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 Katalog Produk:ALCU CONNECTING TUBE / KONEKTOR BIMETAL / CONNECTOR TUBE ALUMINIUM TEMBAGA / ALUMINUM COPPER BUTT CONNECTORS / Jointing Konektor Bimetal AL/ CU  Katalog Produk:( CLASS 1) POWER SUPPLY SURGE ARRESTOR ( 25KA )  Katalog Produk:( CLASS 1) ( N   PE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE   75KA )  Katalog Produk:( 1+ 1 Class II) 1 PHASE POWER SUPPLY SURGE ARRESTOR ( 1+ 1) & ( max 20 KA)  Katalog Produk:( 3+ 1 Class II) 3 PHASE POWER SUPPLY SURGE ARRESTOR & ( MAX CURRENT 20 KA) & ( CLASS II)  Katalog Produk:INSULATOR TYPE SM 40  Katalog Produk:INSULATOR TYPE SM 35  Katalog Produk:INSULATOR TYPE SM 51  Katalog Produk:BIMETAL LUG / / BIMETALLIC CONNECTOR / / SKUN BIMETAL / / BIMETAL LUG / / SKUN ALCU / / CAS CONNECTOR / / SKUN BIMETAL  Katalog Produk:C CLAMP ( Bentuk Lengkungan Polos)  Katalog Produk:1 PHASE SURGE ARRESTOR SET  Katalog Produk:3 PHASE SURGE ARRESTOR SET  Katalog Produk:EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING BAR   06 PORT  Katalog Produk:EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING BAR   16 PORT  Katalog Produk:4 LINES DATA   SURGE ARRESTOR  Katalog Produk:BNC   CCTV SURGE ARRESTOR / SURGE PROTECTOR  Katalog Produk:CATV   TV SURGE ARRESTOR / PROTECTOR  Katalog Produk:DB 25 SURGE ARRESTOR  Katalog Produk:DB 9 SURGE ARRESTOR  Katalog Produk:RJ11 SURGE ARRESTOR   TELEPHONE / FAX / MODEM / ISDN SURGE ARRESTOR / SURGE PROTECTOR  Katalog Produk:RJ 45 SURGE ARRESTOR   COMPUTER NETWORK / LAN / ETHERNET SURGE ARRESTOR  Katalog Produk:ONE HOLE CABLE CLAMP ( ONE HOLE CABLE CLIP )  Katalog Produk:4 DIGIT LIGHTNING / SURGE COUNTER  Katalog Produk:SARUNG TANGAN KULIT ( UNTUK EXOTHERMIC WELDING)  Katalog Produk:SLAG REMOVAL SPADE  Katalog Produk:DUXSEAL  Katalog Produk:EXOTHERMIC TOOL BOX  Katalog Produk:STAINLESS STEEL 316   GROUNDROD  Katalog Produk:CABLE SUPPORT / CABLE SADDLE / HEAVY DUTY CASH CABLE SADDLE  Katalog Produk:BIMETALLIC WASHER  Katalog Produk:ONE HOLE   BIMETALLIC PLATE  Katalog Produk:BIMETALLIC PLATE   DOUBLE HOLES  Katalog Produk:STAINLESS STEEL COUPLER  Katalog Produk:GRAPHITE EARTH MODULE  Katalog Produk:CHEMICAL GROUNDROD  Katalog Produk:STAINLESS STEEL 304   GROUNDROD  Katalog Produk:BIMETALLIC WASHER & BIMETALLIC PLATE ( ALU CU )  Katalog Produk:FLAT AIR TERMINAL BASE ( untuk cable conductor)  Katalog Produk:FLAT AIR TERMINAL BASE ( untuk COPPER TAPE atau ALUMINUM TAPE)  Katalog Produk:AIR TERMINAL BASE ( UNTUK KABEL)  Katalog Produk:RIDGE AIR TERMINAL BASE / / SLANT AIR TERMINAL BASE ( untuk COPPER atau ALUMINUM TAPE)  Katalog Produk:TAPPER POINT AIR TERMINAL / SPLITZEN  Katalog Produk:AVIATION OBSTRUCTION LIGHT  Katalog Produk:BUSBAR  Katalog Produk:STAINLESS STEEL CABLE TIES  Katalog Produk:EARTH BOSS  Katalog Produk:ERITECH EST401  Katalog Produk:ERITECH EST4630 ( + 150 feet KITS)  Katalog Produk:ERITECH EST3640 KITS  Katalog Produk:ERITECH EST4620 ( + 150 feet KITS)  Katalog