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 Jual:eHelp  Jual:Voltage, Current, Power Tranducer, Multi Parameter Tranducer  Jual:Temperature and Humadity Sensor  Jual:Sensor, Tranducer and Accessories 1. Temperature Sensor 2. Temperature and Humadity Sensor 3. CO2, UV Sensor 4. Wind Speed & Direction Sensor 5. Rain Gauge 6. Power Tranducer 7. Solar Energy System Monitoring 8. Level Tranducer 9. Industrial Grade PT 100  Jual:Smart GPRS Data Logger Controller System  Jual:Smart GSM Alarm Receiver System  Jual:GSM Temperature Alarm Monitoring Solution  Jual:Smart Phone Remote Controller and Automation  Jual:GSM Intercom System and Security  Jual:Hotel Intelligent Control System  Jual:GSM Power Remote Control  Kerjasama:Certificate and Award  Jual:Environment Condition Monitoring Solution  Jual:Local Automatically Water and Oil Tank Monitoring and Control Solution  Jual:Water and Oil Tank Monitoring and Control Solution  Jual:People Counting System  Jual:Smart GSM Panic Alarm Elderly Guarder  Jual:Smart GSM GPRS Remote Snapshot IP Camera  Jual:Smart GSM Controller Telemetry Monitoring Systems  Jual:Smart SCADA GSM GPRS Telemetry Monitoring System  Jual:Smart Healthcare Management System  Jual:Smart 3G Mobile Camera  Jual:Smart GPS Tracker and Tracking Platform System With MVDR  Jual:Smart CDMA Modem Model FECS1000M  Jual:Smart Video Central Monitoring System  Jual:Smart Call Central Monitoring System  Jual:Smart School Central Monitoring System  Jual:Smart Base Station Central Monitoring System  Jual:Smart PLC Alarms SMS Controller  Jual:Smart IP based Security Integrated Software  Jual:Smart Wireless GSM Telemetry System  Jual:Smart Intelligent Power Socket  Jual:Smart Alarm and Intellegent GSM Alarm System  Jual:Smart GSM Power Switch  Kerjasama:Reseller and Partners  Jual:Remote Control, Emergency Button, Wireless PIR Motion Sensor, Wireless Curtain PIR Motion Sensor, wireless Ceiling PIR Motion Sensor, Wire PIR Motion Sensor, Wireless Door Contact Sensor, Wireless Scroll Door Contact Sensor, Wireless Vibration Sensor, Wir  Jual:Smart SMS Alarm With GPRS Management System  Jual:Smart Telemetry GSM Alarm Management System  Jual:Smart SCADA GSM Monitoring System  Jual:Smart SCADA Alarm Systems  Jual:Smart GSM Temperature Alarm Monitoring System  Jual:Smart SMS Alarm With GPS Management System  Jual:Smart GPS Tracker and Tracking Platform System  Jual:Smart Alarm GSM MONITORING Management Software  Jual:Smart Intellegent alarm DVR  Jual:Smart GSM Alarm and FWT System  Jual:Smart GSM Alarm System  Jual:Smart GSM Gate Garage Door Opener  Jual:Smart GSM GPRS DTU Data Logger System  Jual:Smart GSM RTU System  Jual:Smart GSM Controller Alarm System  Jual:Smart GSM Telemetry Systems ( Model RTU5010FECS)  Katalog Produk:Smart SMS Alarm Messenger System ( Model SMS BASIC)  Jual:Smart SMS Alarm Messenger System  Jual:Smart Environment Electrical Data Monitoring and Burglar Alarm System  Jual:Smart Temperature & Humidity SMS Alert Controller System  Jual:Smart Multipoint SMS Alert Controller System  Katalog Produk:Smart GSM Alarm Messenger SMS Electric Power Monitor System  Katalog Produk:Smart GSM Alarm Messenger System SMS Pro SX( Temperature & Humidity Sensor)  Katalog Produk:Smart GSM Alarm Messenger System SMS Pro ST ( 2 x Temperature Sensors)  Katalog Produk:Smart SMS Alarm Messenger System ( Model SMS Pro X)  Kerjasama:Proposal Kerjasama Operasi dan Perawatan System  Jual:Smart GSM POWER FACILITY ALARM SYSTEM  Katalog Produk:Smart Enterprise Resource Planning and Integration System  Katalog Produk:Smart Health Care  Katalog Produk:Sistem Informasi Management Akuntansi  Jual:Smart To Be ( Business Enterprise )  Kerjasama:Embebbed Development System  Jual:Sistem Informasi Management Asset  Jual:Smart Interactive Public System 
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Villa Mutiara Gading Blok F5/9A
Bekasi 17215, Jawa Barat

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GSM Intercom System and Security[2 Jan. 2012, 22:36:20]
HargaCall/Ready Stock
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Negara AsalIndonesia
- Visitor comes to the front gate and presses the door phone.
- GL1000 direct the call to your cell phone.

- If you decide to let the visitor in, press the keypad on your cell phone and the gate opens.

- Talk to your visitors and open the gate for them from anywhere in the world.



1. Redirect your door phone to your cell phone.

2. The system will redirect the door phone call to three authorized users. If the first authorized user is not able to pick up the call, the system calls the second authorized user, and so on.

3. Open the gate for your visitor by press a key on the cell phone keypad during your conversation.

4. You will be able to answer you door from anywhere in the world.

5. All basic GL1000 functions still remain.

- No call charges. GL1000 will hang-up on the calls from authorized numbers then carry out the turn ON/ OFF action on the first â ringâ .

- Multiple applications. ( gates, bollards, electronic door, barriers, garage doors, shutters and access doors or machines for garden water and lights, home electronics)

- Secure - Using caller ID for identification, unknown callers will be ignored or rejected.

- Can be operated from anywhere, no distance limit.

- Add or remove users by easy to use SMS Text command.

- No need to provide remote controls for different users.

- Up to 1000 authorized phone numbers can be configured.

- Two 2 DO ( Digital output) ports to control the electric switch. Two 2 DI ( Digital input) ports for door sensor, motion sensors or other sensors to protect your door and windows; when any one of alarm is triggered, GL1000 will send SMS alert message you immediately.

- The relay action will return a SMS confirmation to the owner; this function is editable by the user.

- Based on GSM Network, applied to many applications.

- Support AC or DC power adaptor to control the lock / motor...etc.

- Co-work with any type of locks and switches.

- Support to work with rechargeable battery, when there is a power failure.

- Could send 12V DC, 0.5A power for 1 second to make the general electric lock open
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