthesis
1.01261.0250 Aniline GR
8.01452.0100 Anisole for synthesis
8.01452.0500 Anisole for synthesis
8.01452.1000 Anisole for synthesis
8.20109.0100 Anthracene for synthesis
8.20112.0100 Anthranilic acid for synthesis* 3
8.00465.0500 Anthraquinone for synthesis
8.01461.0025 Anthrone for synthesis
1.01468.0010 Anthrone GR
1.05272.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 1 ( Seed Agar) GROVE and RANDALL medium No. 1
1.05269.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 11 GROVE and RANDALL medium No. 11
1.05271.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 5 GROVE and RANDALL medium No. 5
1.70204.0500 Antimony
1.70302.0100 Antimony ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
8.14656.0250 Antimony ( III) chloride for synthesis
1.07838.0250 Antimony ( III) chloride GR
1.07836.0100 Antimony ( III) oxide GR
8.07837.0100 Antimony ( V) chloride for synthesis
1.07832.0025 Antimony powder GR
1.00675.0001 AOX Cell Test
1.00678.0001 AOX Enrichment Set
1.00677.0001 AOX Sample Preparation Set
1.00680.0001 AOX Standard
1.10453.0500 APT Agar ( All Purpose TWEEN Agar)
1.09255.0500 apura - CombiCoulomat frit for cells with diaphragm
1.09257.0500 apura - CombiCoulomat fritless for cells with and without diaphragm
1.88009.1000 apura - CombiMethanol dried methanol for Karl Fischer titration max. 0.01% water
1.88009.2500 apura - CombiMethanol dried methanol for Karl Fischer titration max. 0.01% water
1.88021.1000 apura - CombiSolvent fats for fats in foodstuffs
1.88007.1000 apura - CombiSolvent methanol free solvent for aldehydes and ketones
1.88008.1000 apura - CombiSolvent methanol-free solvent
1.88008.2500 apura - CombiSolvent methanol-free solvent
1.88020.1000 apura - CombiSolvent oils for mineral oils
1.88001.1000 apura - CombiTitrant 1 ca. 1 mg H2O/ mL
1.88002.1000 apura - CombiTitrant 2 ca. 2 mg H2O/ mL
1.88005.0500 apura - CombiTitrant 5 ca. 5 mg H2O/ mL
1.88005.1000 apura - CombiTitrant 5 ca. 5 mg H2O/ mL
1.88005.2500 apura - CombiTitrant 5 ca. 5 mg H2O/ mL
1.88006.1000 apura - CombiTitrant 5 Keto ca. 5 mg H2O/ mL for aldehydes and ketones
1.06664.0100 apura - Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate volumetric standard for water determination acc. to Karl Fischer contains 15.66% H2O
1.88016.1000 apura - Solvent oils & fats for long-chain substances
1.88015.1000 apura - Solvent solvent for the two component titration
1.88015.2500 apura - Solvent solvent for the two component titration
1.88025.0001 apura - testkit for water determination
1.88011.1000 apura - Titrant 2 about 2 mg H2O/ mL
1.88010.0500 apura - Titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/ mL
1.88010.1000 apura - Titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/ mL
1.88010.2500 apura - Titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/ mL
1.88050.0010 apura - Water Standard 0.01% 1g contains 0.10mg H2O
1.88051.0010 apura - Water Standard 0.1% 1 g contains 1.0 mg H2O
1.88052.0010 apura - Water Standard 1% 1 g contains 10 mg H2O
1.09259.0250 apura - Water Standard 5 mg/ mL 1 mL contains 5 mg water
1.88035.0500 apura-buffer solutions for strong acids
1.88036.0500 apura-buffer solutions for strong bases
1.08562.0050 Aquatex® ( aqueous mounting agent) for microscopy
1.19773.0100 Arsen
1.19773.0500 Arsen
1.70303.0100 Arsen ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.00115.0025 Arsenic lumps GR
1.17917.0001 Arsenic test
1.17927.0001 Arsenic test
1.01747.0001 Arsenic test ( + : 173501.0001 ; 100731.1000 ; 108780.0500)
1.10023.0001 Ascorbic Acid
1.16981.0001 Ascorbic Acid ( RQ Easy)
1.17963.0001 Ascorbic Acid ( RQ Easy)
8.21078.0005 A-terpineol for synthesis
1.01301.0050 Auramine ( C.I. 41000) for microscopy* 2
1.15213.0001 Auto-hemacolor® staining set for automatic blood smear staining with the hema-tek slide stainer
8.20116.0100 Azelaic acid for synthesis
1.01590.0500 Azide Dextrose Broth
1.11962.0010 Azomethine H GR ( Reagent For The Determination Of)
1.09211.0010 Azure II ( C.I. 52010/ 52015) for microscopy
1.09875.0010 Bacillus Cereus Selective Supplement ( MYP Agar Supplement)
1.11499.0001 Bacillus stearothermophilus spore suspension
1.10649.0001 Bacillus subtilis spore suspension
1.13301.0001 Bactident Aminopeptidase ( test strips for gram rapid testing)
1.11351.0001 Bactident Catalase
1.13306.0001 Bactident Coagulase
1.13303.0001 Bactident E. coli ( confirm E.coli within 2 hours)
1.11350.0001 Bactident Indole ( KOVACS reagent)
1.13300.0001 Bactident Oxidase ( oxidase test strips)
1.00881.0020 Baird Parker Agar
1.05406.0500 BAIRD-PARKER Agar Base
1.01008.0250 B-Alanine for biochemistry
1.01008.1000 B-Alanine for biochemistry
1.00132.0025 Barbituric acid
