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Tn. Ivan Gunawan [Pemasaran]

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Sumitomo Rubber Fender-Pi Type
Jumlah Pesanan:
Negara AsalJepang


Sumitomo Rubber Fender is the only Japanese Rubber Marine Fender manufacturer with PIANC 2002 Compliance Design, who own' s 100 % of their manufacturing and test facility for its world wide operation in Kobe, Japan.

Our wide range selection of Fenders includes: V Type ( HA& LMD) , BETA Type, HOM / Cone Type, UPi Type, PPi Type, Hollow Cylindrical Type, Corner Fender and Rubber Ladder.

With the progress of rationalization and modernization in marine transportation. the more effective and safe ship berthing has become the important requirement. For the recent ships which are generally designed to lighten their weight for their sizes, it would be insufficient only to employ the larger size in conventional type of fender.

Pi-Type Fender has been developed to meet the latest requirements as mentioned above, particularly for the wharves for the large ship more than 30, 000DWT.

With the progress of rationalization and modernization in marine transportation, the more effective and safe ship berthing has become the important requirement. The large ship more than 30, 000 dwt, bulk carrier and the ship with ship' s belt, like ferry boat or Ro-Ro ship, need the rubbing board which is fixed with the frame bolts on the rubber buffers. For this kind of use, pi-type fender was developed in 1970 and has been improved. Pi-type Fender accepts the berthing ship with its wide rubbing board to permit the ship to make sate berthing at the lower face pressure.

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