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  • Jual

    Fresh Artichoke

    Fresh Artichoke

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Negara Asal:
    We are Alshams for general import and export .

    We have the pleasure to present our fresh artichoke with the following specifications :

    - Origin : Egypt .
    - Fresh green artichoke

    - Varities : French and Baladi ( Domestic )

    - Sizes :

    Baladi : 220 : 270 gm

    French : 120 : 250 gm

    - Packing :

    Carton that has 10 : 12 pices

    Pastic box that has 30 pices

    We can supply any quantity .

    If you are interested just contac me.

    Best regards

    Shimaa Mady


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