1.00132.0100 Barbituric acid
1.19774.0100 Barium
1.19774.0500 Barium
1.70304.0100 Barium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.01704.0500 Barium acetate GR
1.01714.0250 Barium carbonate GR
1.01714.1000 Barium carbonate GR
1.01716.0050 Barium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
1.01716.0500 Barium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
1.01719.0500 Barium chloride dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01719.1000 Barium chloride dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01717.1000 Barium chloride extra pure
1.01737.0500 Barium hydroxide GR
1.01729.0500 Barium nitrate GR
1.01750.5000 Barium sulfate extra pure for X-ray diagnosis DAB
1.01750.9050 Barium sulfate extra pure for X-RAY diagnosis PH E
1.01748.0250 Barium sulfate white standart acc to DIN 5033
1.13576.0001 Barnes Agar
1.07994.0500 BAT Agar
1.09085.0001 Battery charger power supply unit with international adapters for MAS 100
1.09128.0001 Battery charger power supply unit with international adapters for MAS 100 Eco
1.09200.0001 Battery charger power supply unit with international adapters for MAS 100 NT
1.09208.0001 Battery pack Li-Ion for MAS 100 NT cat. no. 1.09191.0001
1.09087.0001 Battery pack NICD for MAS 100 cat. no. 1.09090.0001
1.09229.0001 Battery pack NIMH for MAS 100 cat. no. 1.09090.0001 ( mulai no seri 75001)
8.01756.0500 Benzaldehyda for synthesis
8.01756.1000 Benzaldehyda for synthesis
8.01756.0100 Benzaldehyde for synthesis
8.17032.1000 Benzalkonium chloride NF * 4
1.01782.1000 Benzene EP
1.01768.1000 Benzene for chromatography lichrosolv
1.01792.1000 Benzene for GC analysis of traces suprasolv
1.01783.1000 Benzene GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.01783.2500 Benzene GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.09646.0005 Benzene reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09646.0005 Benzene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
1.01766.0010 Benzene-D6
1.01789.0010 Benzene-D6 deuteration degree min 99.6% for NMR spectroscopy uvasol
8.21959.0500 Benzenesulfonamide for synthesis
8.00468.0250 Benzenesulfonic acid for synthesis
8.00470.0500 Benzenesulfonyl chloride for synthesis
8.21956.0100 Benzimidazole for synthesis
1.02401.0060 Benzoic acid
1.00136.0250 Benzoic acid GR
1.00136.1000 Benzoic acid GR for analysis ACS
1.00130.9025 Benzoic acid powder BP, USP
8.01800.1000 Benzonitrile for synthesis
8.01801.0005 Benzophenone for synthesis
8.01801.0250 Benzophenone for synthesis
8.01804.1000 Benzoyl chloride for synthesis * 5
8.01641.1000 Benzoyl peroxide for synthesis * 5
8.01641.0100 Benzoyl peroxide moistened with 25% H2O for synthesis
8.03181.0100 Benzyl acetate for synthesis
1.00981.2500 Benzyl alcohol extra pure DAB
1.00981.6025 Benzyl alcohol extra pure DAB
1.09626.1000 Benzyl alcohol GR
1.09626.2500 Benzyl alcohol GR for analysis
8.18701.0100 Benzyl benzoate for synthesis
8.01809.1000 Benzyl chloride for synthesis
8.00239.0250 Benzyl cinnamate for syntetis
1.06752.2500 Benzyl Nicotinate extra pure DAB * 4
1.06752.9026 Benzyl Nicotinate extra pure DAB * 4
8.21030.0100 Benzylbutyl phthalate for synthesis
8.21030.1000 Benzylbutyl phthalate for synthesis
8.14231.0100 Benzyltrimethylammonium bromide for synthesis
8.21961.0250 Benzyltrimethylammonium chloride for synthesis
1.70207.0500 Beryllium
1.04114.0002 b-Glucuronidase/ aryl sulfatase for biochemistry
1.00077.0020 Bile Aesculine Azide Agar
1.00072.0500 Bile Salt Aesculine Azide Agar
1.10307.0500 Bioquant Protein ( Acc. To Biuret Method) Reagent S
1.10306.0500 Bioquant Protein ( Acc. To Bradford Method) Reagent
1.10537.0001 Bioquant Purification Of Carrez Reagent Kit For TH
1.12979.0001 Bioquant Total Dietary Fiber Reagent Kit For 100 D
8.03090.0100 Biphenyl for synthesis
8.03090.1000 Biphenyl for synthesis
8.01959.0100 Biphenyl-4-ol for synthesis
8.21874.2500 Bis( 2-ethylhexyl) phthalate for synthesis
8.21874.1000 Bis( 2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate for synthesis
8.14283.0025 Bis( trichloromethyl) carbonate for synthesis
1.10255.0005 Bis( trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide for gas chromatography
1.10255.0005 BIS( Trimethylsilyl) Trifluoroacetamide for Gas Chromatography
1.10255.0025 Bis( trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide for gas chromatography
1.10255.0025 BIS( Trimethylsilyl) Trifluoroacetamide for Gas Chromatography
1.19804.0500 Bismuth
1.70306.0100 Bismuth ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.12403.0100 Bismuth ( III) chloride
1.01878.0100 Bismuth nitrate basic GR
1.05418.0500 Bismuth Sulphite Agar
1.16730.0001 Blank strip
1.01901.0500 Bleaching earth
1.13414.0001 Blood Agar ( 20 Plates)