Produk:PROVA 5601  Katalog Produk:FLUKE 1623KIT  Katalog Produk:FLUKE 1630  Katalog Produk:4200   KYORITSU EARTH TESTER  Katalog Produk:4106   KYORITSU EARTH TESTER  Katalog Produk:4105A   KYORITSU EARTH TESTER  Katalog Produk:4102A   KYORITSU EARTH TESTER  Katalog Produk:FLUKE 1625KIT  Katalog Produk:MEGGER DET4TC2+ KITS  Katalog Produk:MEGGER DET24C  Katalog Produk:MEGGER DET14C  Katalog Produk:FLUKE 1621KIT  Katalog Produk:FLUKE 1621  Katalog Produk:STORMASTER ESE TERMINAL  Katalog Produk:LPI LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM  Katalog Produk:GUARDIAN SYSTEM 5 AIR TERMINAL  Katalog Produk:FRANKLIN ACTIVE 1D ( Max Rad Prot = 50 meter)  Katalog Produk:FRANKLIN LIGHTNING COUNTER  Katalog Produk:FRANKLIN ACTIVE 2D REMOTE TESTER  Katalog Produk:FRANKLIN SAINT ELME LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR  Katalog Produk:FRANKLIN SAINT ELME ACTIVE 2D LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR  Katalog Produk:Prevectron TS 2.10 ( Max Rad Prot = 40 meter)  Katalog Produk:PREVECTRON LIGHTNING FLASH COUNTER  Katalog Produk:Prevectron TS 2.25 ( Max Rad Prot = 65 meter)  Katalog Produk:Prevectron S 3.4 ( Max Rad Prot = 85 meter)  Katalog Produk:Prevectron S 4.50 ( Max Rad Prot = 100 meter)  Katalog Produk:Prevectron S 6.60 ( Max Rad Prot = 120 meter)  Katalog Produk:BIG DISPLAY LIGHTNING COUNTER  Katalog Produk:2 DIGIT SURGE COUNTER  Katalog Produk:ESE TEST TERMINAL  Katalog Produk:TS ORL10 lightning rod  Katalog Produk:ESE 18 ( Max Prot Rad = 80 meter)  Katalog Produk:ESE 28 ( Max Rad Prot = 85 Meter)  Katalog Produk:ESE 68 ( Max Rad Prot = 90 meter)  Katalog Produk:ESE 88 ( Max Rad Prot = 100 meter)  Katalog Produk:ESE 98 ( Max Rad Prot = 120 meter)  Katalog Produk:PREVECTORN STORM MONITOR  Katalog Produk:PVC GROUND ROD INSPECTION PIT ( SUPER STRONG) )  Katalog Produk:MORE EFFECTIVE GROUNDING ( GROUND ENHANCER MATERIAL)  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL EXOTHERMIC WELDING POWDER ( Mesiu)  Katalog Produk:0~ 3 GHz Antenna Surge protector  Katalog Produk:0~ 3 GHz Antenna surge protector  Katalog Produk:Equipotential bonding connector  Katalog Produk:ISOLATING SPARK GAP  Katalog Produk:KUKU MACAN  Katalog Produk:ROD TO CABLE COUPLING  Katalog Produk:ROD BRACKETS  Katalog Produk:CABLE TEST CLAMP  Katalog Produk:JOINTING CLAMP  Katalog Produk:ROD TO CABLE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:TEE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:SQUARE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:TOWER EARTH CLAMP ( DOUBLE PLATE)  Katalog Produk:TOWER EARTH CLAMP ( SINGLE PLATE)  Katalog Produk:SPLIT BOLT CONNECTOR / COPPER SPLICING CONNECTOR  Katalog Produk:XLPE CABLE  Katalog Produk:KABEL NYM / NYM CABLE  Katalog Produk:NYAF CABLE / KABEL NYAF  Katalog Produk:KABEL NYY / NYY CABLE  Katalog Produk:NYFGBY  Katalog Produk:DC TAPE CLIP  Katalog Produk:TAPE CLIP  Katalog Produk:U BOLT GROUND TO TAPE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:U