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Tn. Timan Haditio [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum]

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JAKARTA -> Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Jl. Jababeka IV D Blok V 82 P. Cikarang, Bekasi 17530. SURABAYA ->Perum Gunungsari Indah Blok K-3, Surabaya 60223 . BATAM -> Komplek Pertokoan Seruni, Jl. Laksamana Bintan Blok C12 B, Sei Panas. Batam 2943


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Sticky rollers
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Negara AsalKorea Selatan


The roller is made with glue-coated polythene; it is easy to replace by locating the perforated edge and just tearing it off. Handle is optional. The roller is sticky enough to remove surface particles from work benches, carpets, furniture, clothes etc. Size: 180mm x 20 meters. Color: white

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