1.13421.0001 Blood Agar ( 480 Plates)
1.10886.0500 Blood Agar Base
1.10328.0500 Blood Agar Base No. 2
1.00687.0001 BOD Cell Test
1.00688.0001 BOD Nutrient Salt Mixture
1.14663.0001 BOD reaction bottle
1.00718.0001 BOD Standard
1.07913.0100 Boiling chips granules ( LAB)
1.07912.0250 Boiling chips granules ~ 1-2 mm
1.00068.0500 Bolton Broth
1.00079.0010 Bolton Broth Selective Supplement acc to ISO 10272-1
1.00765.0500 Boric acid 99, 9999 Suprapur®
1.00160.5000 Boric acid cryst. extra pure Ph Eur, BP, NF
1.00160.9025 Boric acid cryst. extra pure Ph Eur, BP, NF
1.00160.9050 Boric acid cryst. extra pure Ph Eur, BP, NF
1.00165.0100 Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00165.0500 Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00165.1000 Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00165.5000 Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.14839.0001 Boron
1.19500.0100 Boron
1.19500.0500 Boron
1.70307.010 0 Boron ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.00826.0001 Boron Cell Test
1.12073.0050 Boron nitride
1.12070.0025 Boron powder ( LAB)
8.01663.0500 Boron trifluoirde-methanol complex for synthesis
8.01647.1000 Boron trifluoride-ethyl ether complex for synthesis
1.15164.0001 BPLS Agar
1.07237.0500 BPLS Agar ( Brilliant Green Phenol Red Lactose Agar)
1.07232.0500 BPLS Agar ( USP XXIII) ( Brilliant Green Agar USP)
1.00855.0020 BPLS Agar ( USP)
1.10747.0500 BPLS Agar modified ( ISO 1993) ( Brilliant Green Agar modified)
1.13825.0500 Brain Heart Agar
1.10493.0500 Brain Heart Broth
1.01894.0100 Brij 35 for biochemistry
1.01894.1000 Brij 35 for biochemistry
8.01962.1000 Brij 35 for synthesis
1.01384.0100 Brilliant cresyl blue solution for the staining of reticulocytes and trichomonads for microscopy
1.01368.0025 Brilliant cresyl blue zinc chloride double salt for miroscopy certistain®
1.01310.0050 Brilliant green ( C.I. 42040) for microbiology
1.01374.0025 Brilliant green ( hydrogen sulfate) ( C.I. 42040) for microscopy certistain®
1.05454.0500 Brilliant Green 2% Bile Broth ( BGLB / BRILA Broth)
1.10411.0001 Brolacin Agar
1.13404.0001 Brolacin agar
1.01638.0500 BROLACIN Agar ( Brom Lactose Cystine Agar) / CLED Agar
1.01651.0025 Bromelain ( from pinapples) 2mansion U/ mg fro biochem
1.01651.1000 Bromelain ( from pinapples) 2mansion U/ mg fro biochem
1.09905.0001 Bromide bromate solution for 1000 ml
1.00605.0001 Bromine
8.01786.0250 BromoBenzene for synthesis
1.08121.0001 Bromocresol green indicator PH 3, 8 - 5, 4 ACS
1.08121.0005 Bromocresol green indicator PH 3, 8 - 5, 4 ACS
1.08121.0025 Bromocresol green indicator PH 3, 8 - 5, 4 ACS
1.01541.0010 Bromocresol green sodium salt indicator water-soluble
1.03025.0005 Bromocresol purple indicator
1.03025.0025 Bromocresol purple indicator
1.08122.0005 Bromophenol blue indicator
1.08122.0025 Bromophenol blue indicator
1.11746.0005 Bromophenol blue sodium salt water-soluble indicator
1.03023.0005 Bromophenol red indicator
1.03026.0005 Bromothymol blue indicator
1.03026.0025 Bromothymol Blue Indicator ACS
1.01895.0010 Bromothymol blue sodium salt
1.01952.0050 Brucine GR
1.01617.0500 BRYANT BURKEY Broth with resazurin and Lactate
1.09888.0001 Buffer concentrate for 500 ml buffer solution pH 8
1.09889.0001 Buffer concentrate for 500 ml buffer solution pH 9
1.09881.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 1.00
1.09890.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 10.00
1.09880.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 11.00
1.09892.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 12.00
1.09893.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 13.00
1.09882.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 2.00
1.09883.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 3.00
1.09884.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 4.00
1.09885.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 5.00
1.09886.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 6.00
1.09887.0001 Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 7.00
1.99003.0001 Buffer solution ( boric acid/ potassium chloride/ sodium hydroxide solution) pH 9.00
1.09409.1000 Buffer solution ( boric acid/ potassium chloride/ sodium hydroxide) pH 10
1.09476.0500 Buffer solution ( boric acid/ potassium chloride/ sodium hydroxide) pH 9
1.09475.0500 Buffer solution ( citric acid/ sodium hydroxide/ hydrogen chloride) pH 4
1.09477.0500 Buffer solution ( di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/ potassium dihydrogen phosphate) pH 7.00
1.07294.1000 Buffer solution ( di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/ potassium hydrogen phosphate) pH 6.88
