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Delta Trade and Supply

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Delta Trade and Supply
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Ajay Das [Pembelian]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Ajay Das di Safat
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Tn. Ajay Das di Safat
Alamat:25418, Administration Building, Safat – Kuwait
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:24 Jan. 2010
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Layanan Bisnis

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à ¿ Delta Trading Services is a young and dynamic firm in Kuwait. Our major business activity includes local trading and supporting customers in International Trade facilitation.

à ¿ Kuwait being a large consumer market and heavily dependent of imports, we are proud to have wide knowledge in the trading of varied kind of products. As an International Trade facilitating firm, we make use of our contacts in trading community viz. Importers/ Exporters and Freight agents in different countries, to advice them of reliable suppliers, best prices of products and freight, and opportunities in new markets.

à ¿ We arrange and negotiate everything between interested Suppliers and our Importer Contacts. Our Importer Contacts are spread in geographical locations of China, Kazakhstan, East African Countries and West African Countries. We also have sister concerns in UK, Russia, India, China, and Argentina to support each others and to overcome geographical barriers of trade. In most cases, we let our Buyer contacts to communicate directly with Suppliers, who we have finalized,
so that transactions can be done directly avoiding any kind of delays and costs.

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