Spy Camera Detector (Bug Detector) Ajoka AJ-02CD
Spy Camera Detector.
Untuk Mendeteksi CCTV Wireless Tersembunyi (hidden-cam) yang terpasang di Tempat Umum, Kamar Mandi,
Dressing Room (kamar pas), Toilet, Hotel, Asrama (Dorm), Kost dan tempat-tempat yang memerlukan PRIVASI .
Features and Specifications
• Use for detecting spy camera or bug detecting
• To keep confidential while business negotiations and concluding contract .
• To check whether there are wireless pinhole camera in : Rastaurant, Hotel, Public Toilet, Swimming Pool, Dressing
Room, Dormatory, etc .
• To prevent being spy in entertainment location or while dating .
• To keep confidential in military facilities or government agency
• To prevent being spy in company, factory, cinema or art gallery, and protect personal privacy in private location
• Wide-range: include 900, 1200, 1300MHz and 2.4GHz
• Receiving sensitivity: 500MHz ~ 3GHz
• Coverage range: 3 meter (radius)
• Signal O/P: red light LED flash
Untuk FITUR dan SPESIFIKASI Lengkap, Copy - Paste URL di bawah ini ke browser anda :
http://www.etalasebelanja.com/SpyGadgets-items/Spy-Cam-Detector-AJ-02CD.h tml
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Email : sales@etalasebelanja.com
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