1.09407.1000 Buffer Solution ( potassium dihydrogen phosphate/ di-sodium hydrogen phosphate) pH 7
1.99002.0001 Buffer solution ( potassium dihydrogen phosphate/ di-sodium hydrogen phosphate) pH 7.00
1.09406.1000 Buffer solution ( potassium hydrogen phthalate) pH 4.01
1.99001.0001 Buffer solution ( potassium hydrogen phthalate) pH 4.01
1.09438.1000 Buffer solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 10.00 ( 20 grad C) certipur
1.09435.1000 Buffer solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.00 ( 20 grad C) certipur
1.09439.1000 Buffer Solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 7.00 ( 20 grad C) certipur
1.09461.1000 Buffer Solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 9.00 ( 20 grad C) certipur
1.09432.1000 Buffer solution ready for use pH 1.00
1.09462.1000 Buffer solution ready for use pH 11.00
1.09433.1000 Buffer solution ready for use pH 2.00
1.09434.1000 Buffer solution ready for use pH 3.00
1.09436.1000 Buffer solution ready for use pH 5.00
1.09437.1000 Buffer solution ready for use pH 6.00
1.09460.1000 Buffer solution ready for use pH 8.00
1.99005.0001 Buffer solutions traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB 10 x pH 4.01 ( phthalate) , 10 x pH 7.00 ( phosphat
1.11373.0100 Buffer tablets pH 6.4 for preparing buffer solution ACC. to weise for the staining of blood smears
1.11374.0100 Buffer tablets pH 6.8 for preparing buffer solution ACC. to weise for the staining of blood smears
1.09468.0100 Buffer tablets pH 7.2 for preparing buffer solution ACC. to weise for the staining of blood smears
1.18303.0025 Butane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur
1.18303.0025 Butane-1-Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur
8.00832.0100 Butyl acrylate for synthesis stabilized with 200 P
8.00585.0100 Butyl methacrylate for synthesis stabilized
8.01539.1000 Butylamine for synthesis
8.17023.1000 Butylated hydroxyanisoleph.EUR
8.20239.0100 ButylBenzene for synthesis
8.17074.1000 Butylhydroxytoluene NF
8.01555.0100 Butyraldehyde for synthesis
8.00457.0100 Butyric acid for synthesis
8.41778.0025 Butyrophenone for synthesis
1.03256.0010 Cacodylic acid sodium salt trihydrate, buffer substance for biochemistry
1.03256.0100 Cacodylic acid sodium salt trihydrate, buffer substance for biochemistry
1.19777.0100 Cadmium
1.19777.0500 Cadmium
1.70309.0100 Cadmium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.02003.0500 Cadmium acetate GR
1.14834.0001 Cadmium Cell Test
1.02001.0250 Cadmium coarse powder GR
1.02004.0250 Cadmium granular GR
1.09960.0001 Cadmium standard titrisol
1.02027.0100 Cadmium sulfate GR
1.01745.0001 Cadmium test
1.02584.1000 Caffeine pure DAB * 4
1.02315.0005 Calcein metal ( pM) indicator
1.10083.0001 Calcium
1.11110.0001 Calcium
1.14815.0001 Calcium
1.1 6125.0001 Calcium
1.16993.0001 Calcium
1.19778.0100 Calcium
1.19778.0500 Cal cium
1.70308.0100 Calcium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.09325.0500 Calcium acetate for soil test
1.09325.9025 Calcium Acetate Hydrate ( About 94% Ca ( CH3COO) 2) F
1.02052.9029 Calcium acetate hydrate exta pure DAC, FCC
1.02410.0050 Calcium carbonate
1.02067.0500 Calcium carbonate precipated for analysis of silicates
1.02066.0250 Calcium carbonate precipated GR
1.02066.1000 Calcium carbonate precipated GR
1.02064.9029 Calcium carbonate preciptated extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP, FCC
1.02069.9025 Calcium carbonate preciptated extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP, FCC
1.02069.9050 Calcium carbonate preciptated extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP, FCC
1.02059.0050 Calcium carbonate Suprapur
1.05409.0500 Calcium Caseinate Agar acc. FRAZIER & RUPP modified
1.00858.0001 Calcium Cell Test
1.02391.1000 Calcium chloride anhydrous granular 2-6 mm
1.02392.1000 Calcium chloride anhydrous granular 6-14 mm
1.02378.0500 Calcium chloride anhydrous powder
1.02382.0250 Calcium chloride dihydrate cryst. GR for analysis ACS
1.02382.0500 Calcium chloride dihydrate cryst. GR for analysis ACS
1.02382.1000 Calcium chloride dihydrate cryst. GR for analysis ACS
1.02083.0250 Calcium chloride fused granular 0.5-2 mm for elementary analysis
1.02083.1000 Calcium chloride fused granular 0.5-2 mm for elementary analysis
1.02379.1000 Calcium chloride granular 1-2 mm ( LAB)
1.02384.0100 Calcium chloride tetahydrate suprapur
1.02148.1000 Calcium d-Saccharate extra pure, USP
1.02840.1000 Calcium fluoride precipitated pure
1.02053.0100 Calcium granular ( LAB)
1.02053.0500 Calcium granular ( LAB)
1.02144.9029 Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous
1.02203.0500 Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous GR for analysis