BOLT ROD TO CABLE CLAMP ( MULTI CABLE)  Katalog Produk:U BOLT ROD CLAMP TO TAPE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:GROUND ROD TO TAPE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:GROUND CLAMP ( CABLE TO ROD CLAMP)  Katalog Produk:U BOLT ROD TO CABLE CLAMP ( SINGLE CABLE)  Katalog Produk:U BOLT ROD TO TAPE & CABLE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:U BOLT ROD CLAMP ( TYPE E)  Katalog Produk:EARTH POINT ( WITH CABLE EXTENSION)  Katalog Produk:EARTH POINT  Katalog Produk:ROD TO CABLE LUG CLAMP ( TYPE B)  Katalog Produk:CABLE TO TAPE SQUARE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:SQUARE CONDUCTOR CLAMP  Katalog Produk:ALUMINUM SQUARE CLAMP / ALUMINUM SQUARE TAPE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:SQUARE CLAMP / SQUARE TAPE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:COPPER BRAID  Katalog Produk:KONEKTOR BIMETAL ( BIMETALLIC CONNECTOR) TYPE B  Katalog Produk:AAC Cable ( kabel aluminum)  Katalog Produk:BCC CABLE / / NYA CABLE  Katalog Produk:BARE COPPER CABLE ( KABEL BC)  Katalog Produk:COMPRESSION CONNECTOR ALUMINIUM TYPE 0  Katalog Produk:COMPRESSION CONNECTOR ALUMINIUM PRESS TYPE H  Katalog Produk:SC( JGK) / SC( JGA) Lug Connector ( skun kabel tipe SC)  Katalog Produk:DTG CABLE LUG ( Cable Terminal)  Katalog Produk:YKQ 300 Hydraulic Crimping Tool  Katalog Produk:Type MT 150B Manual Crimping Tool  Katalog Produk:BENTONIT atau BENTONITE  Katalog Produk:ALUMINUM TAPE ( 25mm x 3mm)  Katalog Produk:KONEKTOR BIMETAL ( BIMETALLIC CONNECTOR ) TYPE A  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL HANDLE CLAMP  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOULDING ( MOLDING   MOLDS)  Katalog Produk:GROUND ROD DRILLING HEAD diameter 5/ 8\" dan 3/ 4\"  Katalog Produk:GROUND ROD DRIVE HEAD diameter 5/ 8\" dan 3/ 4\"  Katalog Produk:GROUND ROD COUPLER diameter 5/ 8\" dan 3/ 4\"  Katalog Produk:FULL COPPER GROUND ROD ( PURE COPPER GROUND ROD)  Katalog Produk:NON UL   GROUNDING ROD COPPER BOND  Katalog Produk:UL   COPPER BOND GROUND ROD   DIA  5/ 8\" & 3/ 4\" ( UL CERTIFICATE)  Katalog Produk:HT 131 crimping tool  Katalog Produk:FYQ 630 Hydraulic Crimping Tool  Katalog Produk:SPLICING SLEEVE  Katalog Produk:MIDSPAN TENSION JOINT  Katalog Produk:DEAD END GUY / / PREFORMED GUY GRIP / / PREFORMED WIRE  Katalog Produk:CERAMIC LINE POST INSULATOR / line isolator / isolator tumpu / isolator tonggak  Katalog Produk:PIN POST INSULATOR  Katalog Produk:CERAMIC LIGHTNING ARRESTER 24KV  Katalog Produk:FUSE CUT OUT 24KV  Katalog Produk:ERICO CADWELD EXOTHERMIC POWDER ( cadweld erico)  Katalog Produk:EXPLOSION PROOF SURGE ARRESTOR  Katalog Produk:0   3G ANTENNA SURGE ARRESTOR  Katalog Produk:RS485 SURGE ARRESTOR/ SURGE PROTECTOR  Katalog Produk:OBLONG TEST CLAMP  Katalog Produk:COPPER RAIL ( COPPER TAPE   COPPER PLATE)  Katalog Produk:FLAT COPPER TAPE ( 25mm x 3mm)  Katalog Produk:ALUMINUM TAPE ( 40mm X 4mm) / / ALUMINUM BUSBAR ( 40mm