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    Ber Test Sunlite E1

    20 Jan. 2012, 21:29:21

    Ber Test Sunlite E1
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    * | | MEDIA TEKNOLOGI | | *
    Ber test Sunlite E1 Tester / Sunlite E1 Tester bergaransi Resmi SUNRISE Telecom 1 TAHUN.

    Sunlite E1 2.048Mbps E1 testing :

    Weighing a mere 0.3 kg, the SunLite E1 is the world' s smallest full-featured handheld 2.048 Mbps transmission test set. The SunLite E1 simplifies 2.048 Mbps E1 testing while providing more diagnostic power than is available in many larger portable test sets. The SunLite E1 can be utilized at an exchange, multiplexer, regenerating repeater, or 2.048 Mbps terminal.
    The SunLite E1 offers such capabilities as

    * 2.048 Mbps transmit and receive, external clock
    * E1 bit error rate testing
    * Level and frequency measurements
    * + 6 to -43 dB receiver input sensitivity
    * Terminated, protected monitor, high impedance modes
    * Drop and insert capability ( M or Nx64, X64k)
    * VF monitoring and analysis
    * Programmable Send Frame Words
    * CAS signaling
    * G.821, G.826, and M.2100 analysis
    * Histogram analysis
    * Propagation Delay measurement.

    NB :
    Installation and Maintenance testing of 2Mbps E1 links is also provided by the -27 ( dash27) slide-in module for the SunSet MTT Modular Test Toolkit and the SunSet E20c.

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    Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan [Karyawan]
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    Jakarta - Selatan 12270, Jakarta
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    Y!: reikhansyah_gps99 

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