1.02047.0500 Calcium hydroxide GR for analysis
1.02047.1000 Calcium hydroxide GR for analysis
8.41799.0100 Calcium hypochloride for syntetis
8.41799.0500 Calcium hypochlorite forsynthesis
1.02103.0250 Calcium lactate for soil tests
1.02103.1000 Calcium lactate for soil tests
1.02103.9025 Calcium lactate for soil tests
1.02102.9029 Calcium lactate pentahydrate soluble extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP, E 327
1.02121.0500 Calcium nitrate GR
1.02109.1000 Calcium oxide from marble, small lumps
1.15053.0100 Calcium standard dissolved in oil
1.01987.1000 Calcium sulfate anhydrous, granular 1-5 mm
1.02160.9050 Calcium sulfate dihydrate preciptated extra pure Ph Eur, BP
1.02161.0500 Calcium sulfate precipated GR
1.00049.0001 Calcium test
1.08439.0500 Calcium titriplex DAB
1.04594.0050 Calcon metal ( pM) indicator
1.04595.0005 Calconcarboxylic acid metal ( pM) indicator
1.04595.0025 Calconcarboxylic acid metal ( pM) indicator
1.00070.0500 Campylobacter Blood free Selective Agar Base ( CCDA Agar)
1.13579.0001 Campylobacter Selective Agar
1.01691.0025 Canada balsam for microscopy
1.01691.0100 Canada balsam for microscopy
1.10412.0001 Candida Agar acc. To Nickerson
1.10456.0500 Candida Elective Agar NICKERSON
8.20255.0005 Carbazole for synthesis
8.20255.0250 Carbazole for synthesis
1.08048.0001 Carbonate Hardness
1.10648.0001 Carbonate Hardness
1.11103.0001 Carbonate Hardness
1.16126.0001 Carbonate Hardness
1.14653.0001 Carbonate Hardness ( in fresh and seawater)
1.11130.0001 Carbonic Acid ( lime dissolving)
1.15933.0005 Carmine ( C.I. 75470) ( calcium-aluminium lacquer of carminic acid) , microscopy certistain®
1.15933.0025 Carmine ( C.I. 75470) ( calcium-aluminium lacquer of carminic acid) , microscopy certistain®
1.00211.0005 Carminic acid ( C.I. 75470) GR for analysis and for microscopy
1.50227.0001 Cartridge Holder for LiChroCART30-4 Cartridges
1.50226.0001 Cartridge Holder for LiChroCART55-4 Cartridges
1.50237.0001 Cartridge Kit LiChroCART30-2 Purospher Star RP-18 Endcapped ( 3 Mym) 1 HPLC-Cartridge and 1 Cartridge ...
1.50239.0001 Cartridge Set LiChroCART30-4 Purospher Star RP-18 Endcapped ( 3 Mym) 1 HPLC-Cartridge and 1 Cartridge ...
1.50240.0001 Cartridge Set LiChroCART55-2 Purospher Star RP-18 Endcapped ( 3 Mym) 1 HPLC-Cartridge and 1 Cartridge ...
1.50242.0001 Cartridge Set LiChroCART55-4 Purospher Star RP-18 Endcapped ( 3 Mym) 1 HPLC Cartridge and 1 Cartridge ...
1.09769.0001 Case for spectroquant photometer NOVA 30 & 60
1.00670.0001 Case for spectroquant spectrophotometer Pharo 100/ 300
1.02245.0500 Casein Hydrolysate acid hydrolyzed ( Casamino Acid)
1.11723.0500 Casein-peptone Lecithin Polysorbate Broth Base
1.13582.0001 CASO ( TSA) Agar ( 20 Plates)
1.13499.0001 CASO ( TSA) Agar ( 480 Plates)
1.18360.0001 CASO ( TSA) Agar with neutralizer
1.18363.0001 CASO ( TSA) Agar with neutralizer
1.05458.0500 CASO Agar ( Tryptic Soy Agar = TSA )
1.05459.0500 CASO Broth ( Tryptic Soy Broth = TSB )
1.00525.5000 CASO Broth non animal origin ( Vegetable Peptone Broth)
1.00831.0020 CATC Agar
1.00060.0100 CAYE Broth modified EVANS for culture of E.coli VTEC
1.00051.0010 CAYE Broth Supplement
1.00071.0010 CCDA Selective Supplement
1.16729.0001 Cell Test adapter for Rqflex plus
1.02352.0025 Cellobiose for biochemistry