x 4mm)  Katalog Produk:TINNED COPPER BUSBAR ( GROUND BAR )   DENGAN LUBANG  Katalog Produk:DISCONNECTING LINK   EART BAR  Katalog Produk:COPPER GROUND BAR ( COPPER BUSBAR)   DENGAN LUBANG  Katalog Produk:COPPER GROUND BAR ( COPPER BUSBAR)   TANPA LUBANG  Katalog Produk:CONCRETE GROUND ROD INSPECTION PIT  Katalog Produk:PARALLEL CABLE CLAMP ( KLEM KABEL PARALEL)  Katalog Produk:ALUMINUM LUGS  Katalog Produk:DOUBLE HOLE LUGS  Katalog Produk:COPPER BUTTER CONNECTOR  Katalog Produk:FLINT GUN ( PEMANTIK)  Katalog Produk:ALUMINUM BEAM CLAMP  Katalog Produk:MUR & BAUT STAINLESS STEEL  Katalog Produk:GROUND CLAMP FOR PARALLEL CABLE TO FLAT BAR  Katalog Produk:CABLE GRIP  Katalog Produk:C CLAMP ( BURNDY EQUIVALENT)  Katalog Produk:BROWN INSULATOR 50mm x 40 mm  Katalog Produk:HEAT SHRINK  Katalog Produk:ALUMINUM BUSBAR ( 30cm x 10cm x 1cm)  Katalog Produk:ALMUNIUM SPLITZEN ( ALUMINUM AIR ROD) , Diameter 1\" , Panjang 60 cm  Katalog Produk:ALMUNIUM SPLITZEN ( ALUMINUM AIR ROD) , Diameter 3/ 4\" , Panjang 60 cm  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CR2  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CR24  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CC1  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CC4  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CC2  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CR1  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CR25  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CR33  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CS3  Katalog Produk:KUMWELL MOLDING TYPE CB4  Katalog Produk:LSK 250 Manual Cable Cutter  Katalog Produk:LSK 125 Manual Cable Cutter  Katalog Produk:HX 50 Manual Crimping Tool  Katalog Produk:HX 16 MANUAL CRIMPING TOOL  Katalog Produk:WIRE BRUSH  Katalog Produk:BUTANE TORCH  Katalog Produk:MOULD BRUSH  Katalog Produk:INSULATOR TYPE SM 76  Katalog Produk:INSULATOR SM 25  Katalog Produk:BROWN INSULATOR 40mm x 40 mm  Katalog Produk:PANDUIT CABLE TIES ( PLT3S)  Katalog Produk:ALUMINUM BUSBAR ( 30 cm x 10 cm x 1.6 cm)  Katalog Produk:JASA PENYAMBUNGAN EXOTHERMIC ( CADWELDING)  Katalog Produk:PLATED STEEL GROUNDING CLAMP  Katalog Produk:RETRACTABLE A CLAMP  Katalog Produk:RETRACTABLE STATIC GROUNDING REEL  Katalog Produk:COPPER BOND GROUND CABLE  50 ( 50mm Persegi)  Katalog Produk:COPPER BOND GROUND CABLE 70 ( 70 mm Persegi)  Katalog Produk:COPPER BOND GROUND CABLE  35 ( 35mm Persegi)  Katalog Produk:PVC COPPER BOND GROUND CABLE 35 ( 35mm persegi)  Katalog Produk:PVC COPPER BOND GROUND CABLE 50 ( 50mm persegi)  Katalog Produk:PVC COPPER BOND GROUND CABLE 70 ( 70mm persegi)  Katalog Produk:GROUND PLATE – LATTICE COPPER  Katalog Produk:GROUND PLATE SOLID COPPER  Katalog Produk:GROUND PLATE – COPPER BOND  Katalog Produk:COPPER BOND GROUND BAR  Katalog Produk:SMALL EQUIPOTENTIAL TERMINAL BOX  Katalog Produk:LARGE EQUIPOTENTIAL TERMINAL BOX 
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LPI Guardian System 5


