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Targus AMP09AP Wireless Remote Presenter
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai

Wireless Presenter with Multi-Directional Cursor & Mouse Buttons

The Wireless Presenter with Cursor Control is a Sophisticated
Device with Advanced Features to Help Deliver Professional

It Features Long Range Wireless Technology,
Storable USB receiver for Convenience and Portability, Mouse
Feature, Complete Slideshow Control and Laser Pointer to
Highlight Keypoints.


Wireless Presenter with Multi-Directional Cursor & Mouse Buttons !
The Wireless Presenter with Cursor Control is a Sophisticated Device with Advanced Features to Help
Deliver Professional Presentations.

Targus AMP-09AP Multimedia Laser
Presenter, Wireless Remote Presenter.

* Most of us would agree on the
usefulness of remotes when making
presentations. Particularly when they are
part of our routine tasks.

It Features Long Range Wireless Technology, Storable USB receiver for Convenience and Portability, Mouse Feature,
Complete Slideshow Control and Laser Pointer to Highlight Keypoints.

The Targus Multimedia Presentation Remote features a simplistic button layout, making it easy to give presentations.
The patent-pending KeyLockâ„¢ Technology locks non-essential buttons when not needed to help eliminate accidental
button presses. The integrated laser pointer allows the presenter to highlight important content while the backlit
buttons provide visibility in environments with low lighting. The latest RF 2.4GHz cordless technology works from up
to 50ft away, providing flexibility while presenting in large conference rooms or classrooms. The mini USB receiver
stores inside of the presenter so it' s always ready to use, while the back-up battery compartment stores an emergency
battery so users are always equipped to present. The device is immediately ready to use as it comes stocked with high-
quality AAA Energizer® MAX® batteries. The remote also features volume and cursor controls so you can listen to
music or access other programs wirelessly. Both stylish and functional, the Targus Presentation Remote is easy to
operate for seamless presentations at work or school.

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Phone : ( 021) 6882 6710 / ( 021) 7090 5889
SMS : 0816 481 5887 - 0813 87511 835
BBM : 26271aba
Email : sales@
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