1.05632.0001 Cellulose 100 TLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.16092.0001 Cellulose 25 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05787.0001 Cellulose 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.05552.0001 Cellulose 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05577.0001 Cellulose 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05716.0001 Cellulose 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.05786.0001 Cellulose 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.05730.0001 Cellulose 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm
1.15035.0001 Cellulose F 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.05574.0001 Cellulose F 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05565.0001 Cellulose F 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05718.0001 Cellulose F 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.15036.0001 Cellulose F 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.05728.0001 Cellulose F 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm
1.02330.0500 Cellulose Microcrystalline for Thin-Layer Chromatography Avicel
1.00830.0020 Cereus Selective Agar acc. To Mossel
1.05267.0500 Cereus Selective Agar MOSSEL ( MYP Agar)
1.02271.0100 Cerium ( III) nitrate extra pure
1.02274.0025 Cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
1.02274.0100 Cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
1.02274.0250 Cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
1.09092.1000 Cerium ( IV) sulfate solution 0.1 N
1.07200.0105 Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium hydrogen pH 4.005
1.07202.0105 Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium hydrogen phosphate/ di-sodium hydrogen ph
1.07205.0105 Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium hydrogen phosphate/ di-sodium hydrogen ph
1.02039.0050 Cesium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
1.02039.0250 Cesium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
1.02038.0025 Cesium chloride GR
1.02038.0100 Cesium chloride GR
1.02856.0025 Cesium nitrate ( LAB)
1.00851.0020 Cetrimide Agar
8.18704.0100 Cetyl alcohol for synthesis
8.18704.1000 Cetyl alcohol for synthesis
1.18313.0025 Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium hydrogen sulfate for ion pair chromatography LiChropur
1.18313.0025 Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Hydrogen Sulfate for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur
1.11662.0001 CHAPS for biochemistry
1.11662.0010 CHAPS for biochemistry
1.02005.0010 Charcoal Activated For Determination of AOX ( S
1.09631.0500 Charcoal Activated for gas chromatography 0, 3-0, 5 MM ( 35-50 mesh ASTM)
1.09631.0500 Charcoal Activated for Gas Chromatography 0, 3-0, 5 mm ( 35-50 mesh ASTM)
1.09624.0100 Charcoal Activated for gas chromatography 0, 5-1 MM ( 18-35 mesh ASTM)
1.09624.0100 Charcoal Activated for Gas Chromatography 0, 5-1 mm ( 18-35 mesh ASTM)
1.02216.0010 Charcoal Activated For The Determination of AOX
1.02186.0250 Charcoal Activated GR
1.02186.1000 Charcoal Activated GR
1.02183.1000 Charcoal Activated pure
1.01568.1000 Chemizorb granulate absorbent for spilled liquids
1.12576.0001 Chemizorb hg absorbent for mercury
1.01596.1000 Chemizorb OH- absorbent and neutalizer for spilled alkalis, with indicator
1.02051.0500 Chemizorb powder absorbent for spilled liquids
1.02051.9025 Chemizorb powder absorbent for spilled liquids
1.02348.0500 China-blue Lactose Agar
1.02425.1000 Chloral hydrate DAB * 4
1.02426.0250 Chloramine T GR
1.02426.1000 Chloramine T GR
1.10079.0001 Chloride
1.11106.0001 Chloride
1.11132.0001 Chloride
1.14401 .0001 Chloride
1.14753.0001 Chloride