CAT I-G = USD 1000
CAT II-G = USD 2000
CAT III-G = USD 3000

CAT I-SS = USD 1350
CAT II-SS = USD 2300

LPI Guardian System 5

LPI offers a family of air terminals and accessories. Our product design is based on the most recent advances in the field whilst maintaining proven principles associated with the successes of the past.
LPI IS Guardian System 5 provides a purpose-designed package for direct lightning protection.
1. A Family of LPI CAT ( Controlled Advanced Triggering) series air terminals.
2. A Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic ( FRP) mast which provides an insulated mast for mounting of LPI CAT series air terminals.
3. A purpose designed LPI High Voltage Shielded Cable ( HVSC) specifically designed for the conveying of lightning energy to ground. Alternatively, depending on the local codes and applications, other materials such as flat copper tape or stranded cable may be used.
4. LPI Lightning Strike Recorder ( LSR) which confirms system efficiency and effectiveness.
5. An earthing system consisting of earth rods, clamps, copper tapes and earth enhancing compounds such as LPI Ground Resistance Improvement Powder ( GRIP) or LPI Reslo.

The LPI Guardian System 5 provides a safe and efficient system for the protection of your facility from direct lightning strikes. The LPI CAT terminal captures the lightning discharge at a preferred point and the energy is transferred to ground via the High Voltage Shielded Cable with minimal risk of electrifying the structure.
Once the energy enters the dedicated lightning earth, it is safely dissipated without risk to personnel and equipment.
LPI Guardian CAT series terminals consist of
A finial with a blunt tip
An electrically â floatingâ medium consisting of 4 electrically isolated panels
A triggering procedure which allows for an intercepting streamer to be released at the correct time, thus providing the greatest possible area of protection
A high voltage connection at the base of the finial

LPI offers 4 models within the family of CAT terminals
GI Model â For direct mounting to 2 inch GI Pipe.
Principles of the LPI Guardian
The LPI GuardianTM CAT series are Controlled Advanced Triggering devices which intercept lightning discharges for the safe passage to a low impedance down-conductor system. The GuardianTM terminals have been designed to emit a â streamerâ of ionised air at precisely the right time so that an approaching â down leaderâ is intercepted and brought under control.
The concept of controlled triggering is important because if a â streamerâ is launched too early the median or ambient field will not be strong enough to sustain propagation and the â streamerâ will stall or die. This will leave space charge behind which may inhibit future â streamerâ development. An electric field of ~ 3MV/ m is essential at the tip of the air terminal to initiate a corona streamer but an electric field of ~ 300KV/ m is needed in the region between the air terminal and the down-leader to convert the streamer into an up-leader and to sustain propagation.
The dynamic response of the Guardian terminals to the approach of a lightning down leader is the key â detrimental space charge generation prior to leader approach is suppressed and the GuardianTM launches its streamer at the correct time to ensure both electric field criteria are met thus giving the greatest possible area of protection.