1.14897.0001 Chloride
1.14897.0002 Chlo ride
1.17944.0001 Chloride
1.18322.0002 Chloride ( rf 114401, 114753)
1.14730.0001 Chloride Cell Test
1.09871.0001 Chloride standard 1000 mg Cl ( hydrogen chloride in water) titrisol® * 3
1.16896.0001 Chlorine
1.17940.0001 Chlorine
1.14803.0002 Chlorin e ( also rf 114801.0001)
1.14826.0001 Chlorine ( Free & Total Chlorine)
1.00598.0001 Chlorine ( free)
1.00598.0002 Chlorine ( free)
1.14434.0001 Chlorine ( Free)
1.00595.0001 Chlorine ( free) Cell Test
1.11174.0001 Chlorine ( free+ tot) and pH
1.00599.0001 Chlorine ( free+ tot)
1.00597.0001 Chlorine ( free+ tot) Cell Test
1.18326.0002 Chlorine ( rf 114826)
1.00602.0001 Chlorine ( tot)
1.00602.0002 Chlorine ( tot)
1.11160.0001 Chlorine and pH
1.00608.0001 Chlorine dioxide
1.18754.0001 Chlorine Dioxide
1.18756.0001 Chlorine Dioxide
1.18757.0002 Chlorine Dioxide ( rf 118756)
1.14976.0001 Chlorine high ( free)
1.14977.0002 Chlorine high ( free) ( rf 114976)
1.14670.0001 Chlorine in freshwater ( Free)
1.14801.0001 Chlorine in the swimming pool ( Free & Total Chlorine)
1.14978.0001 Chlorine low ( free) ( Liquid)
1.14979.0002 Chlorine low ( free) ( rf 114978)
1.00086.0001 Chlorine reagent Cl2-1 ( liquid)
1.00087.0001 Chlorine reagent Cl2-2 ( liquid)
1.00088.0001 Chlorine reagent Cl2-3 ( liquid)
1.11113.0001 Chlorine reagt. 1( rf 111174)
1.11157.0001 Chlorine reagt. 1, 2, 3 ( rf 111174)
1.11114.0001 Chlorine reagt. 2( rf 111174)
1.11115.0001 Chlorine reagt. 3( rf 111174)
1.11116.0001 Chlorine reagt. 4( rf 111174)
1.17923.0001 Chlorine roll ( 3 x 4 meter)
1.17924.0001 Chlorine strip
1.17925.0001 Chlorine strip
8.00412.0100 Chloroacetic acid for synthesis * 2
8.00412.1000 Chloroacetic acid for synthesis * 2
8.01791.0100 ChloroBenzene for synthesis
8.01791.1000 ChloroBenzene for synthesis
8.01791.2500 ChloroBenzene for synthesis
8.14104.0050 Chlorodimethylsilane for synthesis
1.02442.1000 Chloroform ( for determ.w. dithizone) GR
1.02431.1000 Chloroform extra pure DAB
1.02431.2500 Chloroform extra pure DAB
1.02444.1000 Chloroform for chromatography lichrosolv
1.02444.2500 Chloroform for chromatography lichrosolv
1.02432.2500 Chloroform for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
1.02447.0500 Chloroform for spectroscopy uvasol
1.02445.1000 Chloroform GR for analysis ISO
1.02445.2500 Chloroform GR for analysis ISO
8.00220.1000 Chlorosulfonic acid synthesis
1.02333.0100 Chlorotrimethylsilane for Gas Chromatography
1.02333.0250 Chlorotrimethylsilane for Gas Chromatography
1.02333.0100 Chlorotrimethylsilanefor gas chromatography
1.02333.0250 Chlorotrimethylsilanefor gas chromatography
8.18737.0100 Chlorotrimethylsilanefor synthesis
1.15177.0001 Chocolate Agar
1.03672.5000 Cholesterol from wool fat EP Powdered Ph Eur, BP, NF, JP
5.00117.5000 Choline chloride extra pure DAB
5.00117.9025 Choline chloride extra pure DAB
5.00115.5000 Choline hydrogen tartrate DAB 1996, FCC
5.00115.9025 Choline hydrogen tartrate DAB 1996, FCC
1.02606.0001 Cholinesterase ( horse serum) for biochemistry
1.10012.0001 Chromate
1.14402.0001 Chromate
1.14441.0001 Chroma te
1.14756.0001 Chromate
1.16988.0001 Chromate
1.14758.0001 Chromate ( 6+ tot)
1.14552.0001 Chromate ( 6+ tot) Cell Test
1.18456.0002 Chromate ( rf 114756, 114441, 114402)
1.02477.0025 Chromazurol S metal ( pM) indicator
1.19779.0100 Chromium
1.19779.0500 Chromium
1.70312.0100 Chromium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.02487.1000 Chromium ( III) chloride 6-hydrate e.p.