How does an LPI Guardian Terminal operate
A Guardian CAT terminal consists of a grounded blunt lightning rod surrounded by electrically floating metal panels. Rounded or blunt tips have now been proven to be more efficient than sharp points because of a reduced space charge effect. This has been clearly proven in tests conducted at South Baldy Peak in central New Mexico, USA. ( Source: â The Measurement of Lightning Rod Responses to Nearby Strikesâ by C.B.
Moore, G.D. Aulich and W. Rison / 2001.)
During the static thunderstorm phase when the electric fields are steady at 5-15 KV/ m the panels present as a relatively low field intensification surface aided by the blunt configuration of the finial tip. This restricts the production of â coronaâ or â point dischargeâ ions and is critical because excessive production of ions ( corona) results in a â space charge cloudâ above the air terminal which tends to mask the electrical field and inhibit the formation and progression of an up-leader. ( See step 1) .

The panels are isolated from each other as well as from the lightning rod to allow the panel facing the down-leader to rise in voltage due to capacitive coupling with the approaching down-leader. The electric field increases as the lightning downleader approaches closer causing increased voltage difference between the facing panel and the lightning rod. Eventually the voltage rises to the point where a triggering arc is generated between the facing panel and the lightning rod. ( See step 2) .

By design and appropriate terminal placement this arc occurs at the right time to ensure the resulting streamer will form a stable progressive up-leader. ( See step 3) .

The triggering arc has two key effects, namely:
( i) It produces a large number of ions to aid the initiation of an up-leader.
( ii) It causes a large increase in the electric field at a critical distance from the air terminal, aiding propagation through this critical area. This ensures a more efficient mode of protection with an enhanced area of protection.

Following the successful interception of a lightning discharge by the Guardian terminal, the installation of LPI IS High Volatge Shielded Cable allows for the safe passage of the lightning energy to the dedicated lightning earth with reduced risk of side flashing.

LPI HVSC Down Conductor

HVSC is a high integrity low impedance cable which is particularly effective on structures containing high density human occupancy and those which contain sensitive electronic equipment, volatile liquids and other sensitive applications.
LPI also offers a range of conventional downconductors of all types such as copper tape and stranded cable, bare aluminium, galvanised steel cable and tapes or any of the above in PVC insulated form.

Benefits of HVSC
- Reduced risk of side flashing
- Selection of route to ground
- Single Earth System
- Bonding of building not required
- Most of energy contained in core
- Relatively easy to retrofit
- Reduced induction to nearby electronic equipment

Ground Resistance ImprovementPowder ( GRIP)
Ground Resistance Improvement Powder is a ground enhancing material which is applied in and around an earthing system to reduce the soil resistivity and lower ground impedance. GRIP is supplied in 10kg and 40kg kits and is particularly useful in difficult sites such as sandy soils and rocky ground. LPI recommends the installation of a radial lightning earth to aid in the efficient dissipation of the lightning energy.
Contact LPI or an authorised representative for design assistance and for further details on LPI IS complete range of earth enhancing compounds.

LPI IS Guardian CAT series terminals come in three sizes which permits the user to select a terminal which suits his particular application. See the accompanying chart for an indication of the model which best suits your requirements. For a more accurate design for your project, LPI uses a software based program which accurately takes into consideration important factors relating to your project such as thunderdays per year, height above sea level, level of protection desired / recommended ( Standard â High â Very High) , physical dimensions of your structures and materials used. Such additional care ensures that competing features ( which themselves also have the ability to create streamer development) are taken into consideration.
Unlike other lightning terminal suppliers, LPI consider the development of competing structural features as particularly critical on very tall buildings and on sites that comprise more than one major structure.
Such designs are certified by LPI and therefore offer additional security with regard to the provision of satisfactory lightning protection levels particularly in relation to the lightning activity.

Sructure height + installed CAT terminal ( typically 5m about structure) Protection level - very height Protection level - height Protection level - standard
10 38 44 54 52 60 72 69 80 88
20 46 54 66 63 73 89 74 99 109
30 52 62 75 73 84 118 77 113 120
50 75 92 102 124 128 134
80 - 150 75 92 115 124 128 134
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