8.18090.0025 Chromium ( III) chloride anhydrous for synthesis
1.02481.0250 Chromium ( III) nitrate GR
1.02483.1000 Chromium ( III) oxide anhydrous selectipur
1.00229.0250 Chromium ( VI) oxide
1.12097.0500 Chromium powder ( LAB)
1.10426.0500 Chromocult Coliform Agar
1.18441.0010 Chromocult Coliform Agar
1.00850.0500 Chromocult Coliform Agar ES ( Enhance Selectivity)
1.00873.0500 Chromocult Enterobacter Sakazakii
1.00950.0500 Chromocult Enterococci Agar
1.10294.0500 Chromocult Enterococci Broth
1.00439.0010 Chromocult Listeria Enricment Supplement ALOA
1.00427.0500 Chromocult Listeria Selective Agar ALOA
1.00432.0010 Chromocult Listeria Selective Supplement ALOA
1.16122.0500 Chromocult TBX Agar
1.51470.0001 Chromolith 5-4.6 RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column Kit 3 Guard Columns and 1 Guard Column Holder ...
1.51463.0001 Chromolith FLASH RP-18 Endcapped 25 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column
1.02129.0001 Chromolith Performance RP-18 Endcapped 100 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column
1.51468.0001 Chromolith Performance RP-8 Endcapped 100 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column
1.51465.0001 Chromolith Performance SI, 100 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column
1.51471.0001 Chromolith RP-18 Endcapped 10-4.6 Guard Column Kit 3 Guard Columns and 1 Guard Column Holder ...
1.51452.0001 Chromolith RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column 10 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column
1.51451.0001 Chromolith RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column 5 - 4, 6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column
1.51450.0001 Chromolith SpeedROD RP-18 Endcapped 50 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column
1.10156.0001 Chromoplate Coliform Agar
1.00420.0020 Chromoplate Listeria Selective Agar ( ALOA)
1.00420.0480 Chromoplate Listeria Selective Agar ( ALOA)
8.02505.0250 Cinnamaldehyde for synthesis
8.00235.0250 Cinnamic acid for synthesis
8.20923.2500 Cis-9-octadecen-1-ol for synthesis
1.00247.5000 Citric Acid anhydrous fine-granular extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP
1.00241.5000 Citric acid anhydrous powder extra pure
1.00241.9029 Citric acid anhydrous powder extra pure DAB, Ph Eur
1.00242.5000 Citric acid monohydrate extra pure DAB, Ph Eur, B
1.00242.9029 Citric acid monohydrate extra pure DAB, Ph Eur, B
1.00244.0500 Citric acid monohydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00244.5000 Citric acid monohydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
8.14575.0100 Citronellal for synthesis
8.18554.0005 Citronellol for synthesis
1.00888.0010 Clostridium perfringens Supplement ( pengganti Fluorocult TSC Agar Supplement)
1.16464.0001 CN F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.10002.0001 Cobalt
1.19785.0500 Cobalt
1.70313.0100 Cobalt ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.02529.0100 Cobalt ( II) acetate GR
1.02554.0050 Cobalt ( II) nitrate ( max. 0.001% Ni) GR
1.02536.0100 Cobalt ( II) nitrate GR
1.02536.0250 Cobalt ( II) nitrate GR
1.02546.1000 Cobalt ( II) sulfate extra pure
1.02556.0100 Cobalt ( II) sulfate GR
1.12211.0100 Cobalt powder ( LAB)
1.02533.1000 Cobalt( II) chloride hexahydrate extra pure Ph FRANC IX, OEAB
1.02539.0100 Cobalt( II) chloride hexahydrate GR for analysis ACS
1.02539.0250 Cobalt( II) chloride hexahydrate GR for analysis ACS
1.02556.0250 Cobalt( II) sulfate heptahydrate GR for analysis
1.14540.0001 COD Cell Test
1.14541.0001 COD Cell Test
1.14555.0001 COD Cell Test
1.14560.0001 COD Cell Test
1.14690.0001 COD Ce
menampilkan 